Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

Stockton (Calif.) Record Saturday, Dec. 24, 1955 0 Al Coralita Carlson Joins Bridal Ranks With Walter S. Rathaus to the Old Alibi the Children? Si dren suffer more where divorce is emotional, but not openly expressed. The child of emotional divorce cannot ask to have his confusions clarified and his fears explained away. He does not know what he fears and has no words for what he does not understand.

The unidentified situation between his parents is far more threatening to a child than realistic situation, however painful, which is squarely faced together with his parents." I hope that this quotation answers the R.s delusion that childrens happiness requires resenting parents to live together. If they give it up, their marriage could improve. For they might be able to locate their real reasons for staling' together. They might discover, as many married people have before them, that what holds them together is stronger than what shoves then apart. They might discover that each has dreaded loneliness without the other; that each has felt the same desolation at the prospect, of division.

They might find that back of all those decisions to remain together has not been noble and self- sacrificial devotion to their children at all but their own desire for ultimate understanding and content together. Tidings From-Tuolumne BIRTHDAY PARTY A party honoring Miss Leonidas Isabel Macfcel on her 12th birthday was given Saturday in the Standard City home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silvano Maciel. Christmas decorations were used for the event, attended by Barns, James and Delbert Kelley, Carol Longeway, Barry Boylin, Linda Spaulding, Laveme Frankenstein and the honorees brothers and sister, Silvano, Jose, and Maria.

SURPRISE DINNER Mrs. Floyd Calvert Sr. of Lodi was guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner given in her home recently. Traveling to Lodi to attend the affair were Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Calvert Jr. and sons, Jon, Chris, and Gregory; Mr. and Mrs. Don iCalvert and children, Geri and Douglas; Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Miller, Miss Esther Miller, Mrs. William Fitch, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lyon, all of Sonora. HEAVEN SENT Mr.

and Mrs. FTancis B. Orth of Columbia State Park became grandparents twice on. consecutive days weekwheri sons were bom to Mr. and Mrs.

Harold E. Bass of Oakdale and to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Orth of Columbia. Young William Francis was bom in Oakdale.

Municipal Hospital and will be greeted upon his arrival home by two sisters, Patricia Anne andean Kristine. The boys other grandmother is Mrs. Elsie Buss of Monmouth, and great grandmothers are. Mrs. Pearl Buss of Monmouth and Mrs.

Elizabeth Hagmeyer of Columbia. Mrs. Buss is the former Olivia Orth of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs.

Roland Orth (she Is former Lauretta Mills) will christen their first child Steven Philip. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills are the infant's other grandparents, and his great grandparents' are Mr. and Mrs.

J. CL Mills of Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. C.

I. Taylor -of Groveland. ind Mrs! Elizabeth Hagemeyer of Columbia. Prior to the babys arrival, Mrs. Orth was honored at two stork showers.

STORK SHOWERS Mrs. Donald Gorgas. whose second son and fourth child was bom Thursday, was feted last week at a stork shower given by Mmes. Howard Davis, William Fitch, Ben Bahten, and Wallace Waddelow. in the Davis home.

A Christmas theme was used tin decorations and refreshments. Attending were Mmes. Chuck Connit. Bill Russell, Tommy Hall, O. K.

Peckham, Frank Miller, Wayne Dawson, Elizabeth Gorgas. Clayton Haigh, Gus Dambacher, Caroline Ishmael, Francis Menendez, -Meb Martin, Philip Purser, Miss Sharley Spicer and the hostesses. Miu Coralita Mary Carlson and Mr. Walter S. Rathaus, both College of the Pacific graduates, exchanged nuptial vows Sunday during a 6 oclock evening ceremony in Morris Chapel with Dr.

Tully C. Knoles, former president of Pacific, conducting the service. Mr. John U. Carlson of Kings-burg escorted his daughter to the altar where white chrysanthemums and lighted candles were employed in the decor.

The bride wore a Chantilly lace and satin gown styled with a stand-up scalloped neckline, long sleeves and a bouffant skirt. She a flat lace and sequinned cap which held a fingertip veil. Her bouquet was composed of white rosebuds, lily of the valley and stephanotis in a cascade arrangement. For sentiment she wore a gold piece that is a family heirloom. Alias Louise Bunger of Oakland was maid of honor and performed her duties wearing a marine blue velveteen princess-styled gown.

