The Raleigh Register from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)

10--Raleigh Register, BecMey, Tuesday Afternoon, February 14,1956 Accident Victim's Funeral Wednesday FAYETTEVILLE RNS) Funeral services for John Hearld Hilton Fayetteville, will Hospital Admits 4) During Week MULLENS (RNS) Wyoming Ceneral Hospital admitted 43 pa tients during the week ending Sat' urday. They were: Saturday, Arnold Jett, Wyco; Edgar Fields, Mullens; Mrs. Dorothy Irick, Ravencliff; Mrs. Dcloris Sizemore, Hmann; Mrs. Myrtle Ravenclilf; Thomas McKinney, Pineville; Maurice Hall, Stephen son; John Hedrick, Iroquois; Mrs.

Margaret Sizemore, Saulsville; Mrs. Naoma Hyde, Mac Arthur, Friday, Dewey MeVey, Amlgo; Lettie Browning, Jesse; Mrs. Lola Bamett, Clearfork. Thursday, Paul Weaver, Pineville; B. E.

Whitt, Bud; Mrs. Marie Vines, Stephenson; Inez Law, Mullens; Donna Chaney, Iroquois; Roger Ellis, Glen Rogers; Mrs. Orpha McKinney, Pineville; Mns. Audra McKinney, New Richmond. Wednesday, James JacVson, Bud; Lee Ethel Coleman, Glen Rogers; Mrs.

Sara Acord, Ravencliff; Mrs. Virginia Brown, Maben; Mrs. Anna Ruth demons, Mullens. Tuesday, Mrs. Delilah Shrewsbury, Basin; Mrs.

Hallie Lewis, East Gulf; Rickey Dale Bilbrey. Ravencliff; Mrs. Opal Young, Rno- dell; Mrs. Betty McComas, Corinne; Mrs. Carolyn Kidd, Iroquois.

Monday, Mrs. Donna Grose, Ury; Mrs. HatUe Keen, Bud; Mrs. Lillian Elkins, Hatcher; Wilbur Meador, Mullens; Mrs. Alice McCoy, Mullens; Sandra Jean Lewis, Mullens; Mrs.

J. Lilly, Mullens; Mrs. Lucille Stump, Itmann. Sunday, Estel Lester, Alpoca; Mrs. Edna Lane, Mullens; and Mrs.

Ruth Satmders, Kopperston be conducted at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday at the Fayettevillt Bap- ist Church by the Rev. D. D.

Slwell and Dr. James F. Frame. Burial will follow in Huse Memorial Park, Fayettevilie-. Hilton was killed instantly at.

a. m. Monday in a slate fall which forced him into the cutting machine at the Harewood mine, Longacre. The mine is owned by Hie Semet-Solvay Coal Co. Hilton was a member of the Fayetteville Baptist Church, LaFayette Post No.

149 of the American Legion, and the Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 17 at Oak Hill. Survivors include his wife, Evelyn Lee Hilton; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

Hilton of Fayetteville Route one brother, Robert D. Hilton of Oak Hill; one sister, Mrs. Lois Ann Winther of Beckley, and a halteistcr, Mrs. Mary Ann Yost of Raleigh. Party is Given For Lynn Marrical GLEN ROGERS (RNS) A party in observance of her seventh birthday anniversary was recently given for Lynn Marrical by her mother, Mrs.

John Marrical, ant Mrs. Basil Trump at the Marrica home. Games were played and refreshments served. 1 Guests included Phyllis Gentry Lila, Linda, Garnet, Jane, ant Chester Sweeney, Carol Greer Becky Taraezkozy, Brenda Bailey Clarence McCalanahan, Larry Hughes, Carol Simpson, Madg Heron, Ronnie Beckteheimer Johnny Gentry, Lonnie Hughes Linda Sizemore, Nadine Manning Rodney and Kinner Fortner, Destine and Bailey, Brend and Karen Foster, Sandra Hughes Shelia and'Yvonne Marrical, Connie Richardson, Sparkle Hairing Michael and Ronnie Kuklish Kar Walsh, Mrs. Arthur Sweeney Mrs.

