The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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JI I THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY MARCH 28 187G Steamboats vl IttciJical 1876 The Springfield Republican 1876 The tending Newspaper of New England i UI I I i it 1 if fire department Directors Mailroads 1 3meridl (Cocoa (Chocolate (Etc Hi 11 United States Officers i ALU ALL ALL AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND CO CO 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 THE REPUBLICAN Springfield Mass i IN IN IN IN ALL KNOWN TO KNOWN TO KNOWN TO MODERN COMMERCE MODERN COMMERCE modfrn MODERN COMMERCE ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED MANUACTURERS MANUACTURERS MANUACTURERS MANUACTURERS COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE COCOA CHOCOLATE BROMA! BROMA BROMA BROMA BROMA BROMA BROMA I BROMA ORMS TO ORMS ORMS ORMS HARTORD PROVIDENCE AND ISHKILL Qn and after De cember 1 1875 trains will leave as follows: GOING EAST Hartford for Providence (way) at 630 a and 215 in: express 10 a Willimantic 630 10 a in 135 215 615 and 10 Plainfield for Providence 645 840 a 1225 and 440pm Washington for Providence 540 8 940 a tn 125 4 and 535 pin Saturdays 740 Waterbury for Hartford 755 1150 a and 420 Providence 755 and 1150 a in GOING WEST Providence for Plainfield 7 1010 a 1220 515 Washington and Hope 7 1010 a ni 1220 305 515625 pm Saturdays 11 Hartford for Waterbury 815 11 10 a 415 New Britain 6 815 1110 a 1230 415 610 and 10 pm A McMANUS WORCESTER AND NASHUA AND NASH UA AND ROCHESTER Trains leave Worcester for Nashua Lowell Concord and the North at 630 8 and 1115 a and 435 in or Rochester Portland Bangor and the East at 8 a and 435 Leave Worcester for Ayer 615 Leave Ayer for Worcester 5 am Leave Nashua for Worcester at 710 a 12 in and 5 and 845 Leave Portland at 750 a and 4 p'm reaching Worcester at 210 and 10 15 Through tickets and baggage checked through to important points Through cars between Worcester and Portland TURNER Sup jy Send for Centennial Book to our Stores ia Boston and New York mlO8 HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE WALTER WALTER WALTER WALTER WALTER WALTER WALTER WALTER 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 BAKER CO INVEST NOW ACCORDING TO YOUR A $10 $50 $100 How to make money is in order and we are inclined to tell the reader one of the secrets ALEXANDER ROTHINGHAM CO 12 Wall street New York Bankers and Brokers arc prepared to invest in Stocks and other profitable ventures of a legiti mate character This firm is famous for money making and it numbers among its patrons thousands who are well off and are so because of their employ rnrnt of ROTHINGHAM CO to procure invest ments Send for their explanatory circular Stocks purchased and carried as long as desired on a mar gin of from 3 to 5 per Boston Saturday Evening Express ebruary 19' 1876 tnyll ly PARIS AND VIENNA' PARIS AND VIENNA i AND AT 1 AND BAKER BAKER BAKER CO BAKER CO BAKER CO BAKER BAKER CO BAKER CO IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN CONNECTICUT VALLEY AND SPRING IELD RAILROAD On and after Monday ebruary 14 1876 trains will run as follows Leave Springfield for Hartford Saybrook ano New London 805 a 223 and 340p in or Mystic Stonington and Proviuence 805 a or New York via steamer from Saybrook Point 340 pm or Willimantic via 805 a and 340 pm Leave Saybrook Point for Hartford and Spring field 4 748 a and 430 Leave Saybrook Junction 755 a and 440 connecting with trains from Stonington Mystic Norwich and New London the 440 train also connecting with trains from New Haven and New York arriving at Spring field 1115 a and 810 pm HIRAM OWLER rTIHE SPRINGIELD IVE CENTS SAV INGS Banking Room No 2 Court st Hampden house block north side of Court square Business hours from 9 to 1 and 2 to 3 Joseph CPynchon president vice presidents Willis Phelps A Chapin Aaron Bagg Bond secretary Daniel Marsh treasurer trustees Ephraim Bond Thos Warner Jr Henry uller Jr Wil liam Rice William Smith Charles Marsh Wil liam Smith James Russell Robert Morris AT '7 LOCAL EXHIBITIONS LOCAL EXHIBITIONS In all parts of the In all parts of the UNITED STATES UNITED STATES SPECIALTY 1 NEW SPECIALTY SPECIALTY NEW SPECIALTY NEW SPECIALTY NEW SPECIALTY BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA BREAKAST COCOA HailroaM COLLECTOR of Internal Revenue 10th ''District (Hampden and Berkshire Ed ward Tinker North Adams Deputy Alexander otlee Second national bank rank lin block office hours from 9 a ip 0113 residence 274 State street Byron Porter office Second Notional bank Isaac Weston Agawam Andrew Campbell 2d Westfield REGISTER BANKRUPTuY Tenth Congres sional Gideon Wells office of Leonard Wells No 11 block residence Aijm 1 Uce UNITED STATES CO MMISIO ER William Smith office Elm street residence 133 Spring street ONLY DIRECT LINE JO The General Transatlantic mail steamers between New York and Havre Calling at Plymouth (G B) for the landing of