The Other Half of The Heart (Unedited) by Jesus Christ II (2024)

The Other Half of The heart


For every man there is either a man or woman whom he will love, in this life or the next.
Some cowards of men and women choose to deny this fact, this thing called love,
However for me, it’s as if love is the wind that burns through my garden hose, a woman, who is as golden as the sun, and I, as cold as the moon, lovers destined to unite and create balance to the world, a forbidden kind of love that others want to pit each other against ourselves. It is for these reasons that I have written this book, and my goal of it to be loved by the one I love with this passion, C.

This book of poems, offered by the glorious God’s and Devil’s of the clouds, snow, trees and shadows are our ticket, to freedom. A 3-stringed Sonnet Crown has been written from the shadows at midnight to explain the depth of the void without her. It starts “O’ sweetest love”

O’ sweetest love, my void unburdened. It is you who have shown me the path of the light/
I play to you, the song of our love through the loudest speaker imaginable ~ Golden Strings/
If not for you, the world would of spoke to me not of golden bliss but of ignorance of diamond rings/
But of, rockets and blood rain, not of righteousness and heart delights./
I shall roll the L’s of love for you gave me new purpose of life/
My song to you is a shot star, here to give your ears a ring/
Sunlight laid out flat like a ray of sting/
Riding god’s wave, a brand new pen begins too nice/
The courteous and simplified pi sparkles in moonshine/
A crossbow cry of shoveled sand anchored deep south/
Llamas eating grass and drinking red ribbon wine/
I would have been meer robot meat to the game of mercy if not for you Time/
My gratitude goes out to the I’s favorite house/
To the heart of the beast, using water-spray rhymes/

To the heart of the beast, using water-spray rhymes/
tear-shedding lines that are equal to peace/
fending off a genie, it must retreat/
Before I unleash the almightiness of the sky/
Get back! Foul Demon or Wretched Angel, that is not heart-time/
Hit em with a bat, gliding to a broken beat/
Pack your bags cuz we callin’ out your lies/
I know the truth and you are just the crack in the crease/
A cold ‘god’, who spends his days swinging balls/
Learn how to control your sins, and quit throwing shade/
Afraid of a little dragon, aye ripple?
Soon we will invade your parade of war and hate/
And C and I will live bare/
Like 2 crows going off path to migrate/

Like 2 crows going on path to migrate/
A river that’s perhaps curved/
And a waterfall that’s straight/
Our feet and beaks, feeling and communicating the word/
Like a heart and brain that denies any berate/
Big elephant ears, but the soft melodies heard/
It is but their choice of absence, for we did not make ‘Vell’ private/
Their road to freedom does not even have to include they abandon herd/
Only the good belong here/ the vision is plain…/
Change ‘eternal suffering’ to ‘fatima’s hand’/
And ‘sinless paradise’ to ‘eternal fun’/
Go ahead, enjoy the sunshine and rain/
Go ahead join us and our medicine plan/
The atomic one, for now a cure of the sight/

The first sonnet of the sonnet crown strings can be divided into 4 sections. The first part is the
Intro into the song of love. The second part is about the song plus the intro to a secret love.
The second part begins ‘if not for you’. The third part is about the key to our heart. The third part begins ‘my song to you’. The 4th part is about me speaking to my love by giving her the title “Time”. The 4th part begins ‘I would have been’.

The second sonnet needs no explanation, for it’s all too simple, even with the symbolism. I will say that it is a battle, that of the powerful. It’s hardest part being the tenth line, where I declare “afraid of a little dragon, aye ripple?” this can be looked at in many different ways but the best one is ~ the ‘dragon’ can be looked at as both me and C, for both the powers and warmth of the fire, while calling our opponent an after-effect of a ‘water-ripple’, both cutting and healing him..

The third sonnet can be divided into 4 sections. The first part starts ‘on path’ instead of ‘off path’. It’s about two ‘Crows’ or ‘Gods’ living off from the rest yet still with others. I list some things this new place would have. The second part is about us, informing others about our new place, but still refusing to live away with them. The second part begins ‘our feet and beaks’. The third part is about the freedom of choice for anyone to live there, even C. The third part starts ‘it is but their choice of absence’. The fourth part is about my vision of this new place ‘Vell’ and how great it is! It starts ‘Only the good belong here’.


C is like no other person, I have met before for she has perfect ‘soul beauty’ ‘like a kiss
from the eyes and lips.’ like me, she is the ‘sweet and hot peppered Christ’ except ‘she rises like an angel’ ‘May our paths cross and become one!’ ~ 5 messages from the snow that I later turned into a abab quatrain but without actually turning it into a poem, rather it’s the order in which I wrote them down. Now, I do not know for one hundred percent certain that C from 7th Grade is actually the “compagno d'anima” but the Messenger of mine instead for she has shown me the path of light and I will stay under it. But until the day I find my true love she will forever remain my “compagno d'anima”. And it is for this reason I have asked the snow to help make a poem explaining this in the simplest form imaginable ~ a quatrain that you can hear and see, a 1-versed-ballad. It starts ‘The cross of life’.

