The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY NOVEMBER 22 1921 8 hanged Confidence house The Confidence in the SALAD A' Is the Keynote of Our Success WILL NOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT a Milk and Cream YOUR ORDER TODAY i ABSOLUTELY THE BEST 50 Lb 45c PkK Large Table Cluster Raisins 25c 40cLb CHOICE OWLS $150 ANCY CHICKENS 20c Lb RESH PORK LOINS 10 Lbs Each 16c Lb RESH PORK SHOULDERS 18c Lb ROUND SHORT AND LOIN STEAKS 20c Lb CHOICE BEE ROASTS Thanksgiving Specialties for SEASONING BIMKKW Largest Sale in the World EOti ANCY MIXED NUTS $575 S5J BEST MAINE POTATOES 2 Ba Bag Made in a ew Minutes your Bananas Casaba Mel I 65c Qt LARGE SOLID PACK OYSTERS OPEN TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVES Springfield Public Market RIBBON CANDY 2 Lb Boxes 47c i 'N Insisted brought resh resh resh ancy ancy Large resh rehs resh ancy resh Choice Mrs up he nol of cam' cn the 4" I Tell tha is wrong Is a Uar proas the I min from into English Walnuts lb Brazil Nuts lb Mixed Nuts lb ilberts lb Polished Pecans lb 1 20d 25d 20J that 1 In the Apples kinds by the pound basket box or barrel of claims proved in the savings de partment is $S35C2 Mr Allen also asked that he be authorized to pay a first dividend of 10 per cent in the commercial department Total proved claims there aggregate $941187 POPE DISCUSSES SUBJECT ARMS THANKSGIVING EAST SEVEN CARS BURN IN GARAGE BLAZE ISSUE ORDERS TO CUT RATES Thanksgiving TURKEYS Tea is only half a word the other half is I I YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER EXTRA INE GRANULATED SUGAR 100 Lbs DUCKS and GEESE GENUINE RESH KILLED YORK STATE MALLORY RIVER 4908 55 Pomona Street Springfield Oyster co*cktail for appetizer A fine consomme A turkey with your favorite stuffing seasoned with Lea Sauce When buying for Thanksgiving in clude a bottle ot i 1 i Orange Orange and Lemon or Grapefruit and set a out went I 6 The Quick Lunch at Home Office and ountains Ask for HORLICKS JET A void Imitations Substitutes SCHOONER MAUDE WRECKED MAINE New Jellies for Your Thanksgiving Dinner that address said: "1 am Candy Special ancy Assorted Chocolates lb 20 Carefully measure sugar and then juice into a large saucepan (5 or 6 quart size) stir and bring to a boil At once add CERTQ stirring con stantly Continue to stir and bring again to a hard boil for one half ute stirring constantly Remove fire skim and pour quickly glasses If you want something for Thanksgiving Dinner that will surprise and delight your family and friends make up a batch of one or alt of these jellies You can do it In a few min utes the cost is slight and the result really astonishing There are a mul titude of other delicious jellies and jams that can be made in the winter time by the CERTO Process from bot tled fruit juices canned fruits and juices and from dried fruits (let CERTO and book of Recipes from your grocer or druggist today and begin finest foods delicious health ini home made jams and jellies grocer or druggist docs not Ccrto please telephone Diver learn whej to obtain iL I BARUCH APPOINTMENT SOUGHT BY GERMANS Washington Nov 21 Senator Calder of New York brought fcr President Harding today a delegation of New York state citizens of German ancestry who asked the appointment of Dr Emmanuel Baruch ot New York city to be American minister to Austria There were intimations today that'Ellis Loring Dresel recently ap pointed charge d'affaires at Berlin might be made the permanent min ister to Austria Something entirely new In the jelly line better than anything you have ever tasted before are Orange Jelly Orange and Lemon Jelly and Grape fruit Jelly Women who have tried them say they are wonderful that their folks go wild over and they are easy to make too Here the Recipe for all of them: 3 cups (1 lbs) Juice 6 heaping cups (3 lbs) Sugar 1 bottle (scant cup) CERTO Use 12 oranges for orange jelly 10 oranges and 2 lemons for orange and lemon jelly or 3 to 4 grapefruit ac cording to size for grapefruit jelly Grate off the yellow part of the rinds into a dish Cut fruit into halves and squeeze out the juice Alix the juice and grated rind and drain the mix ture through a fine cloth to remove xind bjoA nnlxy I the east end of Deer Island early to day The crew escaped The schoon er broke in two later She was bound from Calais for Boston NEW NUTS English Walnuts lb 30( Pecans lb 22( Almonds lb 27J Brazils lb 2O( ilberts lb 16c