Escaped From Tarkov - Chapter 12 - MiyukiEverlight (2024)

Chapter Text

As Taylor reads through the last portion of the system text, a sharp headache begins to build behind her eyes. She grimaces, trying to focus, but the pain only intensifies, making it harder to keep her attention on the floating boxes. By the time she finishes reading and the message closes, the sharp headache fades into a dull throb, but the discomfort lingers.

The system message closes, revealing a home screen with various tabs. Among them, the "PMC Deployment" and "Hideout Management" tabs each have a small notification bubble next to them, indicating some sort of update. Taylor closes the interface; the screen fades away, and she opts to try and process the slew of information flooding her mind. Her eyes flick over to Evelyn, the woman who seems to command this group.

"Are you related to the System and the 'PMC Deployment' tab I read about?" she asks, her voice still hoarse.

Evelyn steps closer, her steely blue eyes focused on Taylor. "Yes, in a way," Evelyn replies. "We're here because of you. The System deployed us to protect and serve you. Our mission is to ensure your safety and assist you in any way necessary."

Taylor still looks confused. "But what exactly is this System?" she presses.

Evelyn's expression softens slightly. "The System is a unique interface that offers resources and support. Think of it as a command center that helps you manage your operations, deploy personnel like us, and maintain your hideout. It's designed to give you the tools and support you need to navigate through the many challenges you'll face in your task of combating the threat of the hostile forces and stabilize the region."

Taylor glances at the rest of the women in the room, all clearly equipped and ready for combat. "So, all of you are deployed through this System?"

Evelyn nods affirmatively. "That's correct. We've been trained for high-risk operations and are here solely for your protection. Whatever happens next, we'll always be by your side and no one else's. You are our purpose for existing here and your best interests are our best interests."

Evelyn's expression softens further as she leans closer to Taylor. "I know this is a lot to take in, but the 'PMC Deployment' tab should help answer most of your questions. It's where you can view the starter package the System provided. It'll bring you up to speed a bit more."

Taylor hesitates for a moment, then decides to follow Evelyn's suggestion. She reopens the interface, guided by an instinctive understanding of how to navigate it. Within moments, she finds the "PMC Deployment" tab, the small notification bubble indicating some sort of update waiting to be viewed. The faint throb in her head remains as she tries to focus on the task at hand.

The home screen disappears, replaced by the content of the "PMC Deployment" tab. The layout is intuitive, displaying a list of available options and information at her fingertips. Taylor's eyes skim over the details, her curiosity slowly overriding her confusion.

As she reads through the information presented, she notices the highlighted section labeled "Start Package." There's an option to inspect it for more details.

Taylor hesitates before finally pressing the inspect button. The interface reveals a detailed dossier:

Name: Anastasia

Age: 37

Military Service: Military Service: 19 years

System Role: Bodyguard/Advisor

Combat Rating: Brute 5, Mover 1, Thinker 4, Striker 3, Conditional Blaster


Anastasia stands 5'7" with long, flowing white hair and icy blue eyes that seem to see right through you. She possesses gentle facial features that contrast sharply with her combat-ready attire. She wears a grey turtleneck sweater, clean blue jeans, and combat boots that speak of practicality. A pistol holster sits under her left arm, adding to her formidable presence.

Her olive military hooded jacket bears the embroidered letters 'USEC,' highlighting her affiliation. Black fingerless gloves cover her hands, giving her an air of readiness. A grey half-face mask rests comfortably under her chin, ready to be pulled up when needed.

Along with the following supplies:

• 1 Ammunition Case (5.56x45mm M855 x 2940)

• 1 Ammunition Case (5.56x45mm M855 x 1470, 9x19mm FMJ M882 x 1470)

• 2x Colt M4A1 SAI Rifles 30-Round Magazine.

• 2x Beretta M9A3 Pistols 17-Round Magazine.