She carried white chrysanthemums tied with blue and silver ribbons. The Misses Nadine Rea-soner of Porterville and Cathryn Carlson of Burbank were brides- maids and wore matching ensem- bles, while the Aliases Carolyn Swanson and June Meese of Kingsburg performed their candle-lighter roles attired in similar gowns of light blue hue. 1 Mr. Leslie Knoles of Modesto was best man for Mr, Rathaus, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Max Rathaus of Modesto. Ushers were Messrs. Walter Martin of Sacramento, Jerry Taylor of Stockton, and Ted N. Carlson of Hanford, the bride's cousin. Mrs.

Ellis Herbert accompanied 1 Diane Trethowan who sang wedding solos. Zeta Phi Sorority house was the setting for the reception where a Christmas tree and white chrysanthemums were used for decorations. The justweds cut a tiered wedding cake after greeting guests. Mrs. Carlson attended.

her i i i i I BOLLING R. CHINN OPTOMETRIST 47 X. California Pfc. HO 2-1271 I daughters wedding clad in a blue taffeta suit with pink hat and gloves and a pink rose corsage. Mrs.

Rathaus donned a black lace dress with pink accessories am pink roses en corsage. The new Mrs. Rathaus changed to an oxford gray suit with white accessories before she Joined her husband for. their departure to Carmel and San Francisco on their wedding trip. She-graduated from Kingsburg schools and College of the Pacific where she was a member of Beta Beta Beta and.

Phi Kappa Phi in addition to Zeta Phi. Mr. Rothaus graduated, from Modesto schools and College of the Pacific and is now an instructor of children with hearing handicaps for the local school district. He, too, is a member of Beta Beta Beta. The wedding was attended by relatives and friends from Burbank, Monterey, Hanford, Newman, Modesto, and Kingsburg.

Parlies Given for Ballroom Dance Pupils Young ballroom dancing students of Mrs. Nat Brown Jr. 'were honored last week at a series of Christmas parties in Shells Studio and Pythian Castle. The Le Gal Groupe was entertained Dec. 12 when patronesses were Mmes.

Floyd Borchardt anc Neill Johnson, while members of Les Petit* convened Dec. 13 with Mmes. Darrell Hill, Sandy Atherton, and Jack Williams as patron esses. The Soiree group held its Christ mas dancing party Dec. 14 with Mmes.

Bill Roberts, W. E. Siegert and H. Cl Campbell playing patroness roles, and Bon Amis members celebrated the holiday season Dec. 15 with Mrs.

Emil Gough am Mrs, E. F. Hassbaian as patronesses. Party decorations featured i red, pink and silver color scheme, with the serving table covered in red and centered by a small silver tree ornamented with bright toys. Crystal candelabra held pink candles, and refreshments also followed the odor scheme.

Mrs. Letty Walshe provided music for dancing at each party. Club Notes BETHEL 83, Order of Job Daughters, will not meet Monday evening as planned. The next meeting is slated at 7:30 pm. Dec.

29 in the Masonic MORRIS CHAPEL WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Rathaus (nee Coralita Mary Carlson) are on a wedding trip to San Francisco and Carmel. The College of the Pacific graduates were married Sunday in Morris Chapel and greeted guests at a reception in the Zeta Phi Sorority House.

They will establish their first home in Stockton. (Kurt Cummlnss) Now Youre Cooking Wouldnt that be nice to find out? But these two people cant expect to realize how their own needs erf each other' have held them together if they keep declaring that their children hold them together. If. false pride and dishonesty force them to go on disclaiming their own investments in this marriage, they will have to continue to resent it as a burden instead of appreciating what it offers them. DANCE FOR FUN Learn to dance the current ban- room dance in the time at Vs the coat.

1. New short cut method teaches Rhumba, Tango, Samba, in unbelievably fast time. 2. You sign no agreements pay for what you leant aa you leant. (Adult end Teenage Clouet) jerry Darlene School of Dancing (at Five Mila Studio) 7531 PACIFIC GR 1-4141 Hoars M5 a Whats Its for By SIRS.