California Walnuts lb 40 Jonesport Me Nov 21 The schooner Maude a coasting craft was wrecked on Ledge at American Secretary Arrives Mexico City Nov 21 Lanier Winslow who recently was appointed first secretary of the American em bassy here arrived last night to as sume the duties of his post Steamer Wrcclsed Off St Shotts St Johns 1 Nov 21 The steamer erm 972 tons was wrecked today off St Shotts on the coast of Newfoundland Her crew was saved She was en route from North Sydney to St Johns with a cargo of coal Planter Jutnbo Pearratw jar Oriental Crystal QA4 iced Ginger box Chandoo Guava Jelly Jar Imported Malaga Qrape lb Mnohroom lb Belding arm Turnips 14 lbs fixed Saturday 31 dnntnr Airvi I 11 L11C said had been mentally deranged or Soft Shell Almonds lb 25 Large Bunch Celery bch I5d Boston Head Lettuce each Large Yellow Turnips lb4d Hubbard Squash lb 4d Strength ood for Growing Tots If you want healthy hearty vigorous children give them substantial food noth ing better than MALT Breakfast ood to be a photographic transit Safe Milk I tel or Infants Invalids NO COOKING ood for All Ages DUCKS and GEESE GENUINE YORK STATE RESH KILLED TURKEYS 60c 65c 70 Lb Bakery Special Mince and Pumpkin Pies each 30d ST LAWRENCE RIVER NAVIGATION TO CLOSE Montreal Nov The date of of ficial closing to navigation of the St Lawrence river was today fixed by the Canadian government as November 25 This step is taken annually on account of accumulation of ice making the position of buoys and channel marks uncertain Of all dozen Murdough Bros TEL KIS ER 4153 3 Cor Worthington and Spring I REE DELIVERIES i The largest display of resh Killed Vermont Poultry in the city You can have them alive or killed Large display of Venison Chops and Steaks Young Hens Philadelphia Ca pons Jack Rabbits and Cotton tail Rabbits Come and sec our window display Vermont Turkeys Extra Choice 14 to 22 lbs and up 60c and 65c Lb NEW TELESCOPES OR OBSERVATORY Equipment at Yale Improved Three Buildings Will House Instruments New Haven Ct Nov Three new telescopes are being added to the equipment of the Yale astronomical observatory according to an an nouncement of Prof rank Schlesin observatory In course of these tel 1921 CROP NUTS ancy Cal Budded Walnuts Large Paper Shell Pecans large Washed Brazils ancy Paper shell California Al monds large Naple ilberts Italian Chestnuts Malnut Meats Pecan Halves Jordan and Valencias Almonds VEGETABLES We have the largest display and varieties of vegetables in Western New England Our list includes Hhe fol lowing ancy Vegetables Pascal and Golden Celery Hothouse Cucumbers Mushrooms Radishes Green and Wax Beans Egg Plant Peppers Brussels Sprouts Oy ster Plant Mint Chickory resh Artichokes Alligator Pears and ancy Cranberries Interstate De cision Affects Hay and Grain By the Associated Press Versailles Nov 21 Bones of tho two dogs which' belonged to Mlle Mar chandler one of the 11 alleged vic tims of Landru again figured nromlnently in session ot Lantrtxns trwl for mttrSrf tn Versailles assizes court Landru having admitted that he had killed the two dogs whose bones were produced in court again today Judge Gilbert insistently pressed the prisoner to explain in what manner he had killed them "I strangled Landru finally shouted alcn he explained had used a waxed cord strangling process Prosecutor Godefroy who tbnt thia particular point be out declared it would aid the prose cution in proving that Landru dur ing fits ro va crl tVlA cut them Into small bits and then after regaining his normal stato or mind had sold a few cheap belong ings of I is victims This was done the prosecutor argued to give the ap pearance that his relations with the women wore merely commercial transactions This argument forms the backbone of the de fense although his attorneys Lave an nounced that they intended to plead insanity for their client Pop Corn lb TOd Crystalized Ginger 25(S50d Boiled Cider hot 38d Orange and Lemon Peek lb 30d Citron lb 45d Walnut Meats lb GO to use more of mak strength building nutritious It your have 00 10 of extreme frenzy had missing women nan ROOD WOODBURY CO Everything Good to Eat 138 144 Main Street OPEN TUESDAY UNTIL 7 MS ger director of the Three buildings are now construction to escopes The three a portions of the sky on a single plate n3 in no SAVE MEAT SAVE MONEY With every roast meats poultry and and every oaKea fieh Berre a I'b eral amount of STUING or DRESSING fla vored with