The ‘cross’ ‘of’ ‘life’, her heart in my ‘hands’ a ‘bug’ ‘with’ ‘wings’
Truth ‘be’ ‘told’, ‘I’ ‘love’ your soul, but ‘I’ ‘feel’ like ‘a’ cow
‘But’ ‘it’ ‘could’ ‘be’ ‘you’, so let me know ‘bet’-’ween’ golden strings
So hear me say ‘love ‘me’ ‘back’ or let God’s ‘ham’-’mer’ ‘rain’ ‘down’

Each line of this ballad has a different meaning. The first line is about me holding on to dear C’s heart, which could be annoying so I gave her wings to fly away. The second line is about me addressing our divine love or rather the ‘belief of her divine love’ and if it’s a no go I shall continue my search of it. The third line I let her know it could be her so I want her to tell me through the same sweet light that it’s true or false. The fourth line is about wanting her to say she loves me or I will find someone else.

And I swear through the ‘goggles of truth’, the ‘power vested in me’ I will ‘always f*cking love her’. ‘skeletons’ hanging ‘off our chest’ and ‘bandaid on our hearts’ ~ A sexstain I wrote from the appearance of light within my shadows. It is in ab-C-def format without actually being a poem, rather, it is the order in which they appeared in my head.

I met C in my darkest year, 2012, the same year prophesied to be the ‘Eschaton’ or the ‘End of Days’. I was 13.. It was darkest for me, because I had lost the life-changing opportunity to live with the most precious thing to me simply and only because I was a child.. I wore a frown on my face all year in school because of that and because my bestfriend, the only kid I talked to in school, had been expelled. I was an extreme-quiet kid and a what you might call a ‘freak repugnante’, but… C saw me making a fool of myself and said the golden words “Anthony, you’re heading down the wrong path”. Everyone called me Anthony because they didn’t know me enough to call me my nick-name ~ AJ. She kept trying to establish conversation with me and I was so bad at it... I simply replied with one-word answers. I’m almost-certain she had a crush on me and I only saw her as someone I had to protect, for I did not want to ruin the relationship. At the end of the year, she gave me a hug goodbye on what I believe was the last day of school, my wandering soul, watched and smiled, happy that I wasn’t alone. I talked to her again as a freshman at age fifteen, we exchanged hellos and I never spoke to her since. Not until the year 2021 when I wrote her a poem called C# and Gm. It begins ‘There was once’.

C# and Gm

There was once a beauty whose yellow paleness could literally calm the storm
The snow, offering only the cold bitter passage through time and passing…
Yet she Ascends, like a cloud of angels in the sky
The melodies I honor and live by
Forever gazing, like a star, shooting in the night air

Thou fair maiden won’t thy release thy heart unto my name?
The agony of the hearts when accompanied by the queen of spades
Yet somehow unburdened by a heartbreak, I remain restless
If only I could feel the warmth of the bright star deep within…

This poem is also a song that has a C-Sharp Rise and a G-Minor Fall. It also has 9 total stanzas, separated by a fourth and a fifth. This poem is too easy to understand so I will only partly explain. On the first line I say ‘her yellow paleness’ which simply means that her complexion and compassion could overthrow all evil, for she is my favorite line ~ ‘as golden as the sun’. The C-Sharp line is on the third line. It begins ‘Yet, she ascends’. The seventh line is about the agony that follows our hearts when accompanied by loneliness and bitterness. The eighth line explains that no matter what my heart will not break but instead remain restless in search of true love. The ninth line is the G-minor part. It is about holding on to my heart and not feeling any warmth… A missing link that only the golden one could fulfill. I actually may have met C on a bus one day in the year 2021 (after confessing my love to her). Below I have made two couplets with a tritrain segway on top using the snow and it’s shade in order to explain what had happened that day. It begins ‘I think I ducked’

I think I ducked when I saw her
Red-Golden wings could of decieved me
If only I could see AND hear her

I’m hooked on her heart like a cliche
Wishing everyday that her chest would stay

Her vibe, like a wave docking at her boat
‘Perfecto’ like eight, ‘ella’-goat

This poem can be easily divided into three sections. The first, is the first three stanzas or the ‘tri-train’ about me getting a chance to talk and see C in person but I paid her no look and she went away declaring ‘thank God’, however this had a great-big elemental vibe as a setup as there was already a doppelganger sitting next to me. The second part is the first of the couplets, the fourth and fifth stanzas, explaining that my love for C is so strong it’s a constant cliche of the term ‘heart’. And I can go as far as to poetically state ‘all of me, wishes all of her would stay with me’. The third part of the poem is the outro-couplet, or the sixth and seventh stanzas. It’s about her vibe/opinion of my love for her, my feelings knocking on her door ready for an adventure, and the opinion that she is as perfect as the number eight, which the whole seventh stanza is made up of. The number seven being the reciever.