• 1x Magazine Case (x21 30-Round Gen 3 STANAG Magazines, x7 17-Round M9A3 Magazines)

• 1x Grenade Case (Mixed Grenades)

• 2x ER Fulcrum Bayonet

Taylor presses the deploy button. In an instant, the air seems to shimmer, and Anastasia materializes beside the bed. Around her, the various cases and weapons also appear, neatly arranged as if by some unseen hand.

Anastasia's icy blue eyes meet Taylor's, and for a brief moment, Taylor thinks she spots an emotion there she can't quite identify—something dark and unsettling that sends a shudder down her spine. But just as quickly as it appears, it vanishes. Anastasia's expression softens into a gentle smile.

"Hello," she says softly, her voice calm and soothing. "My name is Anastasia. I'm here to assist and protect you in any capacity I am able to."

"I will always remain by your side as your bodyguard," Anastasia says softly, her icy blue eyes focused intently on Taylor. "The weapons you see here are meant specifically for both you and myself to use. We must be prepared for any situation that may arise, therefore we will help to train you in their usage and maintenance so you're able to protect yourself with them, which should help build your confidence and give you a sense of safety on top of what we will provide."

Anastasia moves gracefully, taking a seat on the bed next to Taylor. "I will also serve as your go-between for communicating with the various Traders. While you're still setting up and ensuring the hideout is secure, I'll handle receiving and handing in Missions on your behalf. This will limit trading until we can get the hideout up and running."

She leans forward slightly, making her presence feel even closer, more protective with that unknown emotion flickering through her eyes briefly. "Setting up the hideout is an important decision and it shouldn't be rushed. Once it's established, you'll be able to interact with the Traders directly and have access to more resources."

Anastasia's expression remains calm and reassuring, her voice carrying a soothing tone as she continues explaining the intricacies of their arrangement. "Our priority now is ensuring your safety and understanding how to utilize the tools and support available through the System. As your immediate protector, I will help guide you through these initial steps."

The various cases and weapons beside them serve as a constant reminder of the seriousness of their situation. Anastasia's presence is formidable yet comforting, emphasizing the gravity of their mission while providing an odd sense of security that Taylor can rely on for someone she's just met.

Throughout her explanation, Anastasia exudes confidence and unwavering dedication to her role.

Taylor feels a slight flush rising to her cheeks as Anastasia leans even closer, sitting on the bed next to her. The woman's close proximity is both intimidating and strangely comforting, prompting Taylor to edge back slightly on the bed to regain a bit of personal space.

Taylor stammers out a reply, "What do you mean by traders and missions? I've never touched a gun before, and isn't using one illegal? Plus, I don't have the fitness like all of you do, I'm just an awkward teen girl."

Anastasia's smile remains serene and reassuring as she listens to Taylor's concerns. "Traders are entities within the system that deal in various goods and services. They can provide us with whatever resources we might need in exchange for completing missions or trading items we possess," she begins, her voice calm and gentle. "Missions are tasks assigned to you that come with specific objectives and rewards. They can range from simple fetch tasks to more complex operations."

The bodyguard's eyes meet Taylor's with a confident sparkle. "As for handling firearms and your fitness, you're in good hands. We've all undergone rigorous training and have years of experience between us in various areas. We'll help you become fitter and more adept in the usage of firearms. There's nothing to worry about."

Anastasia deliberately ignores the legality concern, considering that they've never really bothered being concerned with it before in the first place she doesn't plan to start now. She places a comforting hand on Taylor's arm, emphasizing her point without pressing too much.

"You have the support of this entire team. We're here to guide and protect you every step of the way," Anastasia assures. Taylor nods uncertainly as she processes Anastasia's words. She asks in a soft, raspy voice, "What now? What happened at the school where I was locked in? Where are we now? And... what about my dad? How did you get me here and get the medicine to treat me?"

Anastasia's expression remains calm and gentle as she gestures to Evelyn, indicating that she should take over the explanation.