Seasoning In crease the pleas ure and decreape the cost IIoteL rhefs recom mend ft Ifj your grocer will DOt bup ply you send 10c for sam ple package Ask Grocer PRINCE WALES AT London Nov 21 The prince of Wales in continuing his way through India reached Poona In Bombay I province today and received a great reception according to official cables received by the India office here I RIVER OVERLOWS 200 LOSE HOMES Indianapolis Nov Two hundred families will be homeless at Taylor ville near Terre Haute by night as a result of the Wabash river over flowing its banks according to re ports reaching here today Indications are that tlje crest of the flood will not be reached until Wednesday Less than one half of the corn crop in the bottoms around Terre Haute has been gathered and the loss from this source will be heavy Barring additional rains the Ohio river was jlul vapiawu 41 3 wiovl ot VVfinRVl me uaubiT uiam jne iuauiue mti rapidly at ort Wayne EXTRA SPECIAL LARGE LORIDA SWEET ORANGES 50c Doz Delivers Allocution at SecretConsistory in Rome Ap points Many American Prelates By the Associated Press Jkome Nov 21 Pone Benedict In allocution delivered rt eecret consistory dealt with the sub ject of disarmament expressing pleas ure at the calling of the Washington conference now meeting in an effort to reach an agreement for armament reduction In striving for the good and well being of the peoples through the operation ot reason and experience the allocution said: would be a mistake to count alone on these means and not invoke the aid of God this reason we view with pleasure how the representatives of several nations have met in Wash ington with the aim of reaching an agreement for the reduction of arma ments and not alone do we warmly hope that 1 their labors may have a happy success but unitedly for the good of all we pray God that he may aid them with light that they may determine not alone how to lighten the heavy burdens of the peoples which is no small thing but thing which matters much more to mako as remote as possible for evermore the dangers of new wars The relations with new Btates and how tho new agreements were established between them and the Holy See were recounted by his holiness He deplored the unrest ob servable in them and added: note with grief that the solemn treaty of peace has not brought about peace of He appointed the following bishops Right Rev Dr Thomas Molloy titular bishop of Loria and adminis trator of the diocese of Brooklyn ap pointed bishop of Brooklyn Right Rev Dr Alexander McGavick titular bishop of Marcopolis trans ferred to the vacant see of La Crosse Wis Right Rev Dr Joseph Con roy titular bishop of Arindela administrator Of the diocese of Ogdensburg transferred to the vacant see ox Ogdensburg The officially announced the following appointments which were made by brief since the last con sistory: Most Rev Dr Michael Curley former bishop of St Augustine la appointed archbishop of BaltimoreId Right Rev Dr Joseph Schrembs former bishop of Toledo appointeu bishop of Cleveland Right Rev Dr Samuel A Stritch chancellor of the diocese of Nashville appointed bishop of Toledo Right Rev Dr John Dunn chancellor of the arch dioces of New York iUary bishop of New York: Bight Dr Michael Crane vicar general of Philadelphia appointed bishop to the archbishop of Philadel phia Right Rev Dr Edward Hoban chancellor of the Chicago appointed auxiliary bishop of Chicago 45c 50c Pork Minca Meat 2 pkgs glass 5O can 30d'5Sd 'Atmore Keystone lb 2S(J Plum Pudding lb 35d G5d Plum and ig can BONES DOGS EATURE CASE Prosecution Scores in Trial of the of Gam Washington Nov 21 A positive order was Issued by the Interstate Commerce commission today requir ing railroads to put the approximately Id per cent decrease in hay and grain rates into effect on or before next De cember 27 The order follows up the decision given October 20 by the commission which declared grain and hay rates from the Mississippi valley to the Pa cific coast unreasonably high but which did not carry compulsory or ders Tho October decision instruct ed the railroads to make the reduc tion by November 20 which was not done because the railroads opened ne gotiations with the commission sug gesting that a 10 per cent decrease in freight rates on all agricultural prod ucts be substituted for the larger de crease on grain products and hay alone The commission however by the order Issued today disregarded the