passengers splendid vessels ou this favorite route for She continent (being more southerly than any other) will sail from Pier No 43 North river as LABRADOR Sanglier Saturday April 1 I AMER1QUE Saturday April 15 RANCE Trudelle Saturday April 22 PRICE PASSAGE IN GOLD (including wine): irst cabin $110 to 8120 according to accommoda tion Second cabin $72 Third cabin $40 Return tickets at reduced rates Steerage $26 with superior accommodations and including wine bedding and utensils without extra marked1 thus (Pdo not carry steerage passengers LOUIS PE BEBIAN Agent i ml6tjyl 55 Broadway New York DR JOHN TRIPP of Buffalo has mde his daughter Sole Proprietor of his well known Medicines for Scrofula Syphilis and all blood diseases His Medicines with full directions and such other information as may be desired canbe obtained either by letter or in person of TRIPP ROBINSON Henshaw avenue' Lock Drawer No 157 Northampton Mass Boston and Albany On and after Monday Jan 1 1876 Passenger Trains will leave i or Boston 245 and 630 a (express) 715 and 1130 a (accommodation) 135 and 235 (ex press) 4pm (accommodation)' 750 (express) or Albany 1245 a (express with sleeping car to Albany'905 a (accommodation) 1145 a (express) 1215 and 685 mi (accommodation) 835 (express) The 1145 a and 835 trains conneet with fast express trains at Albany on the New York Central and Hudson IRiver railroad for Chicago ria Buffalo and Suspension Bridge Draw ing room cars on 1145 a train sleeping cars on 835 train running through from Boston to Rochester Niagara alls Buffalo and Chicago: 905 and 1145 a and 1215 trains connect at Chat ham with trains for Hudson 905 and 1145 a 1215 and 635 connect Pittsfield with train for North Adams Westfield Special 715 am and 4 pm returning from Westfield 9am and 530 Leave Boston for Springfield 5 7 830 and 10 a 3 5 and 9 pm Leave orcester for Springfield (645 9 955 and 1120 a 430 445 630 and 1035 in Leave East Brookfield for Springfield at 730 947 and 1156 a 532 and 708 Leave West Brookfield for Springfield 744 1005 and 1043 a 523 550 723 and 11 Jp Leave Palmer for 815 1038 and 1107 a 1232 548 625 748 and 1155 Leave Albany for Springfield 2 640 and 9 amLeave Pittsfield Tor Springfield 1209 411 857 andLeavTcheTterVor Springfield 115 510 1007 and 11LeavWestfiebl for Springfield 156 549 9 and 1050 am 1229 530 and 705 pm The 630 a train cast anu 835pni train west WotB Mondays 1225 and 630 am or Winchendon and stations on the are River mMTlSamandp TVEW YORK NEW HAVEN and HARff EOBD Commencing ebruary 14 1876 trains leave Springfield as Accommodation trains for Suffield Hartford Mid dletown New Britain New Haven and New York at 530 655 and 925 a and 310 pm for Hartford at 1035 a and 5 T' Express trains for Hartford Berlin Middletown New Britain Meriden New Haven andNew Yorkat 1225 and 1135 a in and 622 ast train for Hartford Meriden New Haven and New York at 1254 pm 1 1 Monday morning express at 1220 am or connections see posters at stations T5 REED Vice Davidson INMAN Royal Mail Steamers are appointed to sail as OR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY ARIS Saturday March 25 3 CITY CHESTER Saturday April 1 11 a CITY NEW YORK Saturday April 8 3 pm CITY RICHMOND Thursday April 13 8 am and each succeeding Saturday from Pier 4o I RATES PASSAGE: Cabin $00 $80 $100 gold 7 Steerage $28 currency 7 Drafts issued at lowest rates i or cabin passage and general business apply at the office 15 Broadway vCervf i or steerage passage Agent i 'p RYAN Springfield PALMER Boston PROVIDENCE and WORCESTER RAIL ROAD Arrangement of Express train leaves Providence at 215 in leaves Worcester at 1015 a stopping only at Woonsocket and Uxbridge i Passenger trains leave Providence for orcester at 740 and 1130 a and 405 i i Worcester for Providence at 730 and 1130 am 410 and 630 for Waterford at 9 a connecting with trains for Southbridge Putnam and Norwich The 740 a and 215 from' Providence the 1015a and 410 pm trains from Worcester conneet at orcester unction with trains to aud from itchburg Saratoga Montreal Nashua Concord and the While Mountains Springfield Albany and points North and West Through Tickets and Baggage checked to all ini portant points Trains leave Ashland for Milford Providence and Worcester at 7 and 815 a and 245 WoonJ socket for Milford and Ashland at 850 a 1 and 530 pm HILTON Superintendent Mansfield and ramingham and RAMINGHAM AND LOWELL RAIL The direct' route from Springfield and points on the Boston and Albany railroad via South framingham to Lowell Lawrence Taunton all River New Bodford Martha's Vineyard almouth Hights and Oak Bluffs Winter arrangements for or Taunton New Bedford and way stations pas sengers can leave Springfield at 630 a aud 4 pm or Oak Bluffs almouth Hights Vine vard Edgartown Nantueket aud all River leave Springfield at 630 a Mondays Tuesdays Thurs davs and Saturdays 'or Lowell leave Springfield at 245 am 135 235 and 4 pm if or Lawrence leave Springfield at 245 a 135 and 235 pm 1 No changes of