FX Broker Basics: What You Need to Know For 2022 (2024)

It’s not an easy task to get into trading on the foreign exchange market. The volatile market is huge and the trading competition feels cutthroat, which means that you have to be the best if you want to make it. It’s a fact that you’ll have to be a trader for a long time before you are able to earn from it full time. But that’s not a reason to give up if you really want to trade in currencies.

What Makes Forex Trading Tricky?

The forex market is the most liquid market in the world, which means it experiences a steady upswing of trading activity around the clock, so it's distinct from other platforms like the stock, bond, and commodity markets.

As mentioned above, the saturated and competitive market makes forex trading harder to penetrate as there are thousands of players across the world who are ready to trade in currencies. Moreover, there are big banks and hedge funds that are spending big dollars on trading too.

That’s because businesses and companies around the world need to be hedged for currency risk. In this regard, anything may happen in the forex market, making it one of the most eruptive in the world of trading.

Then there are the market makers. These are the banks and financial institutions that trade for their own accounts, or for a client or customers' account. These market makers are responsible for the “bid and offer” prices, offering the highest bid and lowest ask price.

With established market makers dominating the market, they are able to influence the landscape, which is why it's so unpredictable. This aspect makes the forex market more challenging to trade, especially for beginner traders.

Just like any skill though, aspiring forex traders can get started in the right direction with time, effort, and plenty of research every step of the way.

For Starters, What Exactly is Currency Trading?

Currency trading is a process that involves the buying, selling, and trading of currencies, which are also called foreign exchange (forex). For example, stocks are traded on the stock market, which is a centralized exchange where stocks are bought and sold.

But what about currencies? There isn't a single exchange that is specifically for currencies. When you buy or sell currencies, you do it on any of the foreign exchange markets, which is decentralized.

The advantage of trading in the forex market is that it is open 24 hours a day, five days a week. Over the period of time, the forex market has become the most liquid in the world, making it a perfect platform for currencies to be bought, sold, and traded.

In essence, currency trading is the exchange of one currency for another with the goal of making a profit. Currency trading is a relatively simple concept, but it can be easy to become lost in the intricacies of currency pricing and trading.

For instance, the terms such as “pip,” “lot,” “spread,” “stop-loss,” and so on can be confusing for new, Forex traders. What is a pip? This is the smallest increment of a currency's price movement. Think of it as the smallest price movement. You’ll often hear traders refer to the price of currency pairs in terms of pricing in pips. If a currency pair is trading at 0.5668, this is the price in pips.

What is a lot? This is a measurement of the value of currency lots being traded. A lot refers to the number of units being traded. For a standard currency pair, a lot represents 100,000 units. For example, if you buy 1.5 lots of the EUR/USD pair, this means that you are buying €1.5 million worth of a single euro and selling the same amount of the dollar

What is the spread? The spread is the profit margin that is being made by the market maker. It is the difference between the buying and selling prices offered by the market maker.

What is a stop-loss? This is an automatic order placed by the forex trader to close a trade when the market moves against them. It is an order to sell or buy a currency when a predetermined price is reached. This is also called a stop order.

There are many other terms that are used in trading currency pairs, such as a pipette, spread, and more. For new traders, it may be challenging to understand all the terms and understand how they are used, but with time and resources, you can learn them.

Strategies to Explore for Trading in the Forex Market

You'll never know what the market is doing. That's why you need a trading strategy that works for you, your goals, and the current market. There are many strategies that you can use to trade currencies, such as the following:

Position Trading

Position trading is a simple strategy that FX traders can use to trade currencies in the forex market. With this strategy, you're entering a trade with the intention to hold it for a longer time, usually between months to years.

The main idea of position trading is to find opportunities that offer long-term growth potential. Since it can be difficult to predict how a currency pair might be priced at a later date, position trading demands a deeper understanding of the global economy.

Position trading is a technical strategy that involves using charts to determine the direction of the currency pair. Then you enter the market with a predetermined plan. In other words, you enter a trade based on certain technical signals.

The goal of position trading is to capture the trends in the price of the currency pair.

Swing Trading

Swing trading is a strategy that FX traders can implement to trade currencies. With this strategy, you enter a trade with a predetermined time frame, usually two to three days.

The main idea of swing trading is to stay in the market long enough to capture the fluctuations in the price of a currency pair. For instance, if you buy a currency and it increases in value, you'll hold it until the price begins to drop. Then you sell it and repeat the process.

The goal of swing trading is to catch the small and the large price changes of a currency pair. But remember, it is possible to lose money even if you follow the strategy. With that in mind, the trader that does swing trading needs to have an expert take on technical analysis.