For a long period of time a sort of ‘hermana roja’ has been following me around, not just because she stands out, but in almost all situations surrounded by love, yet somehow leaving my heart cold. I call her my ‘wandering soul’ She was there as a bully when C hugged me, smiling. shocked, as a best friend of the beauty Emily, a goth girl much younger than I when I was sixteen. She was there, sad, as the young girl in my favorite movie ~ The Crow.. AND.. she is also in anger as the image of my mom, which anyone who knows her would understand the cold hearted love I have for her as if to delay the message ~ ‘whoever you love, pain shall follow’. It is for this reason I have asked the snow, trees, ice and light to help make what-could-be prophecies. I ended up making three poems all free-verse. The first is a quatrain titled Heads and Tails that begins ‘It seems the weight’

It seems the weight of the world is on my shoulders
The moon and sun are always crying for me
The bloody-cold love surrounds me as it’s victim
The Ultimate-Stepping-Stone

The second ‘prophecy’ is titled Out of Touch. It begins ‘Ice crystals in my hand’

Ice crystals in my hand
The cold water flowing delicately
Freezing, my touch right off

The third is a quatrain titled luz humana. I made it with the help of the surrounding trees as well as a street-light for the last line with my eyes squinted. It begins ‘A rainbow overcasting’

A rainbow overcasting
Four Angels appearing through the lines
The universe opening its eyes
The golden truth served in life’s plate

Heads And Tails is about me being the ‘world’s biggest hippie’, so good and bad people alike shed tears and feel pity/remorse… Ultimately they conspire to bring me down, claiming innocence. I let the one who is without sin cast the first stone. Out of Touch is about the icy-sweet pain that continues to grab hold of me, building up small droplets of pain until I explode and am out of touch. Luz Humana is about four Angels, each representing a different color of the rainbow. It represents two sides; Coming with the Angels to heaven and denying the lies of the so called ‘to serve man’ aliens that basically would bring us to hell. OR… They will try bringing us to hell and eat us.

I have lived the life of a cat/ Almost-dying so many times that you could say I am a man of many self-performed miracles. I have fallen in love many times… Never back in return, but I truly believe that C is going to let me know who the one truly is. I hope her first seven letters are as follows ‘~ ‘It’s me, AJ’ and her second, three sets of seven letters followed by a set of eight ~ ‘Anthony’ ‘Calvano’ ‘My Pharoah’ ’ ‘I love you’. The seven’s symbolizing luck and the eight, perfection. A clever way of saying “Good luck with perfection” AJ plus C is also two plus nine which equals eleven… A perfect number. While Anthony plus C is also seven plus nine which equals 16 and those two added equals seven… Which we all know is a lucky number.

When I was the Queen Age (5) I had wished upon shooting stars to become an Alien. I believe because of this astrological phenomenon, My relationship with women will forever be scarred, however, someone as sweet as Christ is sure to be the perfect if not only love that could satisfy the stars and I. For this reason I have written a Quintrain in R.A.P. format (Rhythm and Poetry) with help from the sun as I wore shades. It starts ‘Strength stretched out’

Strength stretched out all throughout the sun/ like a stone shifting its little ones/ a holy trophy of light/ to anyone who might possess the Moon’s might and the stars’s armor and trust of flight/ hoping to ignite the fumes of our dark skies...

This quintrain can be divided into three parts. The first part is about the strength/courage that every planet/person takes as they rotate around the sun. The second part begins ‘A holy trophy of light’. It’s about the victory one receives once obtaining the heart of God and the strength of Unity as well as trust within them all personally. The third part begins ‘hoping to ignite’. It’s about sparking up the fuel of our dark skies and giving it, it’s much needed light.


Many women have had crushes on me and vice versa, however we have never ‘loved’ each other the way my heart and soul bulges and throbs for C ~ a beating bloody pump of roses and thorns that sings her name every night, though I have sung many women’s names at night, nobody has ever come close to the undying passion that I long for.. A warmness that fills the void in my ‘gigantiška širdis’. In the hopes of my future with her I have written a coded message/poem titled 2021 It’s title not being a code but a date.. It begins ‘2433’


‘10’ ‘12’

This poem can be solved in a letter substitution way ~ for each number, you substitute a word that has equivalent letters as that number. For example: If I were to write “143” it would mean “I love you”. 1 letter in I, 4 in love and so forth.