cars between South ramingham Lowell Lawrence and New Bedford i Close and sure connections at Sout ramingham with trains to and from Boston and Albany Through tickets and baggage checked through Ask for tickets via South ramingham 1 A WEBBER i and Roads itchburg Banking (financial 1 TO invested in Wall street often tP LV' leads to fortune A 72 page book explain ing everything and copy of the Wall Street Review Sent eee JOHN HICKLING CO Bankers and Brokers mylawly 72 Broadway New York ANDERSON CO Bankers 433 Main st Springfield draw exchangeand make collections on all parts of Europe buy and sell coin coupons foreign bills etc do a general banking business allowing interest on daily deposit bal ances 1201yd HE Springfield ire Department has six A steam fire engines and two hook and ladder trucks with all necessary appliances for their use Chief Engineer A Leshurc Assistants Gould Goodell George Dwight Chap man Wr Keves Secretary Rowers Office in City Hall IRE ALARM TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTIONS TO KEV HOLDERS Key holders upon positive information of a fire will unlock the box and if the City Hall bell or the small bell in the box is not striking pull the hook easily down to the end of the slide once and let go immediately Do not pull a box when the City Hall bell or the small bell iu the box is striking as in that case a box is already running and to pull a second one would confuse the firemen After pulling a box remain if possible until the steamers arrive to direct them to the fire If you hear no clicking sound in the box after pulling the hook go to the next nearest box and give the alarm from that Do not give an alarm for a fire at a distance nor for a burning chimney Do not pull a box more than once Be sure the box is locked before leaving it After an alarm from a box the police strike 25 or 30 blows on the City Hall bell as a general alarm When steamer No 3 is wanted in the vicinity of a Iox to which the company docs not respond three plows will be struck on the tire alarm Whensteam er No 4 is wanted four blows will be given hen ten blows are struck ou the telegraph after an alarm of fire the entire fire department of the city and the government steamer aterspout will report at the fire without further notice LOCATION SIGNAL BOXES AND KEYS Corner of Main and streets key at drug store and at hotel At the depot key with the watchman at the depot and at the Massasoit house Corner of Main and ranklin key at Samuel Green's 107 Main i street 12 ranklin and 30 Emery st Corner of Main and Carew kev at A Jlly 7 Sargeant street and at Houghton store' Corner of Chestnut and Carew key at 178 Carew st and Horace Corner of Chestnut and Liberty key at Day office and No 259 Chestnut st Corner Taylor and Dwight Corner of Union and School key at Corner of State and Byers key at the United States guard house and Corner of Worthington and Spring key at Harvey 1 Corner of State and alnut key at Allen meat market and stable Corner of Oak and Union key at 'B and HC Corner of State and Hanco*ck key at and Corner of Main and State key at Webbers drug store and Homer oot Corner of Main and Central key at Han and drug store Maple street between Mulberry and Central key at and Dr A von place Corner of Central and Pine key at Rices store and i 26 Corner of Maple and Mill Ames store key at and red Comer of Maip and Mill key at John Hart Charles A and mill Comer of Walnut and Cedar key at Bum store and Lincoln Hall Water shops key at the United States guard house and store Comer of Water and Gardmr key at Walker and at Comer of Water and Howard key at Newell button shop 96 Howard and 220 ater Comer of Main and bridge key at McKnlht Norton DB Mrs Trasks and at Dr Bridge st 42 Corner of Main aud Hooker key at the horse Wason avenue and Connecticut River railroad Brightwood key at the Waspn imui (privatebAt Smith manufactory Stockbridge st i Keys are also in possession of the ponce and oflcers of the tire department NEW YORK via NEW HAVEN STEAM Steamer Continental leaves New Haven daily (Sundays excepted) at 1130 Re leaves New York at3p Passengers can take the 11 train from New Haven Steamer Elm City leaves New York daily (Sundays excepted) at 11 arriving in New Haven in tune for early train to Springfield leaves New Haven at 10 15 a in arriving in New York about 330 nil CONNECTICUT RIVER Vj Passenger trains leave At 8 a for Brattleboro Bellows alls White Riv er Junction St Johnsbury Lake Memphremagog White Mountains Quebec Montpelier Burlington St Albans Ogdensburg Montreal Rutland Keene and intermediate stations At 230 for Brattleboro Bellows alls Rut land White River Junction and Keene At820pni (night express with Pullman palace drawing room and sleeping cars)' for Brattleboro Bellows alls White River Junction Montpelier Burlins on St Albans Montreal Ogdensburg Rut land Stops on only at Holyoke North ampton South Deerfield Greenfield Berdnardston and South Vernon At 1215145 and 445 for Northampton at910 a for