MURIEL LAWRENCE Mrs. M. R. writes, Since the birth of our third child six years ago, my husband and I have considered separation several times. Each time, we decided against it for the childrens sake.

But our marriage is giving nobody much happiness. My husband blames me for every tiling that goes wrong with the children. If they are fresh, disobey, fail in school or are even late getting home its sure to be my fault To separate from a marriage partner, we dont have to put physical space between us. Instead, we can just put irresponsibility between us. like Mr.

IL, we can throw all the responsibility for childrens training on our partner and divorce ourselves from him any conventional bother with lawyers, judges and legal decrees. And by Hiding this reality from ourselves, maintain the noble fiction that were holding our marriage together for the childrens sake? What dishonesty! It doesnt work. Like murder, our resentment will out; and forced to maintain the physical closeness of marriage, it simply devises other kinds of division. Such hidden splits between parents often are more destructive than the open kind. psychiatrist Louise Despert in her book Children of Divorce, Chil Mdrily Jones, Sheldon Wet tack Wed in Manteca MANTECA, Dec.

24 Miss Marilyn became the bride of Mr. Sheldon Wettack during quiet ceremonies at 4 oclock Wednesday afternoon In the social hall of St Paul's Federated Church. The newlyweds are both sailors at Manteca High School. The new Wettach is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Marvin U. Jones, while the benedicts parents are Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Wettack, all of Manteca. The Rev.

Sidney Smith, pastor of the church, performed the ceremonies and attendants were Miss Loretta Pires and Mr. Leach. Members of both families were present and a reception was held in the Jones home after the rites. The newlyweds will reside in Manteca while they complete their high school education Both plan to enroll at the University of California next fall. DRESS PATTERN Onlif tycnd 5V 4890 waist By AXKE ADAMS Just ONE YARD 54-Inch fabric makes this stunning new skirt In ANY size given! Imagine Its slim, smart lines In soft or corduroy youll LUXURY SALAD: A medley of crisp greens with artichoke hearts preserved in olive oil.

DAISY BAKERY SPECIALS! MONDAY NO DELIVERY TUESDAY DANISH CRISPIES .3 for 25e WEDNESDAY LEMON DELIGHTS, JUNIOR SIZE 12c DAISY BAKERY FRESH-TO-YOUR-DOOR! For delivery service, call HO 4-1507 after 3 p.m. 3 tablespoons catsup 3 hard cooked eggs, chopped Salt Onion salt Juice of 44 lemon Chopped relish and pimiento Whole-egg mayonnaise, enough to make mixture of spreading consistency. Mix lngredientg together thoroughly but lightly. Serve in buns. Crispy Chop Huey Hnlad 1 can Chop Suey Vegetables (bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, water cheat-nuts.

and celery) Jules of 1 lemon 1 Pkg.jR)ain gelatins 44 cup finely chopped green pepper 44 cup whole-egg mayonnaise Drain Chop Suey vegetables. Dissolve gelatine in cup of the liquid to which the lemon Juice haa been added. (Use gome water if necessary to make the half cup erf Let. mixture stanc until of syrupy consistency. Adc drained vegetables.

Fold in Cut in squarea to serve. OES Associate Matrons Enjoy Holiday Party Mr. and Mrs. Francis 1 Williams were hosts Dee. 16 at Christinas party in their home near Modesto fqr all Eastern Star associate matrons in the Northern San Joaquin area, who form the Marguerite Weisheimer Association.

The lodge officers arrived with their husbands for the event, which began with a potluck dinner. Mrs. Williams is the new associate matron of. Escallonia Chapter in Escalon. Guest of honor at the session was Mrs.

Weisheimer, associate Sand matron of the State of Jifomia, who arrived with her husband from San Francisco. She spoke informally to her local chapter counterparts, and gave instructions for their terms in office. Dinner was served to 35 Eastern Star members and husbands, and gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Archie Mecham of Altaville, association president, presented a gift to Mrs.

Weisheimer. I May the joy of Christmas sing' in your heart throughout the coming year. 'This is our wish for-all our friends and neighbors at this happy holiday season. EACH ONE OF US AT THE BIG NEEDLEWORK By ALICE BROOKS Smart combination! Dainty filet era diet and regular crochet make thla new chair-set for your home! Crochet Pattern 7009: Chalrback 13X17; armrest 6x13 Inches In No. SO mercerized cotton.

