The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)

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The Tell City Newsi

Tell City, Indiana

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RESH CATISH THIS WEEK 3 Dor $100 4 Lbs 29c I VELVEET A CHEESE Kraft's 2 Lbs 79c RAN AN AV va vava Biiv uv lb Juicy lorida 1 Jonathan or Rome Beauty If POTATOES Red or White 20 Lbs 69c rnrr holden I aa CD EE holden OU I 11 El El RED STAMPS vV Il rED STAMPS with purchase of with Purchase of lavor Kist Sunshine Hydro Cookies Jumbo or udge Creme Cookies THE PRICE IS RIGHT AND HOI DEN RED STAMPS TOO AT MARKET Limit 10 Lbs with SUGAR IBs ARM BOY READY TO EAT PICNICS tb 37c lx an Sugar Cured SLICED BACON 2 Lbs 79c Center Cut Lb 69c PORK CHOPS 1st Cut Lb 49c resh Home Made PORK SAUSAGE 3 Lbs $1QQ BEE LIVER Tender Sliced Lb 19c Purchase of $500 or More Domino 10 Lbs Uc PIES blue Bird Coconut Custard 39c SALAD DRESSING Salad Mate or lessee Qt 29c HUNT'S CATSUP Big 20 oz Bottles 2 for 49c BARBECUE Hesmer or Big Qt 1159 CHOCOLATE MILK Holland 2 Qts 39 ICE MILK Ideal 'r gal 39 Officers or Newly Marru i Social Scene Couple Now At Aris And Crafts 1 Group Chosen Business 9 Des to hand Mrs the campus More in lancheon of De 1 Wittman of Salem In before returning to Owens Oat ley Conner were Mrs and Mrs Carl Poehlem and sons Mr and Mrs and 4 ail her The Evansville Council of Garden Clubs will present the Eleventh A a I Holiday lower Show entitled CLUBS PARTIES BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES president of the Womens Church of Christ Tell City beautiful with her many in door vines plants and African violets of every color The guests departed in the late afternoon s' Mr and Mrs David AIcarlmg entertained the Study Club Sunday night ollowing the study session cards were played with high scores being won by Mrs CW Sebnitz and Loren Spencer Dr and Mrs Bernard Bosler were special guests su fall She Univer a mem a i Sister as she presented a on this subject to the I' TA Tuesday eve Christmas Seal kick off meet ing Monday night at Zion Church in Chrisney Clubhouse the same after noon No invitations are being issued but fru nds and rela tives ire invited1 to a tie fab A more complete story about the Etiennes together with a photograph will appear the 1 News next Thursday 7 by Sturgeon and three sons of English and Samuel Stur geon of Oriole were Sunday visitors at the Kenneth Harlcn home Reed Mr and Mrs James Stein and sons were Wednesday night visitors of Mr and Mrs Harold Held and family near Grandview Mrs Betty rey Mrs lo Hempfling Mrs Margaret Roos Mrs Margie Schroeder and Mr Elmer Pruess of this community attended the Tu berculosis information and and Mrs Theodore Hammond and Mrs Helen their parent Dale Sturgeon Evansville Club's lower Show Announced and family of the week NOVEMBER 27 WEDDING PLANNED Mr and Mrs Patrick Jarboe Troy onnounce the approaching mar riage of their daughter Mary Kay Masterson to Lloyd Southwood son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Soulhwood Lamar The marriage will be an event of Saturday Novem ber 27 at 1 115 a in St Pius Catholic Church Troy (Eger Studio Photo) Mrs aye Mills of Tell City was elected president of the Perry County Arts 4 nd Crafts for: ihe coming year at a meeting on riday night No vember 5 at the Ohio Valley Gas office in 'Jell City An thony Leisner of St Cyuq was elected vice 'president' and match at the Conservation chib house at Branchville Sun day afternoon Mr rank Mr and Mrs Andrew and son Bobbv Mrs Loretta Ewing and daughter their parents Mr and Mrs Dewey Hall on Sunday 'Mrs: Iva JeanGlazmer and baby of Butlerville Charles Harden and two daughters of Mifflin Mrs Susie Hobbs and St Paul TA Group Hears Modern Math Discussed At Meeting i better math for more people is the goal of modern mathematics Marietta program St Paul mng Sister Mauetra an instruc tor of both lugfi schoof and col lege students at Beech Grove is a son most authority on inoilern inalli She served on the stale research committeew ich selected material for the: math textbooks are used IN schools ioday "In 'teaihmg' math to lift children today Ae show them 'why' they: do thb they da in arriving at a solution to 3 sdid the in stiuctur Sie pave several demonstra tions of woikmg mathematical problems the modern way as they are taught id our schools At the completion of her talk a verv active question and answer session as held During the business meeting Jim Roos president expres sed thanks to all who contrib uted to the success of the an nual public entertainment held lecently He also announced the next moiling would be the Christmas nroufam to be held luuihuuy iu LAMAR By Margaret Roos Nov 9 Mrs lo Hemp Held were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Phil Wesner of Paoli Mr and Mrs Allen Weisheit Busy Week or Tell City Optimists the Optimist Club of Tell 4 City at its regular Thursday night dinner meeting at the Lincoln Trail Motel last week outlined future activities for the local service organization Al a short business meeting preceding the program presi dent Ed Dooley announced the Optimist ruit Cake Special campaign to "Sell A Cake or Youths' Sake" During the Thanksgiving season Opti mists will sell a three pound Charles fruit cake with all the' profits to be spent