Gey Bailey. toservalion Tesl Plays Important Role, FBI Trainees Learn In (lass Wyoming Clerk Records 8 Deeds PINEVILLE (HiNS) The foi-' wing deeds hare been admitted a record at the county clerk's of- ce, PineviHe: Fred Spratte and Minnie pratte to Ekner Tilley and Ath- een Tilley, Lot 27, Block own of Lincoln, Clear Fork Dis- iet; Dollie Cook and Lcm Cook to Wilam F. Hatfield, property situate Oceana, Oceana District, con- Lining 0.87 acres, more or less; W. Frank HaUield and Leona lalfield to Alex HaUield, one- ourth of an acre of land, more less, situate on Cub Creek erf Guyandotte River, Clear Fork District; Hayden and Imogene layden to Joe and Bertha Salyers, estate containing 10 acres, more or less, situate on the waters Chestnut Flat Branch of Coon Laurel Fork Clear Fork of River, Clear Fork District; L. Harmon Mrs.

Paul Scarbro (Mated) inspects received at held her al Rock Creek. Looking on are Mn. Artie Clay and Mrs. Earl Underwood, two of the four hoctessef. Shower is HeMal Rock (reek-In Honor ol Mrs.

Paul Scarbro ROCK GREEK A shower honoring Mrs. Paul Scarbro, Rock Creek, was held Thursday in the Woman's Society ot Christian Service work room. Hostesses were Mrs. Earl Underwood. Mrs.

Doris Marshall, Mrs. Marvin. Marshall, and Mrs. Arlie Clay. Games were played and refreshments served after which Mrs.

and Bertha Harmon to W. H. and Lola Turnmire, Lot 44, and one-half of Lot 45, Section Town of Welton, Barkers Ridge District; C. I. Cheyney, as trustee, to Wilard Pugh, one-hall undivided in- erest in Lots 28 arfi 27, Block 6, Juyan City Addition, City of MuJ- ens; an one-hall undivided interest in a tract containing .03 acres, Town of Lambert, an addition Ihe Town Mullens; also an one- lalf undivided interest in Lot No.

Dunman Lusk Addition to the Town of Mullens, Slab Fork Dis- BaHard T. Mills and Martha 0. Mills to OUie Bishop and Roy Lee Bishop, parcel of land containing 20 acres, more or less, situate on Big Branch Creek, Barkers Ridge District; William H. Wade and wife to Earl Edward Gragg and wife, Lot 13, Section 6, Lilly Land Company Addition to the Town of Mullens, Slab Fork District. Upholstering (lass Planned OAK HILL (RNS) The Harlem Heights Homemakers Club, at a monthly meeting held last week, made plans for a class in upholstering.

As an annual project of the club, the class will begin Feb. 23. Tne next project will be in sewing and will take place in early spring. The home of Mrs. Cecilia Peryear was the scene of the meeting with Mrs.

Elsie Jasper, vice president, presiding. During' the business session, plans were discussed for a county council. A topic was presented by.the Junior Homemakers, entitled "Using Colors in Home Furnishings." Recreation was led by Miss Gel- berta Taylor, recreation chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mildred Jones. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs.

Elsie Jasper, Mrs. Elsie Howard, Mrs. Ruth Wilkerson, Mrs. Margaret Brown, Mrs. Eunice Robinson, and Mrs.

Mildred Jones; junior homemakers Doris Howard, Faye Howard, Annestine Wright, and Gelberta Taylor; and Mrs. Ethel BariVs, home demonstration agent for Fayette County. Scarbro opened and displayed her gifts. Those attending were Mrs a rell Acord, Mrs. Myrtle Love! Mrs.

Don Peters, Mrs. Herbe Hoover, Mrs. Rome Rader, Mrs Cantley, Mrs. Clarence Bartrum Mrs. Earl Underwood, Mrs.

Buster Bradley, Mrs. George Aliff, Mrs Laura Acord, Mrs. Artie Clay Jlrs. Charles E. Jarrell, Mrs.

J. Bradford, Mrs. Rhoda Vealey, Mrs Inez Webb. Mrs. Dewey O'Dell an Mrs.

Man-in Marshall; Mrs. B. Aliff, Mrs. Howard Aliff, Mrs. Doris Marshall, Mrs Bfll Ashbury, Mrs.