compromise proposed by the railroads and makes tne largei hay and grain mandatory upon roads NEW CHARGES MADE AGAINST PELLETIER Poston Nov 21 New charges against 'District Attorney Pelletier hose removal from office is sought cn charges of nonfeasance misfea sance and malfeasance were brought today by Attorney General Allen iij new Information contained in a peti tion filed in the supreme court today Allen's new charges deal with state ments alleged to have been made by PelleLife speeches in his campaign as a candidate for mayor The petition alleges that on the night of November 15 1921 at a public meeting in Boston Pelletier spoke as follows: is a dirty low down propaganda going throughout the city that I am going to resign man wno tells you that he if ho persists tell him Back it up and I will At the conclusion of A'lnn 'il'rupd La! If't Iav not making any cheap political speech 1 am giving you At another public meeting in South Bcstoi on the night of November 9 Pelletier said according to pe petition anyone tells you I am going to withdraw from this contest call him a liar back it up and nol pross the Chief Justice Rugg who gave per mission to filo the new petition in t' ucted that an order of notice re turnable next XVednesday bo issued 550080 JEWEL THET ROM CHICAGO STORE Chicago Nov 21 Three bandits held up the jewelry store of Henry Stern In West Madison street shortly after 9 oclock this morning and ac cording to a report in the police es caped with $500(X in gems The bandits armed compelled Stern and two employes to go into a rear room while they rifled the store Many persons were passing in the busy street while the robbery vas taking place Belding arm CHICKENS 45c 50c 55c lb Belding arm OWL 40c 45c lb New Hampshire GOLDENr CAPON 60c lb Every one killed and dressed on our premises BELDING ARM Dairy Butter 55c lb Hubbard Squash (by 1OO Ihs) IK Imported Cluster Raisins 50 35 50 35 $100 50 Belding Co QUALITY STORE 457 461 STATE ST TeL Walnut 2500 CRISP NATIVE CELERY 15c PASCAL 25c RED RIPE CAPE COD CRANBERRIES 22c Qt Chicago Nov 21 Moritz Loeb an insurance broker was detained today by federal authorities as a re sult of a raid yesterday on a meeting by the riends of Soviet Russia called to protest against the convic tion of Sacco and Vanzetti in Massa chusetts for murder and robbery Two reels of pictures of the meef I ing of ths Third Internationale in Moscow last summer was seized Loeb who presided at the meeting collected nearly $3000 for a defense fund before federal agents in the hall stopped proceedings and arrested the chairman 18S Lb RAISINS Not a Seed large pkg25d Sun Maid 20d Loose Muscatels 2d Currants pkg 20d Currants bulk lb Vermont TURKEYS Every one raised and 1 1 11 within 130 miles of Springfield 65c lb With cream or milk and sugar It makes a delicious and sustainins breakfast for little or grown ups Try it tomorrow Tour grocer can supply yon Get the blue and yellow pack age with the little Hutch girl on it the malted cereals COMPANY Burlington Vt ENTIRE VILLAGES SWEPT BY LOOD By the' Associated Press Messina Sicily Nov 21 Cloud bursts have devastated the whole countryside in the region of this city entire villages being swept by the floods and the lines of communica tion broken Hundreds of persons are homeless and several axe report ed dead HUSBAND AND WIE BOTH OUND DEAD East Haddam Ct Nov 21 Mrs John Svoboda who was found hang ing from a balustrade in her hpme yesterday while the body of her hus band was in the kitchen probably iilied the latter and then herself in the opinion of Medical Examiner Plumstead given today He said he inclined to be lief that the woman shot her husband directly through the forehead poured oil over his legs as the body rested against the kitchen table fire which she later put Svoboda apparently then stairs and hanged herself Dr Plumstead said he time for the deaths as morning 1 some time owing to nervous break Plumstead said he had asked the state police to examine the premises for such additional evidence as might be found Coroner Davis announced that he would hold an Inquest either riday or Saturday Thanksgiving Eatables The best we ever had Turkeys ine Plump Birds 60c 65c 70c lb Spring Chick lb 50c? 55c resh Home Dressed owl lb Small Ribs resh resh Vegetables Everything in the market lorida and Cal Oranges lorida Grapefruit Tokay and Malaga Grapes Red and Yellow ons zenith tube instrument and a camera to photograph