Day Trading

Day trading is a strategy that FX traders can use to trade currencies in the forex market. With this strategy, you're going to be in and out of the market in a day or less.

The main idea of day trading is to find opportune moments to get into the market and get out of it. The goal of day trading is to capture the short-term fluctuations in the price of a currency pair.

In that sense, day trading is to take advantage of volatility and the relatively larger intraday price movements. You enter a trade and exit in the same day. For example, if you buy EUR/USD at 1.1290, you wait until the market gains 0.01, then you sell it.

If you decide to hold your trade until the market closes, you may not be able to do so because the price might have changed by the time the market closes.

This strategy is significantly different from position trading because the focus is to capture short-term gains and minimize losses. Day trading involves entering and exiting trades with a short time frame.

Scalp Trading

With this strategy, you're hoping to do small moves on the price of a currency pair. The main idea of scalp trading is to identify high-probability trades, take small profits, and move on to the next trade.

Scalping involves a high amount of risk because it is based on the assumption that the price of a currency pair will move in one direction. The main idea of scalping is to make profits from quick trades. For example, if you buy a currency pair at 1.1290 and the price moves to 1.1291, you sell it. It's a small move but it could be your profit.

This strategy is different from position trading because the focus is on catching small and large price changes in a currency pair. Scalping also involves a high amount of risk because it is based on the assumption that the price of a currency pair will move in one direction.

You'll find many brokers taking advantage of scalping and swing trading. But what is the difference between the two strategies? Scalping involves the use of technical analysis, and it is based on the assumption that the price of a currency pair will move in one direction.

Swing trading, on the other hand, is based on using technical analysis to focus on the volatility of a price, which is a great way to catch small and large price changes in a currency pair.

Getting Started on Forex Trading

Now that you know the basics of forex trading, you can start exploring the market at your own pace. It's important to take your time and try as many strategies as possible until you find out what works for you.

There are many options you can use to get started, such as the following:

Step #1: Start Small by Opening a Micro Forex Account

If you're new to the world of trading and forex, you won't know what strategies work best until you start trading. With that in mind, it's best to get started with a micro forex account.

Opening a micro forex account is easy. All you have to do is open a free account, deposit funds, and start trading. It's best to start with as little as $100 to $500. When you start trading with a micro forex account, you'll be able to build a trading plan, create a trading journal, and start to implement your plans.

Once you have experience and knowledge on the market, you can increase your trading capital and make bigger trades.

Step #2: Consider Your Options by Exploring the Ideal Currencies to Trade

Before you get started in the market, you should know the currencies that you want to trade. You can start with major currencies, such as the Euro, Japanese Yen, British pound, Swiss franc, U.S. dollar, and the Canadian dollar.

It is also possible to trade with the U.S. Dollar Index, which is a basket of major currencies, including the euro, Japanese Yen, British pound, and the Canadian dollar.

When you start trading with these currencies, you'll know the price fluctuations and what to do when one currency starts to move faster than the others. By trading with major currencies, you'll have a better understanding of how the market works.

It may be confusing to figure out which currency pairs are best for your situation. The truth is that there isn't a single answer to this question because the best currency pairs depend on your goals.

If you're a short-term trader, it is likely that you'll want to focus on the major currency pairs, such as EUR/USD and GBP/USD, because the prices of the major currency pairs tend to be more volatile.

Step #3: Take Your Time Choosing the Best Broker for You

Now that you know the basics of forex trading and the currencies that you want to trade, the next step is to find a broker that offers the best conditions for your situation. On that note, a broker is a trading platform where you can open and start an account.

There are many brokers in the market and they all offer different conditions. For example, some brokers offer a micro account while others offer a mini account. Some brokers offer leverage, while others offer margin trading.

It's important to determine what kind of trading is right for you. For example, if you're a long-term trader looking to make big gains, you'll need to find a broker that offers margin trading. If you're a short-term trader, you'll likely want to find a broker that gives you the option to trade with leverage.

The Bottom Line: Getting Started on Forex Trading as a Beginner

Forex trading is a complex topic that many new traders find overwhelming. After reading this guide, you should have a better understanding of the world of forex trading.

The first step you should take before you get started with forex trading is to open a free account, deposit funds, and start trading with a micro account. Then you can explore the major currencies, find an fx broker that offers the best conditions for your situation, and start your trading journey.

How Can We Help You?

Bound is an auto hedging platform designed to make currency protection better and more effective for various industries. If you're interested in ,currency protection for businesses, reach out to us today!

With Bound, you can effectively manage your FX risk and generate greater returns with a layered hedging strategy. Our platform allows you to quickly access the market and analyze your potential profit at any given time. You can make adjustments to your pricing strategy to fit your needs and protect your risk exposure.