Hubert Cantle Mrs. J. C. Brcome, Mrs. Erie bor, Mrs.

Lantie Jarrell, Mrs. Ge. aid Peters, Mrs. Jack Lemon, Mis, Tice Tabor, Miss Barbara Ja Mrs. Clinton Anderson, Mr D.

Lee, Herbie Hoover Jr osemary Anderson and Mrs Mince Roarer. Ky-fiick Stunner CHAPTER A light was burning the 'Dawson cabin, and a krw buzz at voices drifted out through the open window. Rob turned sharply on girl. "Who else is there?" "Pap, I Old Corny wasn't likely to give any trouble, but Rob's hand reached (or Ihe gun on his hip. He taking half a chance on T-ita's word.

"You go in first." Be stayed close behind her in darkness as she pushed open the "Lita!" Corny broke into a shrill babble of words as he caught sigit of his daughter. "What kind o' tricks you up lo now? What's Wayne goin' t' say--" His voice dribbled ott into silence as Rob, CoH in hand, stepped into the lighted doorway. The injured mans hand shot out from tinder the blankets. Rob's gun-muzzle swung to cover him. "Hold it!" The menace of death was in his low voice, and Calder's 'hand dropped.

He strode across the room and scooped up the gun that lay on a chair at the head of the bed. Corny crourtied in his seat like a heap of old clothes. "1 suppose you're MaUory." spoke wilh a poker-faced "I take it Lite's been spin- ning you a yam. You look like man with too much sense to lis "ten to the ravings of a jealous woman." Hob sized Hie man up svriftly. A cool customer on the surfac anyway--bul there was no rea toughness in those thin, features.

ash that had cowed the mob.j Tak, feller! Your luck's run out. fou might as weB make it easier 'or yourself." "You can't bluif me the way you did those nesters. You haven't got a thing on me except the word of a cheap little tramp no jury would believe!" There was almost as much hate as (ear in the green eyes as they slid past Rob to rest or an instant an Lita. "You'll need more than talk, Mallory!" "I guess 1 will." Rob's face was an emotionless mask, covering his jitter distaste for the next move. Whatever he'd done, Calder was a wounded man, weaponless and leipless--but his sealed lips held the words that would free Kerry of a murder charge.

Steeling himself, Rob clubbed the gun in his land. Calder saw what was coming, and tried to dodge, but the "barrel rafted his check, laying it open from eye to chin. A cry like trapped animal's filled the cabin. "Better talk, tin-horn," Rob igrated. "if you don't want the left side of your face Ico*king as bad as the other one." He raised the OiH again.

Calder's hands went up to shield his face, and his voice came from behind them in sobbing gasps. "All right I'll talk don't hit me again. Mallory! I'll The gambler was broken completely. The words poured out ol him. filling in details Lita had lefl out or not known.

It was a wild incoherent story as he told it, bu brain put it together into a shape Uiat made a grun sense. "All right." he said, when h. saw there was nothing more to be ands on his arm. "I'd stay, anj 'ay, il you wanted me to--Rob. ier uptilted eyes, her mouth, erer curve of her body, spoke- a flas ant invitation.

Rob's deliberat took the full measure of sefore he put her aside. "I've never been fussy about my morals, Lita--but there or two things even I can tomach." When the door had dosed be- lind Rob, Calder roused himse inongh to lay his tongue on Li 1 a savage cursing. She swun over to the couch and slapped th wounded man viciously across th mouth. "Shut up!" His words didn't realty bother her--she'd been called too man names. He was simply somcthin on which to vent a little of the he hat was boiling up inside her.

Mallory had sworn at her, struc ler, knocked her down, it wouldn lave been half so insulting as th ndifferent distaste with which he shaken her off. Even her ang at Cameron paled beside her to drag Rob Mallory off his hig and-migtrty perch, to hurt him I ve seen you before." Robilearned. "You're coming to Broken spoke deliberately, "--in UK jail Spur with me. Tomorrow we'll gc last For a man your town and talk to Lacey Parran you keep odd company" You. too." he added hi "I was in the satoon." The twist- eluding Lita and Corny, ed mouth took on a deprecating He got the injured "man up on i boree watched Corny moun his old nag, and then, mouth tight lifted Lila onto his own saddle anc swung up behind her.