Holyoke at 645 for Greenfield I At 650 and 10 a 12 245 620 and 845 for Chicopee alls Chicopee alls at 620 750 aud 1035 a 1 32o and 645 i Chicopee Junction at 636 8 839 956 104 and 1117 a 109 207 335 450 556 656 and 726 Holyoke at 623 822 945 and 1104 am 153 430 i Northampton at 553 6 8 and 1039 a 130 519 mounV tom AND EASTHAMPTON branch RAILROAD (paMenger trains for Mount Tom leave Easthampton at 753 and J025 a 1237 123 510 and 644 leave Mount Tom at 82 and 1050 a MULLIGAN IMPERIAL GRANUM v( THE GREAT MEDICINAL OOD! t4! In the treatment of certain forms of disease medi cal authorities of the present day fully recognize the advantages Qf nutrition in lieu of medication rely ing upon the recuperative energies of nature aided by easily assimilated food to effect that restoration of the impaired system which pills and lotions are powerless to accomplish It is especially desirable in disorders arising from enfeebled digestion to re store a healthy action by the use of food containing in concentrated form the elements essential to the production of pure blood sound flesh and strong bone and muscle Hitherto the difficulty has been to find an aliment which should be food and medi cine at once soothing healing and strengthening without unduly stimulating the digestive and ass'm Intive functions Within a few years however chemical skill has succeeded in the preparation of an article which completely meets the difficulty and affords an invaluable adjunct to the resources of the materia raedica 1 It is entitled and consists principally of the pure gluten of white winter flint wheat prepared by a chemical process which elimi nates all innutritive and irritating matter leaving only the concentrated virtues of the grain in the most convenient form for use Every one is famil iar with the nourishing and strengthening proper ties of wheat but as ordinarily prepared it contains ingredients which however acceptable to those in robust health are foreign to the requirements of an enfeebled system In many forms of disease at all periods of life patients absolutely suffer from lack of sufficient nu triment and physicians are frequently perplexed with the difficulty of obtaining food adapted to the delicate digestion of invalids Pure gluten is what the system requires under such circ*mstances but the trouble has been to get enough of it without at the same time burdening the digestive organs with material too coarse for reception 1 Precisely this difficulty is met by the use of the Imperial Granum which is not only eminently nour ishing but soothing in its action healing inflamma tion while imparting strength These peculiar char acteristics especially adapt this article to the use of infants children nursing mothers and invalids generally In conjunction with proper medical treatment it is highly efficacious in all intestinal dis orders such as dysentery chronic diarrhea cholera infantum etc frequently effecting a complete res toration to health without the intervention of other remedies It is unequaled as a' means of promoting the healthy growth of infants aud children containing no ingredients calculated to stimulate the nervous system improperly and irritate the digestive organs but seems to embrace exactly the qualities required for building up the constitution upon a sound and' vigorous basis It digests easily and is a reliable preventive of intestinal disorders incident to child i hood It has no superior as an aliment in cases of jevers pulmonary complaints dyspepsia and'general debility and prostration of the system The beneficial influence of this medicinal food is attested by many of the most distinguished chemists and physicians in the country The agents for its sale are daily in the receipt of etters from private individuals in all parts of the country narrating the good effects of the Granum in cases of delicate children and confirmed invalids and the name of this admirable preparation seems to be fast becoming a household word in all sections of the Union The Imperial Granum is put np in very attractive style and so hermetically sealed that it remains no impaired for an indefinite period in any climate We have seen a box of it which bad stood open for two years and the contents were as sweet as when find prepared It Is for sale by all Druggists aud dealers iu fine groceries generally IN Commercial Times Secret Socictn Directorn IMP ASON Masonic hall 413 Main etreet ill Evening Star Grand Lodge of Meets at Masonic hall annual meeting on the third of the month Adar: regular meeting first Tuesday In each month Spooner residence on Thompson street pi ir Hampden Lodge and A Meets at Masonic hall: regular meeting first Tuesday evening in every month special meetings on other Tuesday evenings ML Hatch 3(LSummer street secretary Charles Taylor 37 Spruce street ljW Massasoit Grand Council of Meets at Masonic hall anriual meeting on the 20th of the month Thebet JL GZWBayfi residence Massasoit house of Julian Anderson residence 62 64 