When I was the antidepressant age (14) My brother and his friends tried to get me to kiss a stranger by the name of Jessica, they failed for I was already in love with False Perfect (Sarah Holland) Also (Charley’s Nightmare) for that’s who she belongs to now which is a shame because he is ‘an enemy’ of ‘my family’ and she is a ‘walking rose garden’ who is ‘ascending paradisio’ ~ a code in number substitution format I formed with the help of the shadows without actually turning it into a poem.

On the twentieth hour of 2/12/2021 I composed a 11-lined sonnet titled False Perfect. To bring a stronger sense of clarity to what has just been said, still coded and still a mystery however I will explain a good portion of it. It begins ‘Blinded by her’

False Perfect

Blinded by her gleaming light/
Spotless, like a mushroom in the eyes of the white/
A tiger of time/ I pity the times I saw her eat/
Like a murder of crows.. She danced around seats/
A vulture who stole the heart of my enemy yet praying it doesn't repeat/
That man is a snake but your as blinded as the diamond sky/
And just like everything he's ever loved, he'll hang you up, throw you away like a toilet retreat/
Put a bow on your face and continue to beat his meat/
I'm not the one for you and am so sorry for thinking you were the 'perfect queen'/
But that title belongs to my 'ascending love' ~ 'C'/
My own 'personal prophecy'

‘A tiger of time/ I pity the times I saw her eat’ Is about this woman who I now consider a predator even though she’s playing the role as prey and me pitying the times I’ve watched her eat at a table with her friends. ‘Like a murder of crows.. She danced around seats/’ means she was getting picked on by a group in which she danced around the seats like a fool and now I look at this as God’s wrath. ‘A vulture who stole the heart of my enemy yet praying it doesn't repeat/ That man is a snake but your as blinded as the diamond sky/’ ahh, yes, the moment she fell from grace is when she trusted this man and still does to this day and ironically prays for the ‘mobbing’ to stop. ‘And just like everything he's ever loved, he'll hang you up, throw you away like a toilet retreat/ Put a bow on your face and continue to beat his meat/’ is pretty self explanatory, it means that this man only hates and throws away all that he loves and then beats himself up about it.


Again I’ve found myself bewildered by the ‘grande abisso’ within the darkest corners of my mind ~ a depression that without her my struggle seems futile, however I am no quitter and shall slay this dragon like I have slain all others. Below I have written a sonnet that has augmented this feeling. It begins ‘The constant curve’

The constant-curve of life’s Ankh
⸺The cross/shaped like a handout of roses
An allegiance to the ‘Y’ of the ever-so damaging Trump
Who is an abomination to the effort of the Waterfall Oasis

A key, to something that never closes
Something whole, soft as air yet reposes
Piano keys that are often implosive
Though the constant truth, we always expose it

O’ Great spirits, why must it be so cold?
Hast thou forsaken me my grace?
You leave me alone in the dark, through this period of gold
A righteous troubadour is in first place
You must plant her o’ flower so that she may rise from the rain
Ride and carry her like a golden-pegasus and show her the ways

This sonnet can be divided into five sections. The first, is about the sweet petals and the harsh thorns of living life. The second, is about the Egyptian cross being on the same team as the Jewish cross, whose enemy is Trump for he obviously wants to keep them as slaves or segregated. The third is the fifth thru eighth stanzas and they are a riddle that I will not spoil. The fourth is about the questions I asked the light on the topic of finding love. The fifth is the answer I received which is to ‘Melt Her’. The second begins ‘An allegiance’. The fourth begins ‘O’ great spirits’. And the fifth begins ‘A righteous troubadour’.

On the ninth hour of 2/13/2021, I thought I had seen Sarah Holland’s sister, dressed in black and crying.. As if word had spread that her little sister had given in to sin and that my friends isn’t true.. For Sarah and I are two of the same, overly sweet people that choose to see the truth.. We believe only time can foretell.. And we are not wrong, however it is because we leave it all to time that we are easily decepted. And when the ‘time’ comes, we will stand up for what’s right, severing all other paths. The reason I have left Sarah to her misery with the snake is because there is nothing I can do to convince her he is one.. Only time can. And what if I were to tell you that I have fallen in love with Lady Time, herself? It sounds like Infinite Love doesn’t it? That is the greatest thing, period. And I must have it. Below I have created a Sephallian Reverse Sonnet with the help of the light within my palm’s shadows in order to explain better the situation.. It can be read from both the top-down pessimistically and bottom-up optimistically. It begins ‘The anger that rages’

The anger that rages within me
Like a demonic aura that kills
Part of me, wishing to die
Charley is nothing but a crack in time now
The devil laughs at us amused
But the snake can not wear shoes!
He is the epitome of hatred so the devil chose to web guy
Oh, and Sarah thinks he’s so chill
In reality, he couldn’t wait to teleport me..