TTiey rod to Broken Spur in bleak silence Rob's first notion had been take his witnesses to the sheriff see that they told their stories, and let Lacey do the rest, but leaving things to others nad never bee his way. He had a ferer in him to see this matter settled. Before he crossed his own threshold, he'd made up his mind to bring in Wayne Cameron himself. First, though, with a grim soi "I'd had a long ride--I -thirsty. Guess I wet my whistle a -little too thoroughly.

Liquor can make a sensible man do mighty foolish things, especially when he's in the company of fools. I'm sorry for it--I've got good reason to be." indicated his bandaged shoul- "Rusty's a better shot lock him for." TV.e betraying venom in the last words settled any doubts Rob had. He leaned closer. after he killed a man in City?" he suggested softly. he didn't, did he? You did-' "You're crazy!" Calders laugh of pity, he washed gash convincing, but he couldnt the flicker of (ear in his "Not half as crazy as you and friend Cimero.i.

when you run your on mt. crook tin-horn Uughfd harshly, "thirut- Uwy could Rob -lory!" Suddenly hii voice WM the CaJder's cheek, gave him a drinl of whisky and made him comfort able on the couch. "I'm riding out again," he toi Liu briefly. -Til be back in a couple of hours. You'll get you thousand when we've seen Par ran not sooner.

way, I'l be you'll slay around." She moved up lo him, laid both PHILADELPHIA An un- obstrusive man and a curyace- blue-eyed blonde, wesring a orm-fitting sweater, sat down in ront of of the city's most yed detectives. The woman told the officer at he desk that she needed a fun or her protection, inquired etting a permit. As they talked, she looked over ic other men in the room. "My, but it must wonderful be a detective," she trilled. The policemen grinned.

A few minutes later, she and her com- anion left. Three minutes after iat, the door burst open, an FBI gent rushed in. "That man who just was here," exclaimed. "He's Public Enemy No. "Okay," said the man who ha lone the questioning, turning to the others.

"Describe him." About half the group chorused 'What man?" Others variously dc cribed him as wearing a brown uit, instead of gray, and put hi! age at from 42 to SO. He was 31 Vithout a doubt, their eyes hac beon on Ihe blonde. "The class flunked that a i a McCabe, specia agent in charge of the FBI here 'but they learned something tha will be hard to forget--just ittle people actually see and remember." For McCabe was running class, part of an FBI training pro and this was an' observa lion test. The blonde and her com panion were both from the FB loo. The 20 handpicked city detective who attended the intensive cours --100 hours of study over thre weeks--also were shown FBI tricks and techniques in collection an preservation of evidence, survei lance, arresting and disarming su peck, emergency firing with eithe right or left hand.

They were taught how much hearsay evidence is worth too. An FBI agent whispered this sen tence into the ear of one of th detectives: "The girl said tha three men would bring the car 13tti and Columbia In turn, each detective whispere it to the man next to him. Th sentence finally came out: "Th if down in the back of the car the comer." Then one detective remembered iat midway in the relay, for- ot to mention the girl. Wbat he wanted to know, he said, was how id she get back into mes- age? The FBI also impressed on Its Indents the importance of the Commonplace. A policewoman posed as a sus- sected shoplifter.

While two of the tudents questioned her. she fon- led a folded newspaper. Once the ven dropped it and picked It up Vhen the interview was over, they gain. The detectives Ignored the news- iaper, didn't bother to examine it. were told that it contained the in- riminating evidence they were co*king for.

Thomas J. Gibbons, Philadelpnia police commissioner, was so en- husiastic about the course that he plans to set up two more for other detectives next year. BIBB, Urt. 'Clarah Charlotte: tit 76 ot Bradley, died rwl- denct at 4:10 p.m. Monday, Feb.

13th. The body will remain at he Row and Funeral Home, 912 Neville pendinf ompleUon of funeral arrangements. Arrangements by A Fuaeral ary Ittn, FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS CASH Parma Jane: of 1M (h Street, died at her home al 9 a.m. Sunday, Febru- body Vjll be removed rom the ROM Quesenberrv Funeral Home to the residence. Memy at 5 Funeral services will conducted at the Stan a ford Community Church at 2 p.m.