Bridgestreet Morning Star Chapter of Roydl Arch Masons Meets at Masonic hall regular meetings first riday evening of each month: special meetings other En dav evenings George Weaver boards block Main street secretary i' Kendrick r) Roswell Lee Lodge and A' Meets at Jia sonic hall regular meetings first Saturday evenings 1 of each mon It special meetings ou other Saturday evenings: John A Hall residence Win i Chester street secretary Adams residence 191 High street i in Springfield Commaudery of Knights Meets at Masonic hall regular meetings first Mon day in each month special meetings other Monday evenings Bailey resides 27 Elliott street recorder Jlerrili residence 43 William street1 1 Springfield Council of Select and Royal Jieets at Masonic hall regular meetings first Wednes day evening of each month special meetings third Wednesday evening I Holbrook resi xf dence 324 Water street recorder Geo Adams boards 198 High street with Phillips Mowry Co Sumner Meets at block corner of JIain and State streets regular meetings first and third Mondays in every month JI Washing ton residence 65 Court street secretary Tur ner Willow street ODD Odd hall Savings bank block corner of Main and State streets Aga wam Encampment No 25 1 of Meets on the second and fourth riday evenings of each month A Norway 2 Byers street scribe I'orter Shattuck 531 State street De Soto Lodge No 1551 0 of Meets every Thursday evening Shattuck 53L State street Golden Chain Lodge of (composed of colored men who received their charter from Eng Meets every Monday evening in the irst Na tional bank build'ing William 'fatten' treasurer Piper 43 York street i Hampden Lodge No 27 I of Moots every Monday evening Gl Wing residence 74 Pynclion street recording secretary Win ter residence 15 Bliss street Amity Lodge No 1721 OO Meets every Wednesday eveningin old Masonic hall corner State nnd Market streets George armer resi7 deuce 39'Holyoke street recordiig secretary Walter 1) Davis residence No 71 Vernon street Rebekah Degree Meets on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month Willii'm Smith residence 278 Pine street recording secretary Mrs Mead 148 lorence stroe'a Ancient Order of Hiberni nn DhisionNo Meets every Thursday night at Hibernia hall 42Q Main street president A Hall residence 300 Chestnut street Ancient Order of Hibernians Division No Moots every second riday evening at Hibernia hall 420 Alain street president A McGinty reo idonce 29 Myrtle street i Armory Hill Council No 9 Sovereigns of Indus Jieets every Wednesday evening at Beacon hall 467 State street president A Clark dence 573 Union street1 1 Eureka Council No 5 Sovereigns of Jieets every Tuesday evening at Sovereigns hall Bridge street president Haskins residence 19 Summer street 1 Order of A Ifredians Brigade No 4 of Alassachu Meets the first and third Tuesdays In each I month at Concordia nail MB mam sireei buuvwuis commander James Lewis residence 63 Pynohon street vice commander Crossland Taylor residence 24 Asheley street Massasoit GrangeNo 54 Patrons of Meets every alternate Wednesday evening at the houses of the members Bailey muster rest dence 11 Dickinson street Hampden savings bank SPRINGIELD MASS Banking Room New 'Building corner JIain and Lyman streets Business hours from 9 a to 4 1 Eliphalet Trask President Vice Presidents: 1 Chester Chapin Hyde Harris Bailey Bailey Secretary and Treasurer Trustees: Marvin Chapin Sturtevant Hawkins Lewis Powers Baker A Rumrill Greenleaf JI Stebbins Arthur I Bemis Russell Brown Wm Melcher Interest commences on deposits on the 15th day of each month quiet at 13y4 at Charleston quiet at 13y813yi at Mobile quiet at 13 at Memphis ditto At Clereland petroleum firm standard white liy2c Ohio test 12ya for car lots cash Cattle At ChiearO cattle dull and lower on good to me ilium grades of shipping cattle best grades steady sales of stock steers at $375395 feeders 4 425 medium to good shippers 425 475 choice 5575 extra 6(g625 hogs moderately active bacon grides S8 05810 packers 8a 825 shippers 815 a 840 Phila ileiphias 8 J59 sheep quiet natives $5625 oreign 4 At Antwerp American petroleum 314 francs At Paris rentes 66 francs 30 centimes At London consols 94 3 16 ji 94 5 16 United States bonds old 105 108l4 ten forties 106 new fives 106 Erie 18 sugar 20s for No 12 Dutch standard on the spot and 20s 3d20 6d for do afloat At Liverpool cotton steady middling uplands 6 9 16d do Orleans 6 13 16 cotton to arrive 32d cheap er pork 15s tierce for prime mess latd 63s 6d cwt for American beef India mess steady at 100s tallow prime city dull at 42s 6d spirits turpentine dull at 25s 6d "'i UN ARD SPECIAL Lwith the view of diminishing the collision the steamers of this line bene eforth take a specified course for all seasons otbe year On the outward passage fro or York or Boston crossing meridian of 50 at 43 lat or nothin? to the north of 43 On the pa sage crossing the meridian of 50 at to the nortn of 43 The British and North 