Enchanting love - Chapter 3 - Romance_bloom (2024)

Chapter Text

I entered the ballroom after I gathered all my confidence. Since Amber's wedding, I have never gone to any social celebration. I prefered the company of my books, animals, and Vivian. As it is tradition, the first ball of the season must be hosted by the royal family, and all I can say is that King Garrik's Palace Is massive, full of light colors, and it reveals how they are affected by their northern costums. They say there are only two season in Northberg: winter and summer. However, the winter is the longest between them. Unlike the other seasons, this one will be the shortest for soon the summer is going to end. A season of two months instead of three. A season of summer instead of spring.

The place is already crowded. The music rythms is slow, and I can see that some ladies has already captivated some men. There are new faces here. Faces I have never seen before. I look to my right and saw Princess Hildegard talking with Prince Zandar. Last year, I thought she will be the first to marry among us, therefore, she neglected every gentlemen who got near her, so she ended up unmarried. I still remember the way she looked at Zandar when we were children. I think her feelings are still there. He was not with us last season, so she was waiting for him to come.

" Look it is Prince Albert." The women murmured, and I looked at the man they were gazing at. In front of me, I can see a handsome prince. His face. His height. His clothes. Everthing about him is elegant. I did not imagine that someone can be this perfect or if there was a term better than perfect I will use it on him. I observed him from head to toe. Prince Albert, what a magnificent name.Wait, Prince Albert?His name rings a bell! Where did I hear it before?Amber! Amber mentioned him in her letter. He is the heir of Thornvale. I can admit, she has a remarkble taste in men, and her husband is a good example.

" Do you know him?" I asked James while my eyes are fixed on Albert.

" Who?" He said with a questioning look.

" Prince Albert."

" Don't tell me you are interested him."

" What if I am?"

James looked at me as if I said the most bizarre thing he has ever heard. He does not understand the role of a chaperone, obviously. " James, seriously. I am not here for fun. I am looking for a husband -for love- I am here for this. That's why you are by my side, so such question should be normal for you."

" Fine. He is a prince of Thornvale, the heir, actually. And h--"

" James!" I shouted. Sometimes his lack of presence of mind damages my nerves. " I already know this. What I want is for him to speak with me!" I made my intensions clear, but I am more concerned about the way he is going to do this.

" Take my hand, then." I took his hand, and I was fool not to ask him about the reason. He shoved me. Then, I realised we are moving toward Albert. He can not be serious! Before I had the chance to react, we were standing now in front of Albert.

” Hello, Albert, it’s been a long time.” Said James.

It’s been a long time? Do they know each other?

“ James! What are you doing here? I thought you dislike parties?”

“ As you can see, I am not alone. This is my sister, Princess Sofia.”

” Princess, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He has such a deep voice. and the way he said my name makes me melt. He kissed the back of my hand. A gallant man. It is the only word I can remember in vocabulary to describe him.

" The pleasure is all mine, your highness." I can not believe I am still composed after this.

" Sofia, you said earlier that you wanted a lemonade. I am going to bring it. Wait for me." I nodded and he winked before he left. I am with Prince Albert. Alone! This was his plan all along.

" Tell me, princess, is there any particular thing you prefer to do rather than being in this party?" Please not this. One of the major mistakes that men do while they are trying to impress a lady is asking her about everything. They want to know every little detail of your life. You feel it is more like an investigation instead of courting.

" Do you mean in general or just right now?"

" In general." It is an indirect way to ask me about my hobbies.

" I love reading. I can spend all my day turning pages. When you read books, you imagine you are in their world." He looked at me with a look that I can not comprehend. Is it a mocking one? It is not my fault I talk about my book as if I am speaking about my lover, but I am sure that books are better companions than some people.

" Not the good one." He whispered.

" I beg your pardon? What is not good?"

" I am sorry, Princess, I don't want you to spend your time struggling to seek my attention. I want a woman who will care about me and only me. She will be a queen. She will be the mother of my children. The way you talk about your books shows how much you are affected by them. You are too educated for my taste."

Did he really say this in our first conversation! Rude!All I want is to leave him, but I will not do so without giving him a good lesson.

" First of all, before you reach any conclusion, I did not ask you to marry me. It is not my problem you are close minded and rude. You have all this expectations. With this attitude, I promise you no woman will ever marry you. And I hope you find no one because no girl deserves to be with an arrogant monster such as you." I said these words or sentences without even thinking. How dare he say such things!

I went to the refreshment table to have a lemonade after my fight with Albert. He hides an ugly personality behind this beautiful face. I am in my second season. I have acted with the best manners to gain people's admiration, but even with that I am still unmarried. I took a big gulp of the lemonade. I did not stop until the sour liquid choke me. Sometimes my anger is unruly. Especially when some rude men with a high title tries to minimize me.

I put the lemonde glass on the table. I take a look at every one around me. All people seems content. All princesses and ladies are acting innocently while they are fabricing the most wicked plans in their heads. All princes and lords are here to make a poor woman fall into their nonsense. Each one of them is trying to deceive the other. Maybe the love I am looking for after all can not be found in this ballroom.