Tuesday, February 14th wilh the Rev. Clyde officiating. Burial will cl- ow in the Stamford Cemetery. The grandsons will serve as pallbearers and jranddaufhters is flowerbearers. by Row Quefcctofcerry FuBcril Home BENNETT BENNETT.

Thomas Wadet ace 10 years, ot Abraham, died at 1 a.m. Sunday, Februar, loapital. The uary body 12th in a local will be removed rorh Ihe ROM 4 Quesmbtrry Funeral Home to the residence Monday at 5 p.m. Funeral services will be conducled at Ihe Arthur Chapel Abraham at 2 p.m. Tu iry L4th with the Rev.

Tuesday, Robert Hub- girl said that three men were lay- months. Hollywood News Briefs LOS ANGELES Actor Leo of the screen's Dead End Kids won a divorce from his third wife, testifying she had trial love affairs with other men including a doctor, a dentist and a film cowboy. Breaking into sobs, Gorcey, 38, testified Tuesday (hat Amelila Ward Gorcey, 32. was "rather fickle." They were married in Superior Judge Samuel Blake gave the actor custody of (he children, Leo 6, and Jan, 4. Gorcey gave the former actress $50,000, a Northern California ranch and $750 a month alimony in a property, settlement.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. IB-The MacDonald Careys have welcomed their sixth child. A boy, Paul Gordon, was bom Tuesday. The actor's wife and the baby were reported doing fine at St. John's Hospital.

The other Carey children are Lynn 9, Lisa 6. Steve 4, Theresa, 3, and MaeDonaJd 22 bard, officiating. Burial wilt follow in the Plumley Cemetery at Abraham. Arrangements Rose ft Queienberry Fuaera4 Valentine's Day Flowerinj plants, lasting reminders, (rom $3 00 Corsages, "scenlimental" from $250 Valentine bouquets, her favorite from SNOW THORNTON FLORISTS HAGA, Harold: 24, formerly of Sophia died at his Jacksonville, Florida apartment, Saturday, February nth. Funeral services -wiH be ducted Tuesday.

14th at '2 at the Sophia First Baptist with the Rev. Dewey Wilson, assisted by the Rev. Okey Burial will be made in Sunset temoiial Park. The body was removed from the Williams Funeral Home to the home of his sister. Mrs.

ay ill at 5 p.m. Acbe: Winston Lambert, Monda, ive pallbearers wil Mills. Elmer Mills. Lacy Milam, Claude Day, Leon SturgiH and Bud- ly Lovell. Flowerbeareri will be: Pally Mills, Man da Simpson, Naomi Ward.

Belly Cox, Betty Blevins, Margaret McPeake, Shirley Sizemore. Maixne Davis. Mildred Farlev, Dora Day, Virginia Mills and Lodis Mills. body will taken to the church one hour prior to the funeral lime, where it will He in state. ArrugencnU by Williams Funeral Home Taxable Income Is the Key Your Income Tax Reporting your income for tn- ome tax is basically the simple cocess of reducing your total in- ome to your taxable income.

The tax law gives you three lain ways of whittling your total ncome down to the amount that taxable. These are exemp- ons, deductions and exclusions. Exemptions, discussed in the the econd article of this series, gives ou a tax-free living allowance of 5600 for each person dependent on our income. Deductions and exclusions are olh deductions, but with a dif- erence. You get deductions, dis- ussed in the third article of this eries, according to the way you pend your income you don't ave to pay tax on income for nstance, that you spend in paying interest.

Exclusions (which, in company with a discussion of who must make estimated tax payments, is he subject of this article) depend not on how you spend your in come, but on how you receive it That is, some of your income is not subject to tax because- of its origin. Consequently, exclusions are dealt with separately and dif fercntly from deductions. MANY of your exclusions neve show up in your tax return. ThL is because they are exempt in come income that need not be reported at all. Other exclusion are only partial.

In euch cases you show the income in your re turn, then deduct part of it. Th instructions 'booklet that come with your tax return does not (as it does for dedoctions) discuss exclusions in one easily distinguish able section. So here is an exten sive outline of excludable income First, the exempt Income, Uia need not be reported: Gifts (this must be money something else of value for whic you performed no service wha ever) inheritances death ben efite of life insurance policies -amounts up to given by a employer to the family of a ceased employe (if more than on employer donates, the total tax some way that would pay him back with interest. "Sis!" she looked up impatiently at the sound of Corny's querulous whine. "Le's us git outa here." "Dont be a fool!" she snapped.