large portions of the sky on a single plate All are being installed for use in new work now going on at the tory The first facilitates the photo graphic recording of trails formed by stars near the top of the zodiac ing an accurate determination of 1 a tu'de The second Instrument is an experiment in the no photography for determining st sitions and the last named ment is for recording relatixe motions among many stars in a griup AIXDNTlI0Rl75vin Boston Nov Bank Commis sioner Allen was authorized by the supreme court today to pay a second dividend of 12 per cent deposi tors in the savings department of the Prudential Trust company A dividend of 33 1 3 per cent nas been paid previously The total amoun TnTTm? ctAP CHAIRMAN IS ARRESTED' the gasoline 35d 4UC ana Dry picked Stewing owl lb Dry Picked Small Milk fed owL lb Dry picked Soft Meated owl lb 4W Wisconsin Spring Geese lb Wisconsin Spring Ducks lb resh Jack Rabbits each Cottontail Rabbits pair Milk fed Suckling Pigs each 4111) Young Pig Pork Roasts lb A gC Small Pig Pork Shoulders lb All Pork Sausage Meat lb AWC Sirloin Round and Porterhouse Steaks lb lb THANKSGIVING SPECIALTIES Our Own Made Bulk Mince Meat lb Oc Mince Meat None Such No 2 can each Richardson Mince Meat No 1 3bc Nn 2 bOC Heinz Plum and ig Pudding No 1 45c No 2 CATCH Nov 21 The Grand bajik fishing fleet of Lunen burg caught 299830 quintals of fish during the past season the third largest catch in the history of the fleet During the season just closed the fleet consisted of 94 schooners and one steam trawler and the aver age catch for each vessel was MJ quintals a record for avcasef portion of the summer catch that has been sold brought $625 a quintal about 6 cents a pound HUGO STINNES GERMAN CAPITALIST IN LONDON London Nov The sudden ar rival hera of Hugo Stiiines foremost German capitalist was still surrounded by mystery today The wildest rumors were circulated regarding the reasons for his presence but he insisted that he was here only on private business Although he 'Reached London only Saturday it was reported that he planned to re turn to Berlin today Berlin advices suggested that Stinnes would seek closer economic co opera tion between Great Britain and Ger many and that he would propose a scheme for Anglo German exploita tion of Russia visit revived rumors that Germany would be unable to make the January reparations payments nrrrn nhprriOS 1 JL 4X11 XJCfcA ancy Hubbardston and Greening Apples 18 Lbs Over Spfmgf isld Public Market THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Meat ancy resh Michigan Yearling Turkeys lb ancy Large Milk ed Roasting Chickens lb oUC ancy Milk fed rying and Roasting Chickens lb SAUCE It ORIGIN WORCESTERSHIRE? Attractive Are Prices Quality and Service 526 Main Stx lei Walnut Open Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings Headquarters for Genuine Vermont Geese Turksvs Ducks Chicken and rowi or the Thanksgiving Dinner Mince Pumpkin or Squash Pie Lemon Meringue Pie English Plum Pudding Old ashioned New England Raised Cake Black ruit Cake ruit Pound Cake ruit or Nut Cake I Lady ingers Macaroons I Salad Rolls and ancy Rolls I to order 9 Order early and nvold disappointment I Patrell I BAKER I or those who want the test 398 llanco*ck bL I Tel River 4325 i Explosion in Elaborately Outfitted Land Cruiser Is Cause of Connecticut ire Winsted Nov 21 ire at Salisbury today caused by an explo sion in an automobile destroyed a two story frame garage building owned by Roscoe Brinton with its contents including seven automobiles causing an estimated loss of $20000 A comparatively small amount of in surance was carried Lakeville flre vrro nailed to fleht the lire Mr ilXOU a a i avrlnqinn isriiiLon at une tiuio ui me rncedinc was testing the hot water system in 6 a closed and laboratory outfitted car in which he intended to motor lorida He received a cut on ofie hand while attempting to shut off Vermont owl medium size young arv tendedLbe only Vermont Duck celery fed none better raised 50 Lb Vermont Extra ancy Geese 45 Lb SciousHm MinceL and only lb nf Oueen Olives and Stuffed Olives stuffed with Spanish lipper for your Thanksgiving dmnen 5000 Pounds Small Lean Pork Loins 2500 Pounds resh Skinned Shoulders New 1921 Crop Nuts I lew EkmImJ Martel i Li i ZfWmW km: '67 an ir it nr rtr irrr a in I 11 i I JUS' X'lkx 1 A 0 I 1 I 4 I i a SIB I I I I I I 1 I I I Sr I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.