I took a deep breath. I need to leave. I was leaving but the moment my body collided with a strong chest. I was going to fall down as if I did not have enough embarrassment for tonight, but this stranger grabbed me with his strong hands. I stood up mesmerised by his strength, and when I looked at him, I knew this was the wrong man to have this scene with. It is Prince Axel! Maybe because the fact that he is betrothed, and his future wife might be near here.

" Sofia, I hope you are not hurt?" He asked me with a concerned voice. I thought Axel was already done with these flirt games. Last year, he was behind every girl. With his sweet tongue, he made half of the girls there fall for him. At the end, he proposed to Elodie. She must have made a spell to make a man like him get attached to her.

" I am pretty good, Thank you." I tried to ignore him, but before I run he took my arm.

" Sofia, I have not seen you in years! This is not a way to treat a friend. Why the rush?" Is he playing with me now? You annoyed me for the whole season last year.

" We encountred each other in every ball last year. I hope nothing is going on with your memory."

" Yes, right, you know all this responsabilities are making me a forgetter." Now he will brag about him being the heir. I pity Northberg because it will have a king like him. Even though it is hereditary, he is just like his father. King Garrik best talent is showing off all the time.

" Why are you not asking me about Hugo?"

" Why should I?"

" It is just that he--"

" Love, I have been looking for you everywhere…Who is she?" Welcome the one and only Elodie Bourjois. She is annoying just like Axel. Acting like she does not know me, you were a guest in our kingdom just a year before.

" I am Princess Sofia of Enchancia."

" Princess Sofia? The only princess of Enchancia that I remember is Princess Amber."

" She is her step sister, Love." Said Axel. and from the way he said it. I can see he wants her to shut her mouth.

" Oh, I know her, she is the shoemaker's daughter." Axel was gazing at her with wide eyes. I have never cared about my origin or my past. I am proud I was just a commoner. But I have been a princess for 11 years now, and my mom has been a queen the exact duration. I have been a princess more than I had been a normal girl.

" Yes, but she is married to King Roland, and she is a queen now. It’s better for you to think twice before you talk, Elodie." I said. This night is so long. The party is not over yet?

" Whatever." She mocked me as if we were joking." Their majesties are looking for you, Love, you should not make them wait so long." They left quickly without looking behind them.

I thought last season was bad, but this one has gotten the prize of being my worst season so far. The first night, and I have already make two persons my enemies. A prince, and the future queen of Northberg.

I have always admired music. Now, sitting in a chair near the balcony while I am listening to this melodical piece of orchestra. It was better than socialising with fake persons. I am in the first floor. I can see everything from here. Prince Albert is talking with some ladies that I could not recognise. Axel and Elodie are dancing. Not far away, I can see Vivian standing near a wall trying to be unoticed. She is gorgeous tongiht, wearing a beautiful baby blue silk gown with white gloves and a majestic tiara. Her attempt of being invisible has ended badly because I can see 3 gentlemen going her way. I can understand them she is breath taking tonight. A man is idiot if he did not notice her.

She looked at them, and she realised they are coming to her. I can see her shaking from here.God! Vivian don't do it now! She will make a fool of herself. I run as fast as I could to her. and when I arrived she was trembling.

" Eh, my Lords, I am... My name is Vivian. Princess Vivian." She used her name at first as if she is talking with a friend. Not men that are trying to get close to her.

" We are enchanted to meet you. I am Lord Alfred of Thornvale."

" I am Lord Adar of Tangu."

" I am Mister Stuart. unlike them I am a knight, Princess." She did not say a word. As if the cat ate her tongue.

" Tell us, Princess, Did you like the music tonight? Are you interested in it?"

" Um, yes,I like it so much. I am...Iam so interested in music. I play music all the time, especially the mandolin, but of course it does not mean that other instruments are not good. Everything about music is beautiul, is it not?" She did not take a breath between her words because of the stress, and I thought that I helped her surpass the fear of talking to people all these years. Perhaps, the only people she are not afraid to talk to are our friends at Royal prep.

She looked behind the men and saw me. As if I am her savior, she gave me a look that indicates that she needs help, but she did not wait for my rescue at all." Excuse me, my Lords, my friend is waiting for me." She went to me so fast and took my hand." Let's leave this place. I can not handle any other discussion.

" Neither do I. But why can't you speak like a normal person?”

" There is no reason for that, Sofia. I do not like all of this. I want to be in my room with Crackle, right now!"

" I will tell the coachman to prepare the carriage."

" No," She hissed." Go with me! My mom got a severe headache, and my dad went back to Zumaria because he has an important meeting to attend. I came alone."

" What is going on, Vivian? I feel you want to tell me something?"

She stayed silent for seconds then she forced a smile." I am completely fine, Sofia. Can we go now?"

" Yes, we can."

I motioned to James that I am about to leave. He saw Vivian, so he nodded to me. On the road, both of us were silent. Vivian could not even look at me. I believe there is something bothering her. She was squeezing her gown so hard. I thought She will shred the silk.