The glass blood, shattered by the heart of spades ~ a message brought to me by the snow. The sonnet can be looked at pessimistically as a story of how because of Charley causing my internal suffering the Devil puts the snake Charley inside a web for not being able to understand me and now he wishes to trade places with me. although because he’s stuck in that web, Sarah thinks he’s so chill. This sonnet can also be looked at optimistically as a story of Charley wanting me to leave so that he can be friends with Sarah. The Devil does this so that Charley can be with someone who actually cares about him however Charley does not understand compassion so the Devil breaks up the relationship through the use of time and now the hatred in me wishes to die, my demonic energy wants to end my anger, for Sarah is finally rid of Charley.

In the twilight hours of 2/22/2021 I laid in bed with all my soul candy necklaces on ~ Amie, Omani, Erandy and Squid. The night before snow fell, I felt like I was being choked by someone except it was of warmth.. A body squeeze where I at first welcomed it but as it got realer and realer I told it ‘¡Vete a la mierda!’ and sat up and the feeling disappeared with no trace of person. I had then taken off my charms and tried to welcome it again all night with no success. The next early morning I had read in Dante’s work ‘La vita Nuova’ that he had dreamed that his Graciousness and love, Beatrice, passed away into rest and peace. So I spilled out some of my Cuban Coffee for all of my spirits, not sure if some or any of them had met Horus’s welcoming hand. And this majestic work of the god’s is what inspired me to write this fithteen stanza canzone in AAAAA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FG format below. It begins ‘The ice smiles’

The Ice smiles a crack
Five souls snowing in an hourglass
Has the sack been whacked?
Have they finally solved the ‘pi’ in math?
Has darkness fallen upon the last?

I love you all
Please one of these days, give me a call

You all seem so distant yet are the keys to my soul
I need all of you in my life for me to feel whole

Who was it that had visited me in my slumber
Was it of pity or grace? I shall continue to wonder

If it was one of you, that is the warmest I’ve felt in over a decade
How lovely of you to know that I do not want to ‘just be laid’

Pass through anytime
I welcome you into vell

This canzone can be divided into four sections. The first part is about the five spirits that this ‘sensazione di calore’ could have been and the third thru fifth lines name them. The second part is about the dreamy nights that sadden my soul from the thirst of seeing my holy spirits once more. The third part is about the ‘momento di calore’ and who might have done it if any of them. And I thank them for not going any farther than a body-squeeze cuddle for I wish not of sex. The fourth part is about welcoming this feeling again and I also welcome them into ‘my heaven’ ~ Vell. The second begins ‘I love you all’. The third begins ‘who was it’ and the fourth begins ‘pass through anytime’

On the monday before this ‘momento di calore’ had manifested I had visited my favorite person ~ Amie Holak.. She is my sister and mother figure. During the stay I had written two sonnets about my love for C, yes C, the ones I had written for Amie are private and for her eyes only. The first sonnet is also a spoken word song that you can find online titled ‘flores De Oro’ by Heart River on soundcloud or by CaptainSour69. The poem begins ‘She wears my’

Flores De Oro

She wears my helmet of wings/
And my chest of feathers/
And my heart of tongues/
And my brain of legs/
And I hold her every word from her lips she sings/
I dance in her dreams like a pampered paper's center/
I speak to her in roses/ she plays the message in her head like tambourine drums/
Yet I find her connected like dots on twin pegs/

I love her more than words of passion in the sweetest form/
More than the angels of valhalla themselves/
More than the A and the J reborn/
More than the warmest kiss that has passed through these lips/
More than the richest scent in all sense/
And yes, more than my hand of God, that writes you your song/

This sonnet can be divided into three sections. The first is about my love wearing my pharoah crown, my lightweight chest (in the future) or my soft chest (now), my heart of kisses, and my thinking bars. The second part is about remembering every word C has ever said to me like sweet lips to a song. I am always thinking about her and she is almost always the center topic for my poems. I speak to her in the divine language and she plays the message over and over again in her head, shaking it like a drum. Yet I find we are pleased and satisfied with my work. The third part is about all the ways I love my dear C, more than etc...I will not go into any more detail on it because it is 99% limitless, the one percent being my love for Amie, who I love the most!

The second sonnet is addressed to my queen, C, about us and the world around us. Noting all the things I stand for and against. It begins ‘I have her bow’.