Evelyn steps forward, her presence exuding authority. "We received an alert through the System that indicated you were in immediate danger. After being deployed, we found you locked in a locker at the school, in deplorable condition. We broke into the building and extracted you as quickly and quietly as we could, to avoid attracting any unwanted attention, but there was damage to your locker and we didn't have any time to remove evidence of our presence with all the filth that was left behind."

She pauses for a moment to let the gravity of the situation sink in. "Once we had you out, we realized you needed medical attention urgently. We raided a nearby clinic to gather the necessary supplies to stabilize and treat your injuries. There was one casualty, a guard of the clinic that we had to remove to be able enter the building and get the necessary supplies to treat you."

Evelyn continues, her voice steady and reassuring. "As for where we are now, we're in an old, abandoned apartment building near the docks. It's not much, but it's secure enough for now. We'll continue to fortify it and make it a suitable shelter until we can figure out our next steps."

"Regarding your father," Evelyn adds softly, "we don't have any information on his current situation. Our primary focus has been ensuring your immediate safety." Taylor's eyes widen with shock and horror at Evelyn's words. Her breathing becomes increasingly rapid, and she shakes her head in disbelief. "How could you do that?" she asks, her voice rising in pitch. "He was just an innocent man doing his job! How can you justify killing someone like that?!"

Evelyn takes a firm stance, meeting Taylor's distressed gaze with unwavering determination. "It was a necessary action," she states coldly. "Other people are insignificant in comparison to you. Difficult decisions have to be made, and in that moment, it was either the guard or you who would live. We had no choice; we needed those supplies to save your life."

Her tone remains resolute, though there is a hint of empathy beneath the icy exterior. "We have your best interests in mind, Taylor," Evelyn continues. "Even if that means making choices that you might not agree with or that may upset you. The fact is, we'd rather you be alive and upset than dead and content."

She pauses for a moment, letting her words sink in as she glances briefly between Bree and Anastasia for their silent support. Evelyn then crouches beside Taylor, her voice softening but maintaining a firm edge. "We did what had to be done. It wasn't an easy decision, but it was the right one. You are and always will be our priority."

Taylor's agitation and guilt do not go unnoticed by Evelyn, but she holds her ground, emphasizing the necessity of their actions. "Understand this—we will go to any lengths to protect you and ensure your survival. Sacrifices are sometimes inevitable, whether they be strangers, enemies or even our own lives."

Taylor's voice wavers with a mixture of anger and despair. "There had to have been another option! You didn't have to kill him!"

Bree steps forward, her eyes locking onto Taylor's with a mix of sympathy and firm resolve. "Taylor, I understand how you feel," she begins, kneeling down beside the bed to be at eye level. "But I'm telling you as someone who has spent years on the field as a medic, there was no other option."

She takes a deep breath, her gentle silver eyes holding a deep well of understanding and experience. "Sometimes, in life-and-death situations, you have to make choices that aren't clear-cut," she continues. "The world isn't always cut and dry, black and white, or easy to navigate." Bree's voice remains calm yet unwavering. "When someone's life is on the line, like yours was, difficult decisions have to be made that take into account the reality of the situation."

Bree's expression softens, trying to reach through Taylor's distress. "You can't always be on the outside looking in thinking you know best when you aren't involved in the situation itself or have experience in such things," she explains. "In those moments, we do everything in our power to save a life, even if it means making choices that are hard to accept, because ultimately it is about survival."

Evelyn gives a slight nod of approval as Bree finishes speaking, maintaining her firm stance by the door. "We did what we had to do," Evelyn reiterates, her voice unwavering. It's clear they all believe in the necessity of their actions, regardless of how harsh it might seem to Taylor.

"We're here to ensure your survival and safety, Taylor," Bree adds softly. "And sometimes that means making choices that weigh heavily on some people like yourself."

Escaped From Tarkov - Chapter 12 - MiyukiEverlight (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.