'American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Cunard lMe Steamers to sail direct from Boston for Liverpool calling at Queenstown Cork harbor: Atlas Sat Mar 25 Marathon Sat Apid la Hecla Sat April 1 Batavia Sat April Siberia Sat April 8 Atlas bat Passengers embark at Cunard wharf Ev Bos Sailings from New York: Java Wed: Mar 29 ed Apn 1 Algeria Wed April 5 Bothnia ed April i dabin passe according to Steerage passage at low rates Britain and Ireland for £1 and upward ComMnys Oil ces T9 State street Boston JAMES DER Agent PHILIP RYAN Agent 269 Main street Springfield New England ED ircctorn NEW ENGLAND REPRESENTATIVE MANU ACTURERS MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Etc PRICE LISTS CIRCULARS AND ANY INORMATION RELATING TO THE BUSI NESS WILL BE SENT ON AITLICATION Axle Manufacturers ARTHUR BROWN A CO isherville Basket Manufacturers! TOWER Hinsdale Jlass for mill se Leather and Rubber ORSAITH CO Manchester Bobbins Spools and Shuttles EATON AYER Nashua Bolt Gorging Machines 1' ORSAITH CO Manchester Chemicals MERRIMAC CHEMICAL CO Boston Mass Oil Vitriol Muriatic Nitric Glauber Stdts etc Circular Saws and Circular Saw Mills ORSAITH CO Manchester Clothing "Wholesale and Retail 1 OAK HALL 32 to 38 North st Boston Mass Crockery and Glass Ware JONES JlcDUEE STRATTON 01 tO OV OuCrUl BI UOSlOIly kVAftUo Tish and Provisions Wholesale HENRY MAYO CO 5 Commerce st Boston urnaces Ranges and Stoves ARDNER CHILSON 99 Blackstone st Boston rani zed Iron Work BEEBE RAYNER Springfield Mass 1 Iron and Steel Wire WASHBURN MOEN MG CO Worcester Ma ii Iron Working Machinery ORSAITH CO Manchester Knitting Machines LAMB KNITTING MACHINE CO Chicopee alls Mass Machine Card Clothing Manufacturer WAITE CO Leicester Mass Machinists and Machinery Dealers ORSAITH CO Manchester Tools S' ORSAITH CO Jlanchestcr THE HULL BELDEN CO Danbury Ct Machine Work by Contract SC ORSAITH CO Jlanohester NH RUGGLES CO Poultney Vt THE HULL BELDEN CO Danburv Ct Newspaper olding Machines ORSAITH CO Manchester Packing Boxes MATHEWS HICKOK BurlingtonVt POPES WATSONj Burlington Vt Tobacco boxes a specialty Paper Cutters and Presses ORSAITH CO Manchester II Portable Engines? ORSAITH CO Manchester II I Power Hammers ORSAITH CO Jlanchoster IL Scales STANDARD SCALE AIRBANKS BROWN CO Boston HOMER OOT CO Springfield Mass Second Hand Machinery ORSAITH CO Manchester I Shafting' Pulleys and Hangers OKSAITH CO Manchester Hi Steam Engines and Boilers ORSAITH CO Jlanchester HASKINS ENGINE CO itchburg Mass I Steam Pumps S' ORSAITH CO Manchester vninv a innv WORKS GO So Norwalk VALLEY MACHINE CO Easthampton Mass' Manufacturers of Bucket Plunger Pumps Wood Working Machinery ORSAITH CO Manchester BAXTER WHITNEY Winchendon Mass Wrought Iron and Steel Drop orgings THE HULL BELDEN CO Danbury Ct HIGHEST MEDALS HIGHEST MEDALS RECEIVED AT 1 RECEIVED AT' 1 'INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION IN 'i'll i rtt JJYGIENIC LOUR i JIanufacturcd at the NIAGARA LOUR MILLS LOCKPORT By ALRED SMITH Pbofbietob Method of manufacture NEW and vastly Superior to any heretofore employed by Millers in this coun try: Producing an article of superior excellence Bread from which will be found of unusual richness in nutrition and color and very easy of digestion also yielding a greatly increased quantity compared with other flours' Send for Descriptive Circulars Price Lists etc All orders from single Bbls to Car loads promptly filled when accompanied with remittance or satisfactory reference from Deal i m1Tlmdaw CAB $1200 PR0I10N 00 ii a Made any daVin Puts and Cauls Invest accord ing to your means 1 0 $50 or $100 iu Si OCK PRIV ILEGES has brought a small fortune to the careful iuj vest or We advise when and how to operate safely Book with full information sent free Addressor ders by mail and telegraph to i i 'i BAXTER CO 'r Bankers and Brokers mlO STuThly 1 1 17 Wall st Tf RS A HOWD Specialty Dis XVA eases of Women also all Chronic Diseases With her practice Mrs Howd combines Magnetic and Electric treatment 75 Vernon st in28 3in MRS COUGH SYRUP cures NervousnessandHeartburnquick Try it f22STu A' CERTAIN cure for that terrible disease Dipththeria sent on re ceipt of 50 cents and three cent stamp Address WEST 2306 airmount ave PhiladeL phia Pa m23 5 JJR CORNELL MAGNETIC CURE No 714 Broadway Albany Turkish Russian and Electric Baths Magnetism and Electricity ad ministered on Scientific Principles The best of ac commodations given to patients at the house References will be given when desired m20 Im 1 STERLING Dr SYRUP TAR WILD CHERRY AND HOREHOUND for Coughs Colds Croups Whoop ing Cough and all Lung difficulties is the surest remedy known Da RADICAL CURE for Dyspepsia Head ache Biliousness and all diseases arising from dis ordered Stomach or Liver is a sure cure Give them a trial GEO A HILL CO General Agents '326 Main it Springfield Mass nl8 ly TAR ROBERTSON JLr (Late ot Scotland) Specialist in the treatment of all Diseases of the Lungs and Kidneys Dr Robertson examines the lungs by his' improved