"You heard, what he said. You think Im gonna walk out on a thousand dollars?" think I'm gonna stick aroun't t' git my neck her father demanded. "A thousand's a lotia money, but 'tvrould- n't buy much fer a dead man. You reckon if Wayne gits Vested he won't tell who 'twas shot Joe Larrabee? You c'n stay 'f you wanta --me. kn goin'.

"Suit Lita answered indifferently. Corny wavered. "Say. Sis, what you gonna do when you git all dial money?" "I d' know et. I'll srnd you word, somehow." "Well join up agin someplace, huh?" "Knew y' wouldn't fergit you ol' man.

I'm kinda handy have 'roun sometimes, aim Y' never fin' anybody else'll do anything y' tell 'em to, like me. Ain' that right, honey?" "I reckon," she repeater! dully. She snatched up a botlle of whisky and a handful of matches from the table and handed them to the eager old man. "Here," she said, "You'll need these." Then walking to the door with ten, she raised her face as if to kiss him. But sne did not kiss him.

Instead she whispered in his ear, whispered something that left Corny white and shaken went out Ihe night. Be free is still an in-charge of the hospiUl in hU Thornton wealth. Alan Is tat ate social security benefits and ailroad retirement act benefits-- orkmen's compensation ben- 'its interest on state and mu- icipal bonds--all government pay- lents and Benefits to veterans (e'x- ept retirement pay not connected terminal leave bonds) armed irces pay due to active service in corrat zone from June 24, iKO i Feb. 1, 1955 (officers can ex- lude up to J200 a month only)-- lenefits from accident and health nsurance policies (where financed an employer, only the amounts or medical care, or to compensate can 6e excluded) ncome earned abroad, under cer- ain conditions--rental value of a arson age lived in by a minister, riest or rabbi subsistence pay policemen, when provided by aw, up to a day subsistence ind rental allowances to mem- ers of the armed forces (such lay is usually excluded for you ly not being included on the withholding form issued by the armed services). THE EXCLUSION for pay you EXEMPTIONS DEDUCTIONS LUSIONS Strayed LOST tille for '51 Chevrolet.

Robert Campbell. Heward. 2-41M. DISAPPEARED from home February 3, reddish-brown female co*cker spaniel, grown, ansu'ors to Sandy. Reward for return.

Phone Mullens -wti'te Jemcn female Walker fox hound and one black and while female, Walker fox hound, between Glen Daniel and Lester, Reward. Dallie Allen, Fairdale, W. Va. Phone Fairdale FOUND pair glasses Monday evening, on North Kanawha Street, in. srown and white western ttyle cast.

Beckiey Newspapers. Filming INTERIOR and exterior painting. Dial 3038. FOR ualnting and paper banglnf dial 8143 W. E.

interior, exterior, experienced. Henry Jones, Beauly BOOTH. Mn. Margaret Elizabeth: 78, of 21 Hull Street, died at a.m. Sunday.

February 121h, at ler residence. The body will be taken Tom the Calfee Funeral Home to residence at 4 p.m. Monday. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday. February 14th.

at 2 p.m at. the Firit Baptist Church with Dr. Alvln J. Cook, officiating. Burial will follow in the Sunset Memorial Park.

The body will lie hi stale al the church one hour prior to the Euneral time. Active pallbearers will be Bernard Carter. C. C. Farmer, T.

L. Maynor. D. F. Blair.

Waller Humphrey. E. H. Williams. C.

Harvey and Oveiton Kent. Honorary flowerbearers will be members of the Phllathea Class of Ihe First Baptist Church, and active flowerbearers will be. members of Circle No. 11, of the First Baptist Church. ArraBcemeaU by clfee Funeral Home SPECIAL! Sl'EClAL! $10 COLD WAVE $7.50 Del-Mar Beauty Shop Ofer Thrifty Shop Neville St DIAL 6512 coi.n LUCY'S BEAUTY SHOP Over Thompson's Drug-Dial top MARGUERITE'S K.M PERMANENTS, DOW K-M Children's Pcrmancnts.