The carriage stopped in front of our castle. I descended then I clear my throat." Vivian, tomorrow I would like you to have tea and cake with me in the garden. You liked the view there yesterday."

" I shall consider your invitation. Thank you, Sofia."

" Goodbye."

Dear Amber,

I am aware that it is early to send a letter, however, there are some events you must be informed about.

First thing first, I have really considered your choices. I met Prince Albert. He may be a good looking man from the outside, but inside he is far away from being a gentleman. I can not share so much details about our encounter in this letter. Perhaps, one day when I see you in person, I may tell you everything...

The party was a little bit tedious. I literally spent two hours sitting near the balcony listening to music instead of socialising with the others. I really wondered how can I survive a seasons without you? And now I know the answer: I CAN NOT!

The same balls. With the same people. The same motive. How far can I go with it?

I hope you understand the feelings that I expressed here.

And next time you offer a gentleman, please let him be less insulting!

Your favorite sister,


I was reading the letter that I wrote for Amber the moment I set foot in the castle. I could not wait for more balls to tell her about everything. If she is not with me, I am ready to send her hundred letters. Talking with her was the only way to find relief. Even though her pregnancy has made her softer, but she still has a solution for my problem.

The next morning...

I slipped away after breakfast to have a little walk in the woods. Smelling fresh air and blooming flowers. Hearing the whistles of birds. I still remember how me and my mother used to have a picnic every sunday before she married the king. We had the best mother-daughter time. Now I am just promenading like a normal person without a supervisor. A virtue I was not blessed with since a long time. I can not even recall the last time I walked in the woods alone.

I went back to my bedroom to find Violet there already. She was holding some gowns, preparing me for the new day.

" I will pick the blue one."

" Of course, your Higness."

I got dressed. I always like blue on me. It is an angelic color. The footman Knocked the door to announce the arrivale of Vivian. She really came . After her fluctuating mood last night, I thought she will stay in her room all the journey, but she can not decline an invitation from her dearest friend. Especially when there is pastries.

" Violet, tell our cook to prepare tea and cakes for us." She nodded and left.

I went to the garden, and I found Vivian staring at a specific window. Jame's bedroom window! Why should I be surprside she is doing so? She was so good at hiding her sentiments while we were at Royal prep, but she completely lost herself after that. However, she is neglected by him, treating her only as a friend. Nothing more. I remember one day he told me that he is aware of the way she looked at him, yet he does not want to break her heart. He said she will forget him when she starts her season. Nevertheless, I can see that his expectations were not in their place.

She is falling for him more and more. And this feeling are making her failure in the society so obvious. She can not even make a normal conversatione with a man. I am afraid her love might make her drown in the deepest ocean. James is my brother, but Vivian was my sister, friend, and companion, so seeing her in this situation oblige me to feel nothing but sorrow for her.

" Good morning, Vivian, it is a beautiful day, is it not?"

" The beauty of your day is related with how you feel. Don't you think that is right?" Sometimes she talks just like an old woman on the verge of death.

" Can you tell me what happened last night? You seemed absent all the evening."

" Do you really wish to know what happened?"

" Of course I do!"

" Fine. Nothing at all. And I am quite serious. It is just the Vivian that you know Shy, embarassed, and in need of a personality." She said this with an angry voice. I have never heard her using such tone.

" Do not say this. You were friendly in the past. This person right now is not you."

" I am the same person in the past, in the present, and I can assure you I will be like this even in the future."

" Vivian... I--"

" Tea, Princesses." The servant interrupted me before I could finish what I was going to say. I hate see her bullying herself. Something happened in the ball last night and I must know. The tea was served and she took a sip of her cup. " Did you get an invitation from The Everlys?" She changed the subject quickly. I will let this pass for now." Yes, Violet told me they send a card this morning. And what got my attention is that the duke demanded that everyone shall wear only black!"

" Yes, I am glad I got a black gown in my collection. Mother told me Duke Everly is known for his dark spirit."

" More like a funeral than a party, I suppose."

" Yes, I agree on that one. This morning, I passed near the Royal Palace, and I have seen a royal carriage. I had a feeling they got a visitor!"

" Who will visit them?"

" It could be Edward, the king's brother?"

" He passed away five months ago!"

" You are right. What if it is Hugo?"

" No, you know that is impossible. He said he will not show up at least a decade. It is been only 6 years. He did not even come to his brother's engagement party, nor to his uncle’s funeral! Why would he come back now? "

" Perhaps, he changed his mind. Who knows?"

Who knows? No one knows. I have not met him since we finished our royal education. We did not share any letters. I still remember how he was my partner in ice dancing. Every time I remember that day I start blushing. Dih he really come back?

" Sofia, hello, I was talking with you. Did you hear what I said?"

" Oh... Yes, keep going."

I think this is just my imagination. Hugo. Is. Not. In. Northberg.

Enchanting love - Chapter 3 - Romance_bloom (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.