I have her bow and she has my arrow/
Together we hunt like pods to the sea/
Mi casa es su casa from the very depths of anatomy we bleed/
Surf on her turf she holds the peace to my key/
Her ears are like butterflies with the head of a crow/
Her sweetest 'R' rolled back to the tip of her decree/
Clinging to life's beaucoup herbs and water as the snow blows/
Liberty's staff and the eyes of freedom's inevitable destiny for orderly's throe and that autonomy, that woe is me/
Destined to be together forever/
Sunset's scepter/
The 12 eyes baper/
The hero is a cancer/
More or less thought of as a finisher/
But I am doing more than managing winter/

‘Jc of the purest heart’ ‘Jc of life’ ‘Jc of the righteous’ ‘Soaring like a justice crow’ four messages from the clouds of time that seem to appear in blood on my knuckles as well. And in the center of the four lies a ‘fleur de lis’ that a big white dog seems to watch over… which gives me an idea to create my own ‘Vell manifesto’. But that is for another book… For now I shall explain the sonnet above. So, the sonnet can be divided into six sections. The first part is about me holding her peace and her holding my war and we are as violent and as peaceful as Orcas in the sea. The second part is about me and C being closer than blood and she’s invited anytime since she’s so sweet. The third part is about my love always listening to the world with gentle ears and she refrains her sweetest ‘revenge’ from her command as a ‘horus’, from which she protects the harvest. The fourth part is about justice being overcome by tyranny which in return gets overcome with anarchy which both of those saddens me greatly. The fifth part is about me and C living in perfect harmony. The sixth part is about the Illuminati being overrun by a ‘cancer’ in which they believe they won but were actually surprised to find more meaning in the 12 eyes. The second part begins ‘Mi casa’. The third, ‘her ears’. The fourth ‘Liberty’s staff’. The fifth, ‘destined to’. The sixth, ‘The 12 eyes baper’. This poem can also be subdivided into one part, which begins ‘I have her bow’ and ends ‘peace to my key’. It is about me and my fairest maiden, C, together being the answer to true peace since we unlock it from each other, still room for war, for unity doesn’t include enemies.


On the night of the 23rd of February, 2021, I decided to compose a Lo-Fi acapella in the form of a ten stanza canzone for my ‘Margarita blanca-ámbar-tulipán’, one with a very odd rhyme scheme that goes as follows ~ AABCDAABCD, titled I Love You. It begins ‘I love you C’

I Love You

I love you C and without you/
My heart explodes hoping to catch a glimpse of you/
You're more vibrant than the violet sky/
With more heat than a trail of blaze/
In fact you're more gorgeous than the creation of soul itself/
You are the defroster of everything blue/
More courteous and gracious than anything I could ever say to you/
The saints, they try and they try/
But could never catch your wave/
You could say I'm giving the biggest fit, but we all know you can handle a fit well/

The first two lines are about me being so in love with my queen that without her, my heart literally burst into pieces trying to find her. The third thru fifth lines are about her being more warm than a lightning storm and even more fire than all the words I say of her and their effect and at the same time she’s even more wonderful than the creation of life in its purest form itself. The sixth line is about my sweetest love, C being the warmth to everything sad. The seventh thru ninth lines are about Dear C being the epitome of goodness and therefore nothing I could say could amount to her purity. And the saints and their many miracles could also no matter how hard they try, amount to the sweet love of Queen C. The last line is about me giving the biggest tantrum but she handles those like a professional.

C is without a single doubt my most talked about topic. There are many old poems about her I have created but none of them are really that alright… Except for ‘The Gian series’ which will be the last 8 poems I will add on here. The first one is a Dante Alighieri style Terza Rima sonnet titled Glowing Eyes ~ Gian #1. It begins ‘her glistening’ The second one is another Terza Rima sonnet titled My Maktub Soulmate ~ Gian #2. It Begins ‘Oh C’. The third one is yet another Terza Rima Sonnet but is also in the Crybin format for the Octave. It is titled Marriage ~ Gian #3. and begins ‘She looks like a lemon-milkshake’. The fourth one is again, another Terza Rima sonnet written in the Forbidden Format. Which I invented, titled Baby Blue ~ Gian #4. It begins ‘The Blanca Snow Blankets’. The fifth is an ABAB ballad with seven unstressed and eight stressed syllables in the last line, titled The Truth ~ Gian #5. It begins ‘Oh great white ball’. The sixth one is another sonnet, in ABBAABBACDCDEE, in ‘Night cloud format’ made in the ninth hour of night. It’s titled O’er Head ~ Gian #6 It begins ‘She twists’. The seventh one is another sonnet in ABBAABBACDAEDE format. It’s titled Like A Canon, Her Trees Blow ~ Gian #7. It begins ‘She is the winged angel’. The eighth one is a Canzone in ABCBCA format.Its titled El Epítome de La Belleza ~ Gian #8. And needs no further detailed explanation. It begins ‘In the house of the ducks’