13.50. ph. 6931 GENE H. CHURCH etpinf Strvice A Tix Rcports-PajTolU-MimMtraphinc Fucral Directors WHETHER the meals and lodg ing exclusions apply to domestics is something the Revenue Service is still mulling over. There is a good chance the Service win rule that in the case of domestics the "place of btsiness" is the employ er's home, and that the exclusion: therefore do apply.

Prizes and awards are tax exempt only if you do nothing to get the priie (you must not even enter a contest), and you are not required as a condition bf the prize to perform an "substantial future eryice." These provisions make adio and TV giveaway prizes, in most cases, taxable. Most scholarships and fellow- hip, grants are tax exempt, but iubject to a number of restric- ions. The grantor is usually well nformed on the tax treatment of Kis grant, and it is best to get advice from him. received from your employer while you are absent from work due sickness or injury is an example of a partial exclusion. The law limits the exclusion to a rate $100 a week, where the employe has not contributed to hie cick pa plan.

AN EXCLUSION may be part ial only in the case of a par sonage, if a cash rental allow ance, instead of a parsonage, provided. The cash allowance may be excluded from taxable income only to the extent it is osed pay rent or purchase a home Pension pay, to be dealt with in a special article, may also be part ly excluded from your taxable in come. If your employer transfers you the expense money he gives yo for the move may be excluded up to the amount actually spent ir moving. Employes need not report as income 'the value of meals they receive from the employer when the meals are taken at the place of business and for the employer's convenience. Lodging received from your employer need rtot be reported, if the lodging at the place of business, the employe lives in for the convenience of the employer, and if living in a condition of the job.

KEYSER Funeral Home Ambulance Service Dial DOUGLAS T. BRYANT MANAGER lit South Oikwood Are. tttctltj Ambulance Service 'DIAL 3300 James C. Griffith Director Quesenberry Webb Funeral Home, Inc. 471 Vum On 1J-SI tj-ftm DIAL FOR FOOf.AaMENTS"' See Your chiropodist Dr.

B. E. Silverman Raleith County Bank Blif. Dial SMI SAVE" MONEY! INCOME tax reoorts filled out bookkeeping service. Donald W.

MQler. Crab Orchard, dial Repair Service FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS MILLER MILLER, Kelvin James: afe IS months, of Mr. and Mrs James MiUer ol Windtaj Cult, died at the residence at 1 p.m Monday, February 13th. The body will be removed Irom the Williams Funeral Home to the residence of the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mn.

Jasper Miller, ot Winding Gulf at p.m. Tuesday, February Hth. Funeral services will be conducted at the Farley Hill Baptist Church at p.m. Wednesday, February Uth. with the Rev.

W. F. Tolliver officiating assisted by the Rev. Lester Sturgul Burial will ioliow In the Farley Hill Cemetery. Arrangements 07 WJUUms FuneraJ ALLCNBT AU.ENBY, Mrs.

Nettie: age 67 yean of 1605 Water Street. Moundsviue died in a local hospital at p.m Sunday, February 12th. The body wa removed from the Rose aV Quesen berry Funeral Home to the Lutes Funeral Home. MoundsvlHe, Monday afternoon. Funeral services will be conducted there Wednesday after noon.

February 15th and burial wil be made in the Rivera-lew Cemetery at Moundsville. Arrangements by Rote Qieseakenr. Fuerid HMK SVTPHIN SUTPHIN. Adney age 74 years ol 109 Wlckham Avenue, Btckley died in a local hospital. Monday February 13lh at The bod wrtl be removed from the Keyse Funeral Home to the residence Tuesday at 3 p.m.

and to the church on hour prior to the funeral time. Fu neral services will be conducted Wednesday, February 15th at 2 p.m at the First Christian Church wilt Dr. J. W. Witherspoon.

Elder J. I Bowling and Rev. Mark W. Wolfe, of ficlating. Burial will be made Sunset Memorial Park.

Active bearers will be: Elmer Davis. Harry Moran. C. H. Carson.

Lee Summers C. S. Lewis, Dr. John Callawa Honorary pallbearers will be: Floyc Sayre. Frank Cans.