FX Broker Basics: What You Need to Know For 2022 (2024)


How to easily understand forex trading? ›

Forex trading steps
  1. Choose a currency pair to trade.
  2. Decide whether to 'buy' or 'sell'
  3. Set your stops and limits.
  4. Open your first trade.
  5. Monitor your position.
  6. Close your trade and take your profit or loss.

How to start forex trading for beginners 2022? ›

Trading forex step-by-step guide
  1. Open a spread betting or CFD trading account. ...
  2. Start researching to find the FX pair you want to trade. ...
  3. Based on your research, decide if you want to buy or sell. ...
  4. Follow your strategy. ...
  5. Place your forex trade. ...
  6. Close your trade and reflect.

How to learn forex trading from scratch? ›

Trading Forex for beginners summarized
  1. Learning the basics (currency pairs)
  2. Learn the software (MT4, MT5)
  3. Learn with demo accounts.
  4. Find a reliable service provider.
  5. Use the service provider's resources such as tools and guides.
  6. Read books on trading and watch videos online.
  7. Learn various trading strategies and test them.
Nov 1, 2023

Is 1/500 leverage good for a beginner? ›

Some may even offer leverage as high as 1:500. While this may seem enticing, it is not recommended for beginner traders. High leverage can lead to significant losses and should only be used by experienced traders who have a thorough understanding of the markets and proper risk management strategies.

What is the best forex trading strategy for beginners? ›

See our list of 12 effective forex trading strategies for beginners below:
  • Price action trading.
  • Range trading strategy.
  • Trend trading strategy.
  • Position trading.
  • Day trading strategy.
  • Scalping strategy.
  • Swing trading.
  • Carry trade strategy.

What is the trick to forex trading? ›

One of the most important rules is to trade with the trend: if the market is going up, place a 'buy' trade; and if it's going down, place a 'sell' trade. It's probably not a sensible idea to attempt to pick the top or the base.

Is $100 enough to start forex? ›

In conclusion, starting forex trading with just $100 is possible, but it requires careful planning and risk management. You need to choose the right broker and account type that fits your budget and trading style. Micro accounts are a good choice for beginners with a low budget.

Is $500 enough to trade forex? ›

Yes, $500 or $1000 is enough to get involved in forex. Well, this depends on how much you're risking per trade. If you risk $1000, then you can make an average of $20,000 per year. If you risk $3000, then you can make an average of $60,000 per year.

Is $1000 enough to start forex? ›

Conclusion. In conclusion, $1000 is enough to start trading Forex. However, it's important to have a realistic trading plan and manage your risk carefully.

Can I teach myself forex? ›

Yes, you can learn forex trading on your own, and Ava Academy's free online courses provide a valuable starting point.

How long does it take for a beginner to learn forex? ›

Some traders may be able to grasp the basics within a few weeks, while others may take several months or even years to become consistently profitable. It is important to note that mastering forex trading is an ongoing process and requires continuous learning and adaptation.

How should a beginner start trading? ›

Here is a day trading guide for beginners
  1. Learn the basics of the stock market.
  2. Choose a broker.
  3. Set up a demo account.
  4. Develop a trading strategy.
  5. Start small.
  6. Be patient.
  7. Manage your risk.
  8. Take breaks.

What is 0.01 lot size in dollars? ›

This lot size accounts for 1,000 base currency units in every forex trade, determining the amount of a particular currency. Suppose you're trading the USDJPY (U.S. Dollar-Japanese Yen) currency pair, and the base currency is the USD. In that case, a 0.01 lot is equivalent to 1,000 U.S. dollars.

What is the best leverage for $100 for beginners? ›

This is because of poor risk management skills and sometimes the leverage in use. Many professional traders say that the best leverage for $100 is 1:100. This means that your broker will offer $100 for every $100, meaning you can trade up to $100,000.

What leverage should I use for a $10 account? ›

Here's a general guideline for determining optimal leverage based on account size: Account Size: $10 - $50 Recommended Leverage: 1:100 or lower. Account Size: $100 - $200 Recommended Leverage: 1:200 or lower. Account Size: $200+ Recommended Leverage: 1:300 - 1:500 (for experienced traders)

Is forex easy to understand? ›

Often perceived as an easy moneymaking career, forex trading is actually quite difficult, though highly engaging. The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, but trading currencies is very different from trading stocks or commodities.

Can I learn forex on my own? ›

It is absolutely possible to teach yourself how to trade forex, but it's important to learn the basics before entering the market.

Is forex trading good for beginners? ›

Getting into forex trading without any clear goal or target in mind very rarely helps a beginner such as yourself. Without having a target, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the right entry and exit points, leaving you vulnerable to market volatility and unfavorable market movement.

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