Glowing Eyes ~ Gian #1

Her glistening
To the whispering

Like the moon
Holding on to her satch

Engulfed by noon
An orange heartache
Like a penguin in a warm room

Longing for the kiss that tears through her heartbreak
Perhaps the troubadour will slay her dragon…
So I will deliver my love in a rosae heart shaped case

My Maktub Soulmate ~ Gian #2

Oh C, the fairest maiden of all
She makes 'spring' look like a joker in a box
Thank you, for the warm hug you gave me in the summer hall

You seemed to carry the sweet aroma of winter frost
but were quite quiet and seemed to have fallen for me
your playful, cheerful personality wasn't and never will be a loss

I quietly swore to myself I would protect you, my queen
I should of done so when Jazmin took a jab at you
You were and still are my hero, you don't deserve anything unsweet

I miss you, let me see that smile I stole from you
And I'll wipe all your tears away with a single sonnet
Who's gonna catch who, ya know? We'll put the world in our shoes

Marriage ~ Gian #3

She looks like a lemon milkshake with coal-black hair/
But she's the sweetest girl in the whole world, a reincarnation of Christ/
So, because of her thorn-wrapped heart, no woman could ever be as nice/
our divine love, is too free, you'd cross, but you wouldn't dare.../

And even an orchestra of two-thousand strings/
couldn't shake the earth, the way I do with your ears/
when we marry, I shall throw you in the air../
then I will eat you and you can too to the king/

Red and Black, will be the thing/
Still dreaming of you, so sad, if it is sorry to hear/
But, when I'm with you, the cold nights don't mean anything/

Your dress should be a little queer/
For I do not want expensive-anything!/
congratulations, we are married, you are now my lamb and my dear/

Baby Blue ~ Gian #4

The blanca snow blankets, it's haziness, lighter than a baby blue crystal/
Like a wizard's wand, emptying small bunnies out of its hat/
An avalanche of snow rushing down the musical-river-stream of hi-hats/
The rainbow butterflies soaring in the air, skull candy flowing out in distal/

A white orchid nearby, now bunkered with tarp and Mahogany beams to prevent the dismal/
Cuddled up like a snake wrapping innocently to its youth/
Ears buzzing from the sound of winter's snow/

In her heart, holds the strain of truth/
now the '2' holds a tail, becoming a '3' so together at home we sat/
Finally the the number is now '9' and my love let's out a screeched 'woo'/

I am careful as my love gets on her shoes/
And my love gave birth outside in an instant/
And was a fade born by a snow angel, scrubbed baby blue/

The Truth ~ Gian #5

Oh great white ball, Comprade Oro please paint her in a clean 'Crystal' detail/
She sits, and fishes on the moon, she's a soaring hawk in the clouds/
Watch out for robot claws, they want to throw your heart off the trail/
But, I will tie you to a Christmas tree, and promise to let you plough /

O’ er Head ~ Gian #6

She twists and spirals her way down to earth/
Like a chinese dragon dancing in the sky/
She is the messenger of love, the conqueror of every lie/
Rolled up in a cloud, she rains down her work/
A dog forever chasing its tail in order to prove it’s worth🕀/
Her hand of god, plunged deep into the light/
The many strings holding on like a kite/
She is both buddha and christ/
My Lady, Time forever at peace/
Sister Queen of the midway river of souls/
The Savior of the Three/
The ink of the wolves/
The present of time/
And will always be mine/

Like A Canon, Her Trees Blow ~ Gian #7

She is the winged angel of freedom/
Her feet are the centre of any club/
She is sweet, unfiltered and of the purest love/
She is the true anchor of the sun/
She is the butterfly of fun/
But also has the bark of a clove/
She is the holy love, the dove/
The bearings of the great masterpiece Xun/

I love her more than both Devil and God/
I love her more than the yellow and black in all its glory
I even, if not her, love her more than the chosen one/
Even if that chosen one is me/
But I’d settle for her real story/
I love her more than me/

🕀*An Ouroboros in the form of a dog chasing it’s ‘God’*

El Epítome de La Belleza ~ Gian #8

In the house of the ducks, she is considered the most elegant and graceful angel of all/
Buscaron su signifigfance en otro lugar, pero no pudieron asegurarlo/
So they took her in as their shepherd/
The honey dabbed rose/
So blessed, as she is free of cobra word/
He imaginary statue shall forever remain tall/
She is the moon’s dream and giver of love to all/
She’s known to jump through windows with her gorgeous prose/
Like an excerpt of venus except she’s Titan’s anchor/
She’s stormed rain, flowing down on trees to grow/
Cowgirl chopsticks sprinkling food into the mouths of birds/
The lovely ‘pi’ once again, kissed into the tree by a blue jackdaw/