Spirometer Stethoscope and Sound before undertaking any case for treatment His remedies are specially imported from the Apoth ecaries Hall Scotland dud no JIercubx used in any of them Referencescan be found at his con sulting rooms of hundreds of eases lie has cured of the worst forms of Lung and kidney diseases 1 i if 378 TREMON 1 STRI KT i BOSTON 1 cars pass the door every minute 16 10 jjR ELECTRIC LEXIBLE DISKS To be worn for self applying constant Medical Elec tricityfor ain Weakness Kheuinatism Neural cia etc 1 Large Disks 5 by 8 inches (24 poles) best $250 1 Disk 2 by 6 (10 poles) $1 Simple Disk 4 by 6(2 poles) 50 cents 1 Solti by best Druggists and Surgical Instrument makers Dealers will please send for new Price List and Circulars Disk of prlce fll 2m r' 6 Hamilton Boston Jlass QPRINGIELD INSTITUTION Incorporated A Banking Room New Building corner of Main and State sts first floor 1 Receives Deposits and pays interest on sums from One to One Thousand dollars AMES JI THOMPSON President JOHN STEBBINS Vice President Henry Lee Treasurer Shurtleff SecA Directors George Dwight JI Thompson Stebbins William Gunn Henry Morris Henry 8 Lee WPER CENT Money loaned on Real Estate (first lien) worth three times amount of loan Trust Deeds and judgment Coupon Notes taken are free from taxation Interest paid at your own Bank if desired Borrowers pay all ex penses Six cxperience'in this city Never put a dollar in peril ull information and highest ref erences cheerfully furnished CUSHING inancial Agent No 125 Dearborn st Chicago Ills Sums most readily placed $500 to $10000 large sums at 8 and 9 per cent I ui 27 3m 1VTEW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON IX On and after December 1 1875 Passenger Trains will rim as follows Leave New Haven for New Hartford Westfield and Williamsburg at 705 and 1051 a and 535 Plainville for New Hartford and Williamsburg at 806 and 1147 a aud643p or New Haven and New York at 824 a 124 and 812pm armington for New Hartford 818 a and 142 an1652pm or Unionville ONLY at 1210 New Hartford for armington and connections north and south at 735 and 1115 a and 605 pm Unionville for armington at 1226 in addition to nbove Westfield for Northampton and Williamsburg at 922 a anti 1259 and 8 also freight with pas senger car at 720 a ni or New Haven and way at 712 and 1137 a and 655 or Holyoke at925 am 101 and 802 Holyoke for Westfield and New Haven 6 45 and 1110 a and 6 26 Northampton for Williamsburg at 10 a 135 and 836 pm also freight with passenger car at 850 a or Westfield and New Haven 635 aud 1101 a aud 612 also freight with passenger car for Westfield ONLY at 510 Williamsburg for Westfield and cw Haven at 615 and 1040 am and 550 pin also freight with pas senger car for Westfield ONLY at 4 EDWARD A RAY Genl Ticket A I New Haven Ct ri' ounded Weekly iN 1824 the Daily in BT Samuel Bowles The new year offers features assured and prom ised of uncommon public interest: It celebrates the Century of the Republic It elects a New President at a period of party revolution and new issues It opens amid deep business disorganization and de pression but promises to unfold the elements of new order and a new growth The daily record and the current comment of these various and absorbing interests make the newspaper especially attractive i ft and peculiarly necessary I I The Republican with its national prestige and its assured quality as a first class journal of news and criticism of politics of literature of social science and of arts invites the subscriptions of old and new friends This paper never was in better' heart of hope or faith never stronger in purpose or iu instrumentality never more able to instruct and interest its readers and repay its patrons In the political history of the year The Republican will courageouly through existing parties or over and above them the great practical results so essential by the reform of government to the com fort and the prosperity of the a higher and better class of men in all public offices a restored specie paying currency a reduction in taxes and a reform in their collection a' closer economy and simplicity in all branches of piiblic expenditure and in all the administration of the public service peace and justice between sections and races i freedom from foreign' wars' and territorial conquests the improvement of our own in preference to inter erence with others In unison with such purposes in government we seel the restoration of business activity and personal prosperity though greater economies and directness in all the machinery £of trade and manufacture in greater manifestations of mutual sympathy and interest to the extent when ever possible of direct co operation between em ployer and employed and in the return to the good old fashioned habits of saving and simplicity in private life ska Iotttc nf nnmmiTienfinn ftnil rPflpfifiTK tnfi UHUYl IHG vx American people may hopefully anticipate a period of moral reform and elevation in all their public and