What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (2024)

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What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (1)

What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (4)

What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (6)

Best Answer

In the King James version, there are 4,091 words which appearonly once.

These are as follows

Abaddon - Abagtha - Abana - abasing - Abdeel - Abdiel - Abelmaim- Abelmizraim - Abelsh*ttim - Abez - abhorring - Abi - Abialbon -Abiasaph - Abiathar's - Abida - Abidah - Abiezrite - Abihud -Abilene - Abitub - abjects - Abner's - aboard - abodest - abolish -abominably - abstinence - abused - abusers - abusing - Accad -acceptably - acceptance - acceptest - accepting - Accho - accompany- accompanying - accomplishing - accomplishment - accordingly -Accounting - accounts - accuser - accuseth - accusing - accustomed- Aceldama - Achaicus - Achar - Achmetha - Achsa - acknowledgement- acknowledgeth - Acquaint - acquainting - acre - acres - actions -activity - Adadah - Adalia - Adam's - Adamah - Adami - Addan -Addar - adders' - Addi - addicted - addition - Addon - Ader - Adina- Adino - Adithaim - Adlai - Admatha - administration -administrations - admired - admonishing - ado - Adoraim - adorneth- Adramyttium - Adria - adultress - advantaged - advantageth -adventured - advisem*nt - advocate - Aenon - affecteth -affectionately - affectioned - affording - affright - aforehand -afresh - afternoon - agates - Agee - agone - agony - aground - ague- Agur - Aharah - Aharhel - Ahasai - Ahasbai - Ahasuerus' - Ahban -Aher - Ahian - Ahimelech's - Ahimoth - Ahinadab - Ahiram -Ahiramites - Ahishahar - Ahishar - Ahlab - Ahoah - Ahumai - Ahuzam- Ahuzzath - Aiath - aided - Aija - ailed - Ajah - Akan - Alameth -Alammelech - Alamoth - Alexandrians - Aliah - Alian - alienate -alleging - allegory - allied - Allonbachuth - allowed - alloweth -Almon - almsdeeds - aloof - Aloth - Alvah - Alvan - Amad - Amal -Amam - Amana - Amashai - Amasiah - ambassage - ambushes -ambushments - amends - amerce - Ami - amiable - Ammah - Ammi -Amminadib - Ammizabad - amounting - Amphipolis - Amplias - Amram's- Anaharath - Anammelech - Anan - Anani - Anathema - ancestors -anchor - Andronicus - Anem - Anethothite - Anetothite - angels' -angered - Aniam - Anim - anise - ankle - ankles - Anna - anointedst- anointest - answerable - ant - antichrists - Antipas - Antipatris- antiquity - Antothijah - ants - Anub - anvil - Apelles -Apharsathchites - Apharsites - Aphekah - Aphiah - Aphik - Aphrah -Aphses - Apollonia - Apollyon - apothecaries - apothecaries' -apparently - appease - appeaseth - Apphia - Appii - appointeth -approacheth - approvest - approveth - approving - Ara - Arab -Aramitess - Arbah - Arbite - Archelaus - Archevites - Archi -Ardites - Ardon - Arelites - Areopagite - Areopagus - Aretas -arguing - arguments - Aridai - Aridatha - Arieh - Arisai - arising- Aristobulus' - Armageddon - Armoni - Arnan - Arod - Arodi -Arodites - Aroerite - Artaxerxes' - Artemas - artillery - arts -Aruboth - Arumah - Arza - Asa's - Asaph's - Asareel - Asarelah -ash - Ashbea - Ashbelites - Ashdodites - Ashdothites - Asherites -Ashima - Ashkenaz - Ashpenaz - Ashriel - Ashterathite - Ashteroth -Ashvath - Asiel - Asnah - Asnapper - asp - Aspatha - Asrielites -assaulted - assay - assaying - assent - assented - Asshurim -assist - Associate - assure - asswage - Astaroth - astrologer -Asyncritus - Atarah - Atarothadar - Atarothaddar - Athach - Athaiah- Athenians - Athlai - atonements - Atroth - Attalia - attending -attentively - attired - augment - Augustus' - aunt - authorities -Ava - averse - Avim - Avims - avoided - await - awaking - Azal -Azaniah - Azarael - Azaz - Azbuk - Aziel - Aziza - Aznothtabor -Azotus - Azzan - Azzur - Baal's - Baalathbeer - Baale - Baalhamon -Baalhazor - Baali - Baalis - Baalshalisha - Baaltamar - Baara -Baaseiah - babbling - Babylonish - Baca - Bachrites - Backbiters -backbiteth - backbiting - backbitings - backbone - backslider -badest - badness - Baharumite - Bajith - Bakbakkar - bakemeats -bakers' - baketh - Balac - Balah - Balak's - balancings - ball -Bamah - Bamothbaal - banded - banqueting - banquetings - baptisms -Baptist's - baptizest - Barachias - barbarous - barbed - barber's -Barhumite - Bariah - Barjesus - Barjona - bark - barked - barnfloor- barrels - barrenness - Bartimaeus - baser - Bashanhavothjair -Basmath - bastards - bathed - Bathrabbim - Bathshua - bats -battered - battlement - battlements - Bavai - Bazlith - Bazluth -beacon - Bealiah - Bealoth - bearer - beast's - beateth - beauties- Bechorath - bed's - Bedeiah - bee - Beeliada - Beera - Beerah -Beerelim - Beerlahairoi - Beerothites - Beeshterah - beetle -beggarly - beginnest - beguiling - behaveth - behemoth - bekah -Belah - Belaites - belch - belied - belief - bellies - bellow -bellows - belongest - bemoaned - bemoaning - Benammi - benches -bending - Beneberak - benefactors - benevolence - Benhail -Benhanan - Beninu - Benoni - Benzoheth - Beon - Bera - Berachiah -Beraiah - bereaveth - Beri - Beriites - Berites - Berith -Berodachbaladan - Berothah - Berothai - Berothite - Besodeiah -besom - bestead - bestir - Betah - Beten - Bethabara - Bethanoth -Betharam - Betharbel - Bethazmaveth - Bethbaalmeon - Bethbirei -Bethcar - Bethdiblathaim - Bethelite - Bethemek - Bether - Bethesda- Bethezel - Bethgader - Bethgamul - Bethharan - Bethhogla -Bethjesimoth - Bethlebaoth - Bethmeon - Bethpalet - Bethpazzez -Bethphelet - Bethrapha - Bethsh*ttah - Bethtappuah - Bethul -Betonim - betrayers - betrayest - bettered - Beulah - bewaileth -bewray - biddeth - bidding - Bidkar - Bigtha - Bigthan - Bigthana -Bileam - Bilgai - Bimhal - bird's - birds' - Birsha - Birzavith -Bishlam - bishoprick - bishops - Bithiah - Bithron - bits -Bizjothjah - Biztha - blacker - blackish - blasphemer - blasphemest- blaspheming - blasphemously - Blastus - blaze - bleating -bleatings - blindeth - blindfolded - block - blocks -bloodguiltiness - bloodthirsty - bloomed - blossomed - blotteth -Blotting - blueness - blunt - Boanerges - boar - boastest -boastings - boats - body's - boiling - boisterous - bolled - bolt -bolted - bondservant - bondservice - booties - bored - borroweth -Boscath - Bosor - bosses - bottoms - bountifulness - bowmen - boy -Bozez - Bozkath - bracelet - brambles - brand - brandish - brands -bravery - brawler - brawlers - brayed - breakest - breakings -breatheth - bred - breeding - brethren's - bribery - bridegroom's -bridles - bridleth - brigandine - brigandines - bringers - broader- broided - broiled - brokenfooted - brokenhanded - brood -brothers' - bruises - bucket - buckets - buds - buildedst - builder- Bul - bulrush - Bunah - bunch - buriers - burnished - bursting -bushy - busied - busy - busybody - butlers - butlership - Buzi -byways - cab - Cabbon - cabins - Calcol - Calebephratah - calf's -Calno - Calvary - calved - calveth - Camon - camped - Canaanitess -Candace - candles - canker - cankered - Canneh - Caphthorim -Caphtorim - Caphtorims - carbuncles - Carcas - Careah - caring -Carmites - carpenter's - Carpus - carriest - Carshena - carvings -casem*nt - cases - castaway - castedst - Castor - cauls - cave's -Cedron - ceiling - centurion's - ceremonies - chafed - chalcedony -Chalcol - Chaldaeans - Chaldeans' - Chaldees' - chalkstones -challengeth - chambering - chameleon - chamois - champaign -chanceth - changeable - changers - changers' - changest - changing- channel - chant - chapel - chapmen - chapt - Charashim -Charchemish - chargedst - chargest - charitably - charmed - charmer- charming - chaseth - chasing - chastenest - chastiseth - chatter- check - checker - cheereth - cheerfully - cheerfulness - cheeses- Chelal - Chelluh - Chelubai - Chemarims - Chenani -Chepharhaammonai - Cherethims - cherish - cherished - cherubims' -Chesalon - Chesed - Chesil - chesnut - chestnut - chests -Chesulloth - chewed - Chezib - chickens - chiding - Chidon -childbearing - childish - Chileab - Chilion's - Chilmad - chimney -Chios - Chislon - Chislothtabor - Chiun - Chloe - Choosing - chop -Chorashan - Chozeba - Christians - chrysolyte - chrysoprasus - Chub- Chun - churlish - churning - Chuza - Cinneroth - circle -circuits - circ*mspect - circ*mspectly - Cis - citizens - clamorous- clamour - clappeth - Clauda - Claudia - clearer - clearness -clemency - Clement - Cleopas - Cleophas - cliff - cliffs - clift -clifts - climbeth - clipped - closer - closest - closets - clothest- clouted - Cnidus - co*ckatrice - co*ckatrices - co*ckcrowing -co*ckle - coffin - cogitations - collar - collars - collops - colony- Colosse - coloured - comers - comfortedst - comfortless - comings- commander - commending - commission - commissions - committest -commodious - commonwealth - commotion - commotions - compact -compacted - companied - companions' - comparable - compassest -compellest - complainers - complaining - compound - compoundeth -Conaniah - conceiving - concision - conclude - conclusion - concord- condemnest - condescend - condition - conditions - confection -confectionaries - conference - confidences - confidently -confiscation - conformable - congealed - congratulate - conquer -conquering - conquerors - consciences - consentedst - consist -consisteth - consorted - conspirators - constant - constellations -constrain - constraint - consult - consultation - consulter -consulteth - consummation - containeth - containing - contemneth -contemptuously - contendest - contending - contentment -contradicting - contribution - controversies - conveniently -conversion - converteth - converting - converts - conveyed -convicted - convinceth - cooks - Coos - copied - coping - copper -coppersmith - cor - Corban - Core - cornfloor - corpse - corrupteth- corrupting - Cosam - costliness - cotes - cottages - coucheth -coulter - coulters - countervail - counting - couplings -courageously - courteous - cousin - cousins - covenantbreakers -cow's - Coz - crackling - cracknels - crag - crashing - craved -craveth - createth - creditors - creek - crept - Crescens - Cretes- Cretians - cries - cripple - crisping - crookbackt - cropped -crossway - crouch - croucheth - crownedst - crownest - crowneth -crowning - cruelly - cumbered - cumbereth - cumbrance - cumi -cunningly - cupbearer - curdled - cures - curiously - current -cursest - cursings - Cushan - Cuth - Cuthah - cuttest - cymbal -cypress - Cyrenians - Cyrenius - Dabareh - Dabbasheth - Dagon's -Dalaiah - Dalmanutha - Dalmatia - Dalphon - Damaris - Damascenes -damnable - dandled - dangerous - Danjaan - Dannah - Dara - Darda -darken - darkeneth - darkish - darkly - daub - daubing - daysman -deadness - dealer - dealing - debase - debates - decay -deceivableness - deceivings - decently - decided - deckest -decketh - decreased - Dedanim - deemed - deepness - deer - defamed- defaming - defendest - defending - deferreth - defiledst -degenerate - Dehavites - Dekar - delectable - delicacies -delicateness - delicates - delightest - delightsome - deliverances- delivery - delusion - delusions - demonstration - denounce -deposed - deputed - deride - descendeth - description - descry -deserve - deserveth - deserving - despaired - desperately -despisest - despising - detained - determinate - determination -determine - detest - devilish - devote - devotions - devourer -devourest - Diblaim - Diblath - Dibri - diddest - diest - differ -differences - differing - diggedst - Dilean - diminishing - Dimnah- Dimonah - Dinah's - Dinaites - dined - Dionysius - Diotrephes -direction - disallow - disannulled - disannulleth - disannulling -disappoint - disappointed - disappointeth - discerner - discerneth- discharge - discharged - disciples' - discipline - disclose -discomfiture - discontented - discontinue - discourage -discovering - discreetly - disfigure - disgrace - disguiseth -dishonesty - dishonourest - disinherit - dismaying - disobeyed -dispatch - dispersions - displayed - disposing - disposition -disputation - disputations - dispute - disputer - disquiet -disquietness - dissemblers - dissembleth - dissolve - dissolvest -dissolving - distaff - distant - distinction - distinctly -distracted - distraction - distributeth - Distributing - ditches -divider - divinations - divineth - divining - divorce - Dizahab -doctor - Dodai - Dodavah - doorkeeper - dote - doting -doubletongued - doubteth - dove's - downsitting - dragging - drawer- dresser - dressers - dresseth - drewest - driedst - drinkers -drinks - dromedary - droppeth - dropsy - droves - drowsiness -Drusilla - dryshod - dues - dunghills - Dura - dureth - duties -dwarf - eared - Easter - eaters - ebony - Ed - Edar - effected -effeminate - Eglaim - Ehi - eightieth - Eker - Eladah - Elbethel -Elead - elected - EleloheIsrael - Eleph - Eli's - Eliab's - Eliadah- Elidad - Elienai - Elihoenai - Elihoreph - Elika - Eliphal -Elisabeth's - Eliseus - Elishaphat - Elisheba - Elkosh*te - Elmodam- elms - Elnaam - Elonbethhanan - Elonites - Elpalet - Elparan -Eltekon - Elul - Eluzai - Elymas - embalm - emboldened -emboldeneth - embroider - emeralds - Emins - Emmanuel - Emmaus -Emmor - empire - employ - employment - emptiers - emptiness -emulation - emulations - enabled - Enam - encamping - enchanter -enchanters - encountered - endamage - endanger - endangered -endeavour - Endeavouring - endeavours - endeth - ending - endow -Eneglaim - Enflaming - engaged - engrafted - engraven - Enhaddah -Enhakkore - Enhazor - enjoin - enjoyed - enlargement - enlarging -enlighten - enlightening - Enmishpat - Enosh - enquirest -enrichest - Enrimmon - ensigns - ensnared - ensue - entangle -entangleth - Entappuah - enterprise - entertain - entertained -enticeth - entire - entrances - entreateth - entries - envies -Enviest - envieth - environ - Epaenetus - Ephai - Ephesdammim -Ephesian - Ephphatha - Ephraimite - Ephrathites - Epicureans -equally - equals - Eran - Eranites - Erech - erected - Erites -escaping - eschew - eschewed - Esek - Eshean - Eshek - Eshkalonites- Eshtaulites - Eshtemoh - Esli - establishment - Esteeming -estimations - eternity - Ethanim - Ethbaal - Ethnan - Ethni -Eubulus - Eunice - Euodias - Euroclydon - Eutychus - evangelists -evenings - evilfavouredness - exacteth - exaction - exactions -exactors - exaltest - examination - examining - examples -exceedest - exceedeth - excelled - excellest - excepted -exchangers - exclude - excluded - excusing - executedst - executest- execution - executioner - exempted - exerciseth - exhorteth -exorcists - expected - experiment - expound - express - extendeth -extreme - extremity - eye's - eyebrows - eyesalve - eyesight - Ezar- Ezbai - Ezel - Ezem - Eznite - Ezrahite - Ezri - faintest -faintness - fallest - fallowdeer - falsifying - familiars - fanners- fared - farm - farthings - fashioning - fashions - fastening -fastest - fatling - fats - fatter - favourest - favoureth -fearfully - feasted - feebleminded - feebleness - feebler -feedingplace - feignedly - Felix' - felled - feller - fellest -felling - felloes - fellow's - fellowcitizens - fellowdisciples -fellowheirs - fellowhelper - fellowhelpers - fellowworkers - fence- fens - ferret - ferry - Festus' - fetcheth - fetcht - fewer -fewest - fewness - fidelity - fiercer - file - fillest - fillet -filling - finer - finisher - fires - firkins - firstbegotten -fish's - fisher's - fishermen - fishhooks - fishing - fishpools -fists - fitteth - flag - flakes - flash - flayed - fleshy - flinty- fluttereth - flux - foals - foam - fodder - folden - foldeth -folks - followedst - forbiddeth - forborn - forcible - ford -foreknew - foreknow - foreordained - forerunner - foresaw -foreseeing - foreship - foretell - forewarn - forewarned -forfeited - forged - forgers - forgetfulness - forgetting -forgivenesses - forgot - forks - forsomuch - forswear - Fortunatus- forty's - forum - fouled - fouledst - foundest - fowlers - frail- frankly - freckled - freeman - frequent - fresher - fretted -fretteth - frontiers - frowardly - frozen - frustrateth - fuller -fullers' - furbish - furrow - furthered - Gabbai - Gabbatha -gaddest - Gaddi - Gaddiel - Gadite - Gaham - gains - gainsay -gainsayers - Galatians - galbanum - gallant - galley - Gammadims -Gamul - gap - gaps - gardener - garlands - garlick - Garmite -garnish - Gashmu - gatherer - gatherest - gatherings - Gathhepher -gay - Gazathites - gaze - gazing - Gazites - Gebim - Gedeon - Geder- Gederah - Gederathite - Gederite - Gederothaim - Geliloth -Gemalli - gendered - Gergesenes - Gesham - Geuel - Gezrites - Giah- Gibbar - Gibea - Gibeath - Gibeathite - Giblites - Gidom -Gilalai - Gilead's - Gimzo - Ginnetho - girdest - Girgash*te -Girgasite - girl - girls - Gispa - Gittahhepher - Gizonite -glasses - gleanings - glede - glitter - gloriest - glorifieth -gnat - gnaw - gnawed - goad - Goath - goatskins - goblet -goldsmith's - goodlier - goodliness - goodness' - gopher - gore -gorgeous - gourds - governments - governor's - graff - grandmother- grapegatherer - grapegleanings - grave's - graveclothes - graveth- gravings - grease - greaves - greediness - greenness - greeteth -grey - greyheaded - greyhound - griefs - grievance - grieving -grinders - groaned - groaneth - gropeth - grudging - grudgingly -guard's - guest - guiding - guiltiness - gulf - Gunites - Gur -Gurbaal - gush - gutter - Haahashtari - Habaziniah - habitable -Hachmoni - Hachmonite - Hadadrimmon - Hadashah - Hadassah -Hadattah - Hadlai - Hadrach - haft - Hagab - Hagaba - Hagabah -Hagarenes - Hagerite - Haggeri - Haggiah - Haggites - Hakkatan -Hakkoz - hale - Halhul - Hali - haling - Hallohesh - Halohesh -halting - Hamathzobah - Hammath - Hammoleketh - Hammothdor -Hamonah - Hamor's - Hamuel - Hamulites - handed - handkerchiefs -handles - handmaiden - handstaves - handwriting - handywork - Hanes- Haniel - Hannathon - Hanniel - Hanochites - hap - Haphraim -happier - Hara - Harbona - Harbonah - hardhearted - Hareph - Hareth- Harhaiah - Harhas - harlots' - Harnepher - harnessed - Harod -Haroeh - Harorite - harped - harping - harrow - Harum - Harumaph -Haruphite - Haruz - has - Hasadiah - Hasenuah - Hashabnah -Hashbadana - Hashem - Hashubah - Hashupha - Hasrah - Hassenaah -Hasshub - hasteneth - Hasupha - hatcheth - hatefully - Hathath -hats - haughtily - havens - havock - Hazaiah - Hazaraddar -hazarded - Hazargaddah - Hazarhatticon - Hazarsusah - Hazarsusim -Hazazontamar - hazel - Hazelelponi - Hazerim - Hazezontamar -Haziel - Hazo - headbands - headstone - heady - healer - healings -hearkenedst - hearkening - heartily - hearts' - hearty - heaven's -Heber's - Heberites - Hebrewess - Hebrews' - Hege - heifer's -heinous - Helbah - Helbon - Heleb - Heled - Helekites - Heleph -Heli - Helkai - Helkathhazzurim - helm - helve - Hemam - Hemdan -hems - Hepherites - her's - herald - herdman - Heres - Heresh -heresy - heretick - herewith - heritages - Hermas - Hermes -Hermogenes - Hermonites - Herodion - Hesed - Heshmon - hewer -Hezeki - Hezion - Hezrai - Hezro - Hezron's - Hiddai - Hiel -Hierapolis - Higgaion - Hilen - Hilkiah's - hill's - hindereth -hip - Hiram's - hires - hirest - Hizkiah - Hizkijah - hoarfrost -Hobah - Hod - Hodaiah - Hodesh - Hodevah - Hodiah - Hoham - hoised- hole's - holier - holily - Homam - homers - honesty - honor -honourest - honours - hoods - hope's - hopeth - Horam - Horem -Horite - hornets - horsehoofs - horseleach - hosen - Hoshama -hoshaphat - Hotham - Hothan - hotly - hottest - hough - howled -howlings - huge - Hukkok - Hukok - humbledst - humbleness -humiliation - Humtah - hungerbitten - hunted - hunters - hunteth -Hupham - Huphamites - Huppah - Hurai - Huri - hurl - hurleth -hurling - hurting - Hushah - husks - Huz - Huzzab - hypocrisies -hypocrite's - Ibneiah - Ibnijah - Ibri - Ichabod - Ichabod's -Idalah - Idbash - idol's - idolatries - idolatrous - Idumaea -Igdaliah - Igeal - ignominy - Ilai - illuminated - Illyricum -image's - imagery - imagineth - immortal - immutability - immutable- Imna - impediment - impenitent - imperious - implacable - implead- importunity - impose - imposed - impoverish - imprisoned -imprisonments - Imrah - inclineth - inclose - incontinency -incontinent - increasest - increasing - incredible - indebted -inditing - industrious - inexcusable - infallible - infamous -inflame - inflicted - influences - infolding - inform - inhabitest- inhabiting - inheritances - inheriteth - inheritor - injured -injurious - injustice - inscription - inside - instructer -instructers - instructing - instructor - intelligence - intended -Intendest - intercessions - intercessor - intermeddle -intermeddleth - intermission - interpreting - intreaties - intreaty- intruding - invasion - invent - invented - inventors - Iphedeiah- Ir - Iri - Irnahash - irons - Irpeel - Irshemesh - Iru - Iscah -Ishbah - Ishbibenob - Ishiah - Ishijah - Ishma - Ishmael's -Ishmaelite - Ishmaiah - Ishmeelite - Ishmerai - Ishod - Ishpan -Ishuah - Ishuai - Ishui - Ismachiah - Ismaiah - Ispah - Isuah -Isui - Italian - itch - itching - items - Ithai - Ithmah - Ithnan -Ithra - Ithrites - its - Ittahkazin - Ituraea - Izehar - Izeharites- Izrahite - Izri - Jaakan - Jaakobah - Jaala - Jaalah - Jaanai -Jaareoregim - Jaasau - Jaasiel - Jaaziel - Jabal - Jabin's - Jabneh- Jachan - Jachinites - Jadau - Jadon - Jagur - JAH - Jahaza -Jahaziah - Jahdai - Jahdiel - Jahdo - Jahleelites - Jahmai - Jahzah- Jahzeelites - Jahzerah - Jahziel - jailor - Jairite - Jakan -Jakeh - Jalon - Jambres - Jaminites - Jamlech - jangling - Janna -Jannes - Janoah - Janum - Japhleti - Japho - Jaresiah - Jaroah -Jashen - Jashubilehem - Jashubites - Jasiel - Jathniel - Jaziz - Je- jealousies - Jearim - Jeaterai - Jeberechiah - Jecamiah -Jecholiah - Jecoliah - Jedidah - Jedidiah - Jeezer - Jeezerites -Jegarsahadutha - Jehaleleel - Jehalelel - Jehezekel - Jehiah -Jehizkiah - Jehoiachin's - Jehosheba - Jehoshua - Jehoshuah -Jehovahjireh - Jehovahnissi - Jehovahshalom - Jehubbah - Jehucal -Jehud - Jehudijah - Jehush - Jekabzeel - Jekuthiel - Jemima -jeoparded - Jephthae - Jeremai - Jeremiah's - Jeremias - Jeribai -Jeriel - Jerijah - Jerioth - Jerubbesheth - Jeruel - Jerusha -Jerushah - Jeshanah - Jesharelah - Jeshebeab - Jesher - Jeshishai -Jeshohaiah - Jeshuah - Jesimiel - jesting - Jesui - Jesuites -Jesurun - Jethlah - Jeuel - Jeuz - Jew's - Jewish - Jezebel's -Jezerites - Jeziah - Jeziel - Jezliah - Jezoar - Jezrahiah - Jibsam- Jidlaph - Jimna - Jimnah - Jimnites - Jiphtah - Joahaz - Job's -Joed - Joelah - Joezer - Jogli - joining - joinings - Jokdeam -Jokim - Jokmeam - Jona - Jonan - Jorah - Jorai - Jorim - Jorkoam -Josabad - Jose - Joshah - Joshaphat - Joshaviah - Josibiah -Josiphiah - jot - Jotbah - Jotbath - joyed - joying - Jozachar -Jubal - Jucal - Jude - Judea - Judith - juice - Julia - jumping -Junia - jurisdiction - Jushabhesed - justifier - justle -Kadmonites - Kallai - Karkaa - Karkor - Karnaim - Kartah - Kartan -Kattath - Kedeshnaphtali - Kelaiah - Kenan - Kenizzites -Kerenhappuch - kernels - kettle - Kezia - Keziz - Kibzaim - kicked- kiln - Kinah - kingly - kinsman's - kinswomen - Kirharaseth -Kirhareseth - Kirharesh - Kirioth - Kirjath - Kirjatharim -Kirjathhuzoth - Kirjathsannah - Kishi - Kishion - Kison - Kithlish- Kitron - knocked - knocking - Koa - Korahite - Korahites -Korathites - Kushaiah - Laadah - lad's - ladder - ladeth - lads -Lael - Lahad - Lahmam - Lahmi - laidst - Lakum - lamentable - lance- lancets - landing - landmarks - lanes - languished - languishing- lanterns - Lapidoth - largeness - Lasea - Lasha - Lasharon -lasted - lasting - lately - laud - laugheth - laughing - Launch -lavish - lawless - layedst - leadest - leather - leathern - leaved- Lebana - Lebanah - Lebaoth - Lebbaeus - Lebonah - Lecah - leeks -leftest - leg - legions - leisure - lengthened - lengthening - leth- letting - Letushim - Leummim - Levitical - lewdly - Libertines -licketh - lid - lifter - lightest - lign - liked - Likhi - limit -limited - limiteth - lineage - lingereth - lintels - Linus -lioness - lionesses - liquors - Listen - litters - lizard - loaden- loadeth - Loammi - loan - loathe - lodgest - lodgeth - lodgings -loftily - Lois - longedst - longwinged - lookingglasses - lop -lordly - loseth - lotheth - lothing - love's - lowering - loweth -Lubim - Lucas - Lucifer - lucre's - lukewarm - lusting - lusty -Lycia - Lydians - Lysanias - Maachathi - Maadai - Maadiah - Maai -Maalehacrabbim - Maarath - Maasiai - Maath - Maaz - Macedonian -Machbanai - Machbenah - Machi - Machirites - Machnadebai - Madian -Madmen - Madmenah - Magbish - Magdala - magician - magnifical -magnificence - Magormissabib - Magpiash - Mahalah - Mahali -Mahanehdan - Mahavite - Mahlon's - Mahol - maid's - maidservant's -maidservants' - mainsail - maintained - maintainest - Makaz -makers - Maktesh - Malachi - Malchielites - Malchiram - Malchus -malefactor - Maleleel - malicious - malignity - mallows - Manaen -maneh - manifestly - manservant's - manservants - mansions -manslayers - mantles - Maoch - Maonites - Mara - Maralah -Maranatha - marched - marchedst - marishes - markest - marketplaces- Maroth - Mars' - Marsena - mart - martyrs - marvelously - marvels- MASH - Mashal - masterbuilder - masteries - masts - Mathusala -Matri - Mattatha - Mattathah - maul - maw - Mazzaroth - meadows -mealtime - Mearah - Mebunnai - Mecherathite - meddled - meddleth -Mede - Median - Megiddon - Mehetabeel - Mehir - Mehuman - Mehunim -Mehunims - Mejarkon - Mekonah - Melatiah - Melchiah - Melea -Melicu - Melita - melons - melting - Memphis - Menan - menchildren- mend - menstealers - Meonenim - Meonothai - Meraiah - Merarites -Merathaim - merchants' - Mercurius - mercyseat - Meres -MeribahKadesh - Merodach - Merodachbaladan - Meroz - merrily -merryhearted - Mesech - Meshillemith - Meshobab - Meshullemeth -Mesobaite - messes - meteyard - Methegammah - Meunim - Mibhar -Michri - Middin - Midianite - Migdalel - Migdalgad - mightiest -Milalai - mile - Miletum - millet - millions - mills - mincing -minding - minish - minished - Minni - minstrels - Miphkad - Mirma -miscarrying - miserably - Misgab - Mishal - Misham - Misheal -Mishmannah - Mishraites - Mispereth - misused - mite - Mithnite -Mitylene - mixt - Mizar - Mizpar - Mnason - Moabitish - Moadiah -mocker - mockest - mockings - moderately - moderation - modest -moist - moistened - mole - moles - Molid - mollified - monsters -monthly - monuments - Moreshethgath - morever - morsels - mortality- mortally - mortgaged - Mosera - motheaten - mothers' - motions -mounted - mounting - mourner - mournfully - moveable - movedst -mover - mower - mowings - mown - Mozah - mufflers - mules' -multipliedst - munitions - Muppim - murmurers - murrain - muse -mused - musicians - musing - mustereth - mutter - muttered - mutual- Myra - Naam - Naaman's - Naamites - Naarai - Naaran - Naarath -Naashon - Nachon's - Nagge - Nahalal - Nahallal - Nahalol - Naham -Nahamani - Naharai - Nahari - Nahbi - Nahum - nailing - Nain -nameth - Naomi's - Narcissus - narrowed - narrower - Nathanmelech -native - Naum - naves - Nazarene - Nazarenes - Neah - Neapolis -Nebai - Neballat - Nebushasban - necromancer - Nedabiah - needest -needle's - neesings - neglected - neglecting - Nehum - Nehushta -Nehushtan - Neiel - neighbours' - neighed - neighing - neighings -Nekeb - Nemuelites - Nephish - Nephishesim - Nephusim - Nereus -Nergal - Neri - nethermost - Netophathi - neverthless - newborn -news - Nezib - Nibhaz - Nibshan - Nicanor - Nicolas - Nicopolis -Niger - Nimrah - Nineve - Ninevites - Nod - Nodab - Nohah - Non -noontide - Nophah - noted - nourisher - nourisheth - nourishing -nourishment - novice - nurture - Nymphas - oar - Obal - Obil -object - obscure - observation - observer - observers - observest -observeth - obtaining - occasioned - occupiers - occupieth -occurrent - odd - offenders - oftener - Ohel - oldness - oliveyard- Olympas - omers - omitted - omnipotent - onions - onward - onycha- openings - operations - Ophni - opinions - oppose - opposed -opposest - opposeth - oppositions - oration - orchard - orchards -ordaineth - ordereth - orderings - orderly - ordinary - Oren -organs - orphans - Osee - ostrich - ostriches - Othni - Outcast -outlandish - outlived - outrageous - outrun - outwent - ovens -overcharge - overcharged - overdrive - overfloweth - overlived -overmuch - overpass - overplus - overran - overrunning - overspread- overspreading - overtaketh - overturned - overwhelm - Owe - oweth- Ozni - Oznites - Paarai - paces - pacify - Padan - paddle - Pai -painful - painfulness - paintedst - painting - Palal - paleness -Palestine - Palluites - palsies - Palti - Paltiel - Paltite -Pannag - pant - paramours - parchments - pardoneth - pare -parlours - Parmashta - Parmenas - Parnach - Parshandatha -partakest - Parthians - parties - parting - Paruah - Parvaim -Pasach - Pasdammim - passedst - passion - passovers - pastor -Patara - pate - pathway - Patmos - patrimony - Patrobas - patterns- Pau - Paulus - paweth - paws - payeth - payment - peacemakers -Pedahel - pedigrees - peep - peeped - Pelaliah - Peniel - penknife- Peor's - Perazim - PERES - Peresh - Perezuzza - Perezuzzah -perfectness - perfumes - Perida - perilous - perishing - perjured -permission - pernicious - persecuting - persecutor - perseverance -Persis - persuadest - persuasion - persude - Peruda - pestilent -pestle - Pethuel - Peulthai - Phalec - Phallu - Phalti - Phaltiel -Phanuel - Pharah - Pharaohhophra - Pharaohnecho - Pharisees' -Pharosh - Pharpar - Pharzites - Phaseah - Phebe - Phenicia -Philemon - Philetus - Philippians - Philistim - Philologus -philosophers - philosophy - Phinehas' - Phlegon - Phuvah -Phygellus - phylacteries - Pibeseth - pick - pierceth - piercings -piety - Pildash - Pileha - Piltai - pineth - pining - pipers -Piram - Pirathon - Pison - Pispah - Pithom - plainness - plaiting -planes - planets - plantation - planters - plantings - player -playeth - pleadings - pleasantness - plotteth - plough - plowers -ploweth - plucketh - pluckt - plunge - poets - pointed - policy -polishing - pollution - Pollux - pondered - poorer - poorest -poplar - poplars - Poratha - Porcius - port - possessest -possessing - Potentate - potsherds - potters - pouredst - pourtray- powders - practices - Praetorium - praiseth - pransing -preachest - prefer - premeditate - preparations - preparedst -presbytery - prescribed - prescribing - presenting - preserver -pressfat - presumed - prevailest - prevaileth - preventest - prices- pricking - princess - princesses - printed - Prisca - prised -private - proceeding - Prochorus - proclaimeth - procureth -Produce - profaneness - profaneth - profiting - profound -progenitors - prognosticators - promising - pronouncing - proofs -prophesyings - prostitute - protection - protesting - proveth -providence - Providing - provokedst - prudently - pruned - pruning- psalmist - Ptolemais - Pua - publick - Pudens - Puhites - pulpit- Punites - purely - purgeth - purging - purifications - purifier -purloining - purposeth - purposing - purses - pursuer - purtenance- pushed - pushing - Puteoli - Putiel - putrifying - pygarg -quantity - Quartus - quaternions - quickening - quicksands -quieteth - quivered - Raamiah - Raamses - Rabbith - Rabboni - Raca- Rachab - Rachal - Raddai - rafters - Ragau - raged - rageth -ragged - Raguel - Raham - Rahel - rail - railer - railings - rainy- raiser - Rakem - Rakkath - Rakkon - ram's - Rama - Ramath -Ramathaimzophim - Ramathite - Ramathlehi - Ramathmizpeh - Ramiah -range - ranging - Raphu - rare - rashly - rattleth - rattling -Reaia - reaper - reasonable - Rebecca - rebuker - recall -receivedst - receiver - Rechah - reckoneth - recompensest -recompensing - recorded - recount - recovering - redeemedst -redness - redound - Reelaiah - refine - refiner - refiner's -reformation - reformed - refraineth - refresheth - refusedst -Regem - Regemmelech - Rei - reignest - reigning - rejecteth -rejoicest - relief - relieved - relieveth - rely - remembrances -Remeth - remit - remitted - Remmon - Remmonmethoar - Remphan -renderest - rendereth - rendering - rending - renounced - rentest -repairer - repairing - repayed - repayeth - repeateth - repentest -repenting - repentings - repetitions - Rephael - Rephah - repliest- reproachest - requests - requirest - requiring - requiting -rescueth - resemblance - resemble - resembled - Resen - Resheph -resolved - respected - respecter - restest - restingplace -restrainest - restraint - rests - Reubenite - Reumah - revealer -revenged - revengers - revenges - revenging - reverenced - reverend- revilers - Revilest - revolting - rewarder - Rezia - Rezon -Rhegium - Rhesa - Rhoda - Rhodes - ribband - richer - ridden -ridges - rifled - ringleader - Rinnah - rioting - rip - ripening -rites - road - roarings - robbeth - roebucks - Rohgah - roller -rolleth - rolling - rolls - rope - Rosh - rouse - rovers - rowers -rowing - rubbing - rudder - rude - rue - Ruhamah - Rumah - rumbling- runnest - rushes - rusheth - Sabta - Sabtah - Sabtecha -Sabtechah - sackclothes - sacks' - sacrificedst - sacrilege - sadly- sadness - safeguard - saffron - sailors - saints' - Sala -Salamis - Salchah - Salim - Salmone - saltness - saltpits - Salu -salutations - Samgarnebo - Samos - Samothracia - Sansannah - sap -Saph - Saphir - Sapphira - Sarai's - Saraph - sardine - Sardites -sardonyx - Sarepta - Sargon - Saron - Sarsechim - Saruch - Satan's- satiated - satisfiest - satyr - satyrs - savours - sawed - sawn -scabbard - scaffold - scaleth - scalp - scant - scarceness -scarest - scattering - sceptres - Sceva - schism - school - scoff -scoffers - scorch - scoured - scourges - scourgeth - scourging -scourgings - scrabbled - screech - Scythian - seafaring - sealest -sealing - seam - searchings - seared - seated - seatward - Sebat -Secacah - Sechu - secondarily - Secundus - security - seditions -seducers - seduceth - seducing - seed's - seedtime - seer's -Seirath - seized - Sela - Selahammahlekoth - Seleucia - selfwill -sellers - sellest - Sem - Semachiah - Semei - senate - senators -Seneh - sense - senses - Senuah - Seorim - separating - Sephar -Sepharad - Sepharvites - Sergius - servedst - servitor - Sethur -setter - settings - settlest - severally - sewest - seweth -Shaalabbin - Shaashgaz - Shachia - shade - Shage - Shaharaim -Shahazimah - shaked - Shalem - Shalim - Shalisha - Shallecheth -Shallun - Shalman - Shama - Shamariah - shambles - shamefacedness -shamelessly - shameth - Shamhuth - Shamma - Shammoth - Shammuah -Shamsherai - shapen - shapes - Shapham - Sharai - Sharaim - Sharar- share - Sharonite - sharpness - Sharuhen - Shashai - Shaulites -Shavsha - Sheal - shearer - Shearjashub - Shebah - Shebam -Shebarim - Sheber - Shechemites - shedder - shedding - sheep's -sheepcotes - sheepfold - sheepmaster - sheepskins - Shehariah -Shelanites - Shelesh - Shelomi - Shemaah - Shemeber - Shemidah -Shemidaites - Sheminith - Shen - Shenazar - Shephathiah -shepherds' - Shephi - Shepho - Shephuphan - Sherah - sherd - sherds- Sheresh - Sherezer - Shethar - Shibboleth - Shibmah - Shicron -Shigionoth - Shihon - Shihor - Shihorlibnath - Shilhim -Shillemites - Shiloah - Shiloni - Shilonites - Shilshah - Shimeam -Shimeathites - Shimeon - Shimhi - Shimi - Shimites - Shimma -Shimon - Shimrath - Shimrith - Shimrom - Shimronites - Shimronmeron- Shinab - Shiphi - Shiphmite - Shiphrah - Shiphtan - shipping -Shisha - sh*trai - sh*ttah - shivers - Shiza - Shoa - Shobek -Shobi - Shocho - shock - shocks - Shoco - shoe's - shoelatchet -Shoham - shooters - Shophan - shouteth - shoutings - shovel - shred- shrines - shroud - shrubs - Shuham - Shumathites - shun -Shunites - shunned - Shupham - Shuphamites - Shuthalhites -shutting - shuttle - Sia - Siaha - Sibboleth - Sibraim - Sichem -sickly - sifted - sighest - sigheth - sighs - sights - signets -signification - signifieth - Silla - Siloah - silverlings -silversmith - similitudes - Simri - singed - singeth - singular -Sinim - sinnest - Siphmoth - Sippai - Sirah - sith - Sitnah - Sivan- sixtyfold - skilfully - skilfulness - skip - skippedst - skipping- slacked - slackness - slandered - slanderers - slanderest -slandereth - slanderously - slang - slave - slaves - sleeper -sleight - slewest - slidden - slideth - slimepits - slingers -slings - slingstones - slips - slowly - sluices - slumbered -slumbereth - slumberings - smart - smelleth - smiters - smootheth -smotest - snatch - sneezed - snorting - snout - snowy - snuffeth -soaked - soberness - Socho - Sochoh - socket - sodering - Sodi -Sodoma - sodomite - softer - soil - solace - soldiers' - solitarily- soothsayer - soothsaying - Sopater - sorceress - sorcery - Sorek- sorer - sorroweth - Sosipater - sottish - soul's - soundeth -sounds - sowedst - spanned - sparing - sparkled - spat - speakings- spear's - spectacle - sped - speedy - spendest - spewing - spiced- spicery - spider - spilt - spindle - spite - spitted - spitting -spoilest - spokes - spokesman - spreadest - spreadings - sprout -spued - squared - stability - Stachys - stacks - stacte - staggered- staggereth - stalks - stalled - stammerers - stamping - stanched- stare - stargazers - stately - station - stayeth - steads -steady - stealth - stem - stepped - steppeth - stern - sticketh -stiffened - stiffhearted - stillest - stilleth - stingeth - stings- stinking - stirs - Stoicks - stomach's - stomacher - stone's -stonesquarers - stoning - stool - stools - stoopeth - stoutness -strain - straiten - straiteneth - straitest - strake - strangely -strangers' - strangling - strengthenedst - stretchedst - stretchest- stripling - stript - strived - striven - strokes - strongest -strongly - strowed - struggled - studs - stumblingblocks - Suah -subduedst - subjected - Submitting - suborned - subverted - succeed- success - Succothbenoth - succourer - Suchathites - sue -sufferest - sufficeth - suits - Sukkiims - sumptuously - sundered -sundry - superfluity - superstition - superstitious - supped -supplant - supplanted - supple - suppliants - supreme - Sur -sureties - suretiship - surfeiting - surmisings - Susanchites -Susanna - Susi - swaddlingband - swearers - sweeping -sweetsmelling - swelled - swellings - swerved - swimmest - swimmeth- swollen - swoon - swooned - sycamine - Sychar - sycomores -Syntyche - Syracuse - Syriack - Syriadamascus - Syriamaachah -Syrophenician - Taanathshiloh - Tabbath - Tabeal - Tabeel -tabering - Tabrimon - Tachmonite - tackling - tacklings - Tahanites- Tahapanes - Tahrea - Tahtimhodshi - taker - Talitha - taller -Tamah - Tammuz - Tanach - Taphath - Taralah - Tarea - Tarpelites -tarriest - Tartak - tasks - tasteth - tattlers - taunting - taverns- taxation - taxes - Tebah - Tebaliah - Tebeth - tedious -Tehaphnehes - Tehinnah - teil - Telabib - Telah - Telaim - Telassar- Telharesha - Telharsa - tellest - Temani - Temanites - Temeni -temper - temporal - tempteth - ten's - tend - tenderness -tentmakers - terraces - terrifiest - Tertius - Thahash - Thamah -Thamar - thankfulness - thanking - thankworthy - Thara - Thelasar -thereabout - thereinto - therin - therof - Theudas - Thimnathah -things' - thirdly - thongs - thoughtest - threaten - threatening -threefold - thresheth - threshingplace - threwest - thronging -throwing - thrusteth - thunderbolts - thyine - Tiberius - Tibhath -Tikvath - tile - tiling - tiller - tillest - Tilon - Timaeus -Timnathheres - Timnite - Timon - Tirathites - tire - tired -Tirhanah - Tiria - Tizite - Toah - Tobadonijah - Tochen - Tohu -toiled - toiling - Tolad - Tolaites - Tomorrow - tooth's - Tophel -Topheth - torch - tormentors - tortoise - tortured - tossings -tottering - townclerk - Trachonitis - trading - traffickers -trained - traitor - Traitors - tranquillity - transferred -transforming - transgressest - translate - translation -transparent - traps - travailest - travelled - travellers -traversing - treachery - treader - treaders - treasured -treasurest - treatise - tributary - trickleth - trimmest -Trogyllium - troubledst - troubler - troublest - troublous - trough- trow - trucebreakers - trusting - trusty - trying - Tryphena -Tryphosa - tumbled - tutors - twenty's - twinkling - twofold -Tyrannus - Ucal - Uel - Ulla - Ummah - unaccustomed - unadvisedly -unblameably - uncertainly - unchangeable - uncleannesses -unclothed - uncorruptible - uncorruptness - unction - undergirding- undertake - undertook - unequally - unfaithful - unfaithfully -ungirded - unite - united - unlade - unmerciful - unmindful -unoccupied - unperfect - unprepared - unprofitableness -unrebukable - unreproveable - unrighteously - unripe - unsatiable -unshod - unskilful - unspotted - unstopped - untaken - untoward -unweighed - upbraided - upbraideth - UPHARSIN - upheld - upholdest- upholding - uprising - Urbane - urge - Uriah's - Urias - uses -usest - usurer - usurp - uttering - Uzai - Uzzensherah - Uzzia -vagabonds - vails - vainglory - vainly - Vajezatha - valiantest -valuest - Vaniah - variableness - Vashni - vats - vaunt - vaunteth- vein - venom - venomous - vent - vestry - vestures - vexations -vilely - viler - vilest - violated - viper's - virgin's -virtuously - visible - visiteth - vocation - voluntarily - vomited- vomiteth - Vophsi - vowedst - voweth - voyage - vulture's -vultures - wagon - wailed - waked - waking - walkedst - wallowing -wanderest - wanderings - warming - warreth - warrior - washest -washings - wasteness - watchful - watchman's - wateredst -waterflood - waterpot - waterspouts - wavereth - waxing - waymarks- weaken - weareth - wearisome - weasel - weavest - webs - wedlock- weeds - weightier - wellfavoured - wen - wench - western -whale's - whales - wheaten - whereabout - whereinsoever - whirleth- whispered - whisperer - whisperers - whisperings - Whoever -whor*'s - whor*monger - wideness - wilfully - wilily - willeth -willow - wimples - windy - winebibbers - winked - winneth -winnowed - winnoweth - wintered - winterhouse - wiping - wires -wishing - wit's - withdrawest - withdraweth - withersoever -withheldest - witnessing - wittingly - witty - wives' - woeful -woes - womankind - women's - wonderously - wondrously - woods -work's - worker - workfellow - workmen's - works' - world's - worst- worthies - worthily - wotteth - woundedst - woundeth - wounding -wove - wraths - wreath - wreathed - wrestle - wrestlings -wretchedness - wringed - wringing - wrinkle - wrinkles - writeth -writings - wrongeth - wroughtest - yearn - yearned - yell - yelled- yoked - yokefellow - youthful - Zaanaim - Zaanan - Zaanannim -Zaavan - Zabbud - Zabud - Zacchur - Zacher - Zadok's - Zaham - Zair- Zalaph - Zamzummims - Zaphnathpaaneah - Zaphon - Zara - Zareah -Zareathites - Zared - Zaretan - Zarethshahar - Zartanah - Zarthan -Zatthu - Zavan - Zaza - Zebina - Zebudah - Zebulunites - Zedekiah's- Zelzah - Zemira - Zenan - Zenas - Zephath - Zephathah - Zephi -Zephon - Zephonites - Zer - Zereda - Zeredathah - Zererath - Zereth- Zeri - Zeror - Zeruah - Zethan - Zethar - Zia - Zibia - Ziddim -Zidkijah - Zina - Zion's - Zior - Ziphah - Ziphion - Ziphron -Zithri - Ziz - Zizah - Zobebah - Zoheleth - Zoheth - Zophai -Zophim - Zorathites - Zoreah - Zorites - Zuriel - Zuzims

What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (9)

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13y ago

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What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (10)

What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (11)

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What words are used in the holy bible only one time? - Answers (12)


3mo ago

Some words found in The Bible only once include "unicorn" (Numbers 23:22), "remembrance" (Leviticus 24:7), "unicorn" (Deuteronomy 33:17), and "dragons" (Deuteronomy 32:33).

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.