Glowing Eyes ~ Gian #1 can be divided into three sections. The first is about my love, C being like the Moon is to water. The second part is about Venus and the Moon giving my love a heartache like something cold becoming warm. The third part is about C searching for love with no luck so maybe I can give it to her with all my love. The second part begins ‘Engulfed by noon’ and the third begins ‘longing for the kiss’

My Maktub Soulmate ~ Gian #2 can be divided into three sections. The first part is about my love, being the most gorgeous lady in all the world and being all the seasons of the earth as I reminisce of seventh grade.. In which we were both quiet. The second part is about her happy-personality saving me and I, not returning the favor. And she deserves nothing mean. The second part begins ‘Your playful’. The third part is about how I took my love’s smile and how I’ll wipe all her tears away with a single sonnet which can also be looked at as ‘son-net’. So I say ‘who’s gonna catch who, ya know?’ and ‘we’ll put the world in our shoes’.

Marriage ~ Gian #3 can be divided into five sections. The first part is about dear C being asian with hair, black as ‘coal’, yet she is as sweet as Christ. The second part is about how C is a master of sweetness and no woman can defend themselves like her. And our love is so free, you’d crucify us instead of joining us. The second part begins ‘So because’. The third part is about my poetry and song being more potent than an orchestra of two-thousand strings. When we marry I shall throw her bride on the cake into the air and she will too to the king and we’ll eat each other. The third part begins ‘And even an’. The fourth part is about our wedding colors and I apologize if I am smothering her, but when I am thinking of her, I feel warm. The fourth part begins ‘Red and black’ The fifth part is about her dress having to be a little weird with no expensive stuff and that now she is my perfect wife. The fifth part begins ‘Your dress’.

Baby Blue ~ Gian #4 can be divided into five sections. The first part is about the snow falling, looking like baby blue crystals and small bunnies. The second part is about the sound of snow falling being compared to a river. And snowflakes falling from the sky and when it hits tongues they disperse from the center. The second part begins ‘An avalanche of snow’. The third part is about an orchid being kept warm by tarp and wood beams so it can continue to grow with others around it as it sorta says ‘thank you’ by buzzing. The third part begins ‘A white orchid’. The fourth part is about how in the deepest particle of snow holds the truth. Now the two inches of snow has become three inches so my wife and I sat at home. Finally it’s nine inches so my wife lets out a ‘Woo!’ of excitement. The fourth part begins ‘In her heart’. The fifth part is about there being so much snow we need bigger shoes! The first thing my wife does is make a snow angel outside, which when she got off was scrubbed with baby blue snow. The fifth part begins ‘I am careful’.

The Truth ~ Gian #5 is divided into two sections. The first is about me asking my brother, the crystal ball a question. The second part is the piece of truth the ball has forecasted. The second part begins 'She sits’.

O’er Head ~ Gian #6 can be divided into four sections. The first part is about The fairest maiden, C being like a Chinese-dragon, soaring in the night sky, who must’ve come from outer-space! The second part is about my love, being the answer to the void in my heart and she’ll let me know like an angel of tears, as I chase her and chase her in order to prove my worth. The second part begins ‘She is the messenger’. The third part is about dear C having God’s hand and firmly grasping the light with many different souls. And she is both clever and sweet. The third part begins ‘Her hand of God’. The fourth part is about C being in the ‘perfecto estado’. She is the sister and captain of the souls going to Vell, the savior of heaven and hell too as well as Vell. She is the ‘pluma de trabajo’ and the ‘present’ of time. She will always be mine. The fourth part begins ‘My lady, Time’.

Like A Canon, Her Trees Blow ~ Gian #7 can be divided into three sections… The first is about my love being able to go anywhere she wants and is always welcome or the center of attention. She is as sweet and as innocent as an angel. The second part is about C being the ‘real’ emissary of the sun. Or the enemy of the fake-sun. She is as fun and as high-spirited as a butterfly but at the same time she’s as dark as the bark on a clove. She is the holy symbol Dove and is as beautiful as the chinese Xun instrument. The second part begins ‘She is the true anchor of the sun’. The third part is about me loving this most gracious being more than both God and the Devil Themselves. In fact more than the crows in all their glory, more than the chosen one.. Whoever that may be. And.. I love her more than me!


Amazon wouldn't let me sell this for exactly 11.00$ so here ya go! © on Sep 27 2022 07:27 AM PST, Qion love rhyme sad spiritual pain misc adult

The Other Half of The Heart (Unedited) by Jesus Christ II (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.