private life There is need truly of a more intelli gent and active conscience there are tokens of its coming and the enthusiasm of our nation may well be directed and encouraged to its development and application The Republican lends itself alike to faithful record of all such progress and to hearty stimulation of its motives and its purposes It has given proof of its sensitiveness to the corruptions that have invaded our public life of its courage in pointing out their aiders and abettors in every class and party and of its independence in praising and sustaining those who have made themselves the ac tive apostles of reform i As a newspaper Republican will cherish the qualites which have made it popular and powerful clearness brevity and comprehensive ness regarding the development of thought the difference of opinion and the discoveries of science equally as news with current accidents and crimes and giving especial attention to the record of event and the progress of life in New England As a pub lic journal it is all embracing in its field of discus sion and selection and independent and 'thoughtful in its treatment of all current topics and aiming to make for itself both a welcome and a useful place as an instructor a critic and a stimulant in every fam ily that adopts it 1 "ii' itJl The Weekly Republican is made up with especial care for a general circulation and may fairly claim to be the best eclectic weekly newspaper in the country It offers itself especially to poli ticians and scholars to New Englanders? at home or in distant parts of the country and to Americans abroad as giving in a single sheet a more compre hensive and impartial summary of general New Eng land and American news and fuller and more in dependent discussion of all prominent topics of American life and a more varied picture of our literary art and social progress that can be found anywhere else 7 We venture to bespeak'froin our friends not only the continuance of their subscriptions for this cen tennial year but their words of favor others in The behalf' It is not easy to maintain1 a journal of such thorough execution and ambitions character in a field so purely local as Springfield and it needs all the encouragement it can have from 1 the wide general public to sustain it in its advancing ideals'1 1 jIuj The Republican is sent at the following uniform by mail free of postage while it can be had of the news men in all its local field and in some of a the larger cities 1 THE DAILY REPUBLICAN is Three Cents a copy 18 cents a week 75 cents a month either ly carrier or mail free of THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN is ive Cents a copy $1 for six months $2 a year two copies to one address $350 thre mpiee $5 five $750 and each additional copy $150 and an extra copy for every ten or a Daily Republican free with club of 50 copies all free of postage All subscriptions payable in advance Specimen copies sent free on application Aa an Advertising Medium The Republi can presents peculiar advantages In the amount character and field of its circulation and the low rates charged The Daily Rep ublican has a firm circulation of 11000 copies which is as many or more than is printed by any daily paper in Boston save two two or three times as many as by any other paper in Massachusetts out of Boston or in Connecticut and larger than by any other provincial paper iin the country In all western Massachusetts and upand down the Connecticutvalleyit circulates more large ly than all other daily papers together while in more distant narts of New England in ermont and Con necticnt especially both the Daily and Weekly have exceptionally numerous readers among the most in telligent and influential members ot society The Terms of low uniform and for cash are 5 cents a line of eight words ejch in the Daily and 12 cents a line in the Weekly Special or displayed notices 10 cents a line of space in the Daily and 20 cents iu Weekly or further information and with all orders ad dress (Derail Steamers ORTH GERMAN LLOYD 3 The steamers of this company will sail every Satur day from Bremen pier foot of 3d street Hoboken RATES PASSAGE rom New York to Southampton Loudon Havre 'and Bremen irst cabin $100: second cabin $60 gold steerage $30 currency or freight or passage apply to Oelrichs co mar20 1 2 Bowling Green New York RAILROAD TICKETS to all points WestIA and Northwest South and Southwest also Nas sau and Bermudas at the General Ticket Agency ml ly GUNN MEBRILL Agents CENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD LONDON NORTHERN IHVIS Trains Going Leave Brattleboro for New London at 825 a and 336 (Special for Millers alls itchburg and Boston 2 m) Leave Amherst 615 10 a and 516 Leave Palmer 815 a 215 and 635 Going Leave New London for Brattle boro and the North 5 810 a and 410 Leave Palmer 820 a 210 and 708 Trains connect at South Vernon and Brattleboro for Keene Rutland Montreal etc BENTLEY.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.