J. Q. Hutchlraon Frank Burlner. Ed Gregory, E. Va Dorsey.

S. H. Budge. A. K.

Mlnler, E. C. Minter. Duftey Riffe L. E.

Tol bert. Jimmy Foster, Ralph Shrxler "ernard Carter, Dr. B. K. Peter arry Mondorf, William Slunklln Tltltr, Eugene Scott.

"uckols. Dr. W. H. H.

Roland Hlnckley. C. xwls Sr. H. E.

McMillan. Gasper John Ward. Charles Syus, Pickus. Dr. Harold Harvey, Dr M.

Ward. E. S. Pugh. Isuc Me inney.

T. L. Maynor. Frenrt Lu is. Joe L.

Smith Price H. Snead. Sam Thomson, also lembers of -the men's bible class. he elders and deacons of first CKurch and officials, irectors and employees of the Ha rurh County Imraiice Senrice By the he got there it was the The gmt Hiin hut the cop didn't that in hit personal and professional life give dramatic interest to "A Doctor in the Family," new novel by Binbctb i Next Week In The hieigJ. Refute give up.

He kept checking anr! finally ran it down, just in time to see a young man jump out and run. A resident of the came oat to check the commotion in front of His house. was Wallace's insurance man, J. V. Trice.

pranpCy adviced his Cu'enU Arrangements Keyier Pmeral CLASSIFIED DPPLAT TE1UCO GAS FLOOR Furnaces 20 rtAfl GOAMJfTCZt to W. Rogers PLDMKNG ft BEATDK. pw on AMOS E. Quesenberry Owner -Rose Quesenberry Funeral Home AMBULANCE SERVKX SI! Neville St. Dial 4461 RADIO and TV REPAIR SERVICE JENNINGS RADIO i TV MacArlhur, W.


All Work Guaranteed Ashworth Firestone PHONE i2U 321 PRINCE ST. HADDAD'S TV FURNITURE CO. RADIO AND TV REPAIR SEHVICE III Main St. Ulil MM CALL HALSTEAD'S Expert lervice on vrashen and refrigerators, CE appliances specialty! Parti in stock, service all makes. '31 years of know Dial 2-2215.

EXPERT TV SERVICE! FACTORY TRAINED MEN HALSTEAD'S CALL AT OUR GEMRAL ELECTRIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT 201 NORTH KAN A WHA ST. DIAL 5488 SYMBOL OF LOVE EVERLASTING A beautiful monument endures forever. the devotion and that rt R. C. EGNOR Monument Works Far Tfcm Win Ian Olft Orekard BOGGESS RADIAT6R Hand and power mower sharpening.

Avoid the rush get It done now. CANDY and FLOWERS FOR THE QUEEN OF YOUR HEART! MAY WE SUGGEST A Nice Potted Plant Plus Lb. Box Of Delicious CHOCOLATES $5.00 LOVELY SELECTTON 'HYACINTHS WEBB'S FLORISTS GREENHOUSES "Your FTD Florist" Crib Orchard and Beck ley Dial KM or US! LOVITZ TELEVISION SERVICE WE stock parts for all makes and modelsl Antennas and Installations. All work and materials guaranteed PHONE 2-1271, BECKLEY SAME DAY SERVICE HOME and auto radios Pickup and delivery service. All work guaranteed.

Wright'! Radio Set- vice. Crab Orchard, dial 2-3S09 Notkn ALTERATIONS, dressmaking, dip. covers. duperies. professional type, dial S300 or 2-3802.

SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL CLEANING MODERN EQUIPMENT ALSO NEW INSTALLATIONS' Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rattt DIAL AVON CosmeUcs. District Manager. log Jennings St, dial 2-3417. ILL be "red at Orchard, 8 to shoveldozer for IJTUAL Omahara BecXlcy Dial S704. Ay BUND Estimates UP TO 36 HMTHS TO PAY On Remodeling FmAMJMG Co, W.

Ti. -ewis Transfer Storage 1 "S- Dial ANTED beci hides. Pick" to buy. scrap paper, man- Id cart lo old GreenbrteV DOOUJ wiNDOWS a Insolation Co. KM.

The Raleigh Register from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.