Send also for matching dolly, Fatten 7025, Each pattern, 35 cants. Price 25 cents, plus lc sales tax. lick. -American qem socetq of courthouse Dressing Ring 4 cups bread crumbs 44 cup melted butter or margarine 44 cup chopped onions, cup pitted ripe olives 44 cup celery teaspoon saga 1 teaspoon aalt 1 teaspoon Accent 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley Mix ingredients lightly with fork. Moisten with small amount erf hot water or scalded milk or vegetable broth' to a compact consistency.

Pack Into a well-greased ring mold. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 45 to 60- minutes. Unmold on large platter. Fill center with lightly browned mushrooms in. onion gravy.

Cup-Cake Mold Loaf 1 can Worthington Ground Wheat Gluten 1 large onion finely chopped and sauteed 1 clove garlic 1 cup pecans egga 1 teaspoon Accent tablespoons catsup Salt cup Worthington Breading Meal teaspoons Poultry Seasoning Tastex Mix all Ingredients together except the Tastex. Pack into well-greased cup cake molds. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) about 45 minutes. Baste at intervals with Tastex dissolved in hot water. Arrange molds around Dressing Ring for Thanksgiving Platter, and garnish with parsley 1 and pimiento strips, Onion Gravy 4 large aweet onions pound of butter 6 tablespoons flour teaspoon Tastex 44 quartos water Celery aalt Garlic salt.

Simmer sliced onions slowly' in butter until they are transparent (about 45. minutes for the best-flavored gravy). Stir frequently to keep onions from burning on the edges. Push to one side of pan and slowly brown the flour to a golden color. Add Tastex and enough water (about 1 quarts) to thjn mixture to consistency desired for gravy.

Flavor with celery salt and garlie salt Sandwich Spread De Luxe 1 ean Worthington Sandwich Spread uir fl mistered jeweler lor ft weber To obtain pattern, send money coin (not stamps) to the Pattern Department, Stockton Record. Be sure that you specify the order is for a dress pattern. Print or type your name' and address and your postal zone number toe expedite This department also distributes a Needlework Book costing 26 cents. worn love the new scallop Interest! You can afford to make several versions Its sew-easy, a-o-o thrifty! Pattern 4890: Misses Waist Sizes 34, 35, 38. 28.

30 inches. All given sizes: 1 yard 54-lnch. A. TRULY. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Give Mother a Heal CHRIST HAS PRESENT Entertain her at the Stockton Hotel and still have turkey in your own refrigerator to nibble on after Christmas.

Family Service A WHOLE TURKEY SERVED $350 per person $1.75 for Children 3 to 8 No charge for children under 3 MINIMUM SERVICE 6 persons at $3.50 You fake your own turkey "Leavings" hom*o RELISHES Choice of One: Fruit Juice Chicken Soup Roino Frondi Onion Soup-Chicken Broth with Rico Tossed Green Salad, Chefs Dressing Garlic Rolls ROAST YOUNG TURLOCK TURKEY Savory Dressing Cranberry Sauce Choice of Two: Candied Sweet Potatoes Green Peas Asparagus Snow Flake Potatoes Creamed White Onions Blueberry Muffins "Snowbal Ice Cream" Layer Cake, Ice Cream, Sherbet, Hot Pumpkin or Hot Mince Pie Coffee Tea Milk Buttermilk B3S2SE ALSO REGITLAK A LA CARTE SERVICE FOR RESERVATIONS CALL HO 4-MU Stockton Hotel Again, In 195S sa before. It is ear pleasant to wish you very MRRRY. CHRISTMAS! May you enjoy the wonderful nolingo of tho Christmas season throughout 1956. 2 CUSTOM TAILORING AT ITS BEST! UPHOLSTERY SERVICE JOSEPH R. PACHECO 918 E.

MAIN ST. Wishing you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS ROY LUCKEN WASHING MACHINE SALES SERYICE 18 Years in the Same Location 332 E. CHANNEL St. DIAL HO 2-1239 (Just across from the LUCAS TAILORS 120. N.

EL DORADO Hotel Stockton Bldg. Dirt HO 4-1291 HO 5-6082 Give Food fo tho Children Hornet I.

Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.