locally in the Ont im ist continuing nro i gram for helping children her of the armed services were in 1 ell City over the week end visiting Miss Mulzer's parents: Mr and Mrs Roland Nut zer and funity MR AND MRS THEODORE HICKERSON have returned astir a trip to Kankakee 'and Chicago MR AND MRS CECIL SEIBERT were hosts Sunday for birthday party at their home honoring their css ieKiWry fvfio wdc Ichrating'hcr eighty seventh birth Mrs Martha Mogan Host To Dexter Home Ec Club Mrs Martha Mogan of by was host to the Dexter Home Economics Club Wed nesday Twelve women were in attendance A bountiful dinner brought by members of the club was served in the dining room of the Mogan home Miss Katherine Paalz of Tell Citv Home Demonstration Club and Mrs Zilphia Rocss ler of the Can Tell Club were special guests After the dinner the busi ness meeting was held It was followed by Beano Lovely prizes furnished by the hos tess were awarded to win ners "OS Miss Paalz conducted a trick or treat contest which proved to be a lot Belt was a special guest ot the program chairman The meeting closed with member renting the Opti mist Creed enburg and daughter Sharon of Tell City visited Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Elmer aulkenburg and sons Mr and Mrs Nolan Gold man and daughter Anna of Rockport visited Mr and Mrs Tom Lavin Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Clarence Jackson visited Mr and Mrs Everett Clutinger Sunday as Continued on Page 4) riday? Miss" Sue Suttcliffe visited Mr and Mrs Glcnward Har ding and daughter at Mt Plea 1 sant Saturday 1 Mrs Penn Badger and Mrs Gene Harding of Derby and Mrs Johnnie Harding were in Evansville Saturday 1 Charles James left for the 1 army Thursday Mr and Mrs Gibson received word their daughter in law Mrs Mayfield Gibson of New Albany underwent sur gery on riday at the loyd County Memorial hospital 1 Gladys Harding and Elsie Riddle called on Mr and Mrs 1 Monrow Harding 0 a 1 night Miss Charolet Hahus of New Albany spent the weekend vis 1 Ring her parents Mr and Mr Ravmnnd Hahne and son Ronnie Several folks from here at tended the ball game at Leav enworth riday night 1 Mr and Mrs Charles Shep erd of Sulphur visited John and Henry Lavaux Wednesday afternoon Mr and Mrs William ran cis were in Tell City Wednes day Mr and Mrs Junior Senn of Beechwood visited Mrs Mary Senn Sunday afternoon Mrs Harold Riddle attended a party at the home of Mrs Robert ullenwider of Alton Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs Albert Smitlcy received word their daughter at the Conservation Club at Leopold Mrs McGutnes is employed at the GE Tube Plant in Tell City Mr McG nines is a farm er Mr and Mrs McGuines are now at home at their farm residence in Mt Pleasant marrites were jnayed by Mrs Muri Howe organist The only attendants were Mr and Mrs Robert Harkrad er of Daleville Ind Mr Hark rader and Mr" McGuines ser ved together during World War II ThcL bride selected a royal blue double knit dress with corresjionding accessories for her wedding She wore a white orchid corsage Mrs Harkrad cr wore a cherry pink double knit suit and a white rose cor sage MR? ELLA PHIIJAPS mo ther of the bride wore a blue and green printed silk jersey with black accessories and a pink rose corsage ollowing the 1 wedding a dinner for members of the wedding party and the immed iate families was held at the Alpine House Later a recep nd daughters ofdLouisvdle 1 Mr and Mrs of I Toil City Mr a nd Lewis KmeiTi of Leavenworth and Anna Mae Lynch of Branch 1 villc Mr and Mrs ibers Gibson and son Larry of erri Kv ennnf tlm Etiennes Will Observe Golden Wedding Date Mr and Mrs rank Eticn ne 439 Seventh street will observe their Golden: Wedding Annivelsary on Sunday Nov ember 21 at a 10 rinl mass St A stine's Catholic Church Leopold A reception will be held the name of Kay Pauline and weighed'1 in at 7 lbs 54 1 1 Mrs Weisheit will be remeni I bered as Miss Mary Ann Will man Mr and Mrs Herman Wittman the maternal grandparents Congratulations nd evening supper guests of Mr and Mrs Marvin Leibcring and daughters were Mr and Mrs Mor ns Mrs Gladys Kale Mrs Anna diana and Mrs Marie Lad ber ing Mr Huebschman called on his afternoon Mrs Stella Sunday visitor of Mrs Huhia I Schriefer and MixSiDuna I Nuetel 1 1 a verv nr pr cmv if kail I JUl HI 1 1 a I III 11 'l Hid I LtllJIC nrl Hnsf Si honic rslH siiLkiut u'Hiij lUHitiina Liaa i nl loo nl nnl rill HillllHilHl a Ml ttlth 41IIU JU I nl mail boxes 'There will also Iir Inc I i Jhe Artistic Design and Hor Division of the show to th public and anyone 18 years or older is in vised tn exhibit in alt classes Interested wanting to mter exhibits in the show may 1 secure a schedule of rules and 1 Mrs Norhert DeVillcz entertained her card club Thursday night Mr Sue Mrs Clarence Dauby and Mrs Winifred Brune held high scores 5 Prizes were yon and 'Mrs James Wittmer and Mr and Mrs Eugene Lowe when Mr and Mrs Kenneth Ramsey entertamed their couples club Sunday evening al years They also visited the cemetery here where she has relatives buried and were to stop atjGrantsburg to visit Mr and MrsY Vess Shoe maker and daughter Linda i an mt nn virs mrr rat i I kenburg attended the shooting THURSDAY NEWS Tell City Indiana November 11 1963 Chairman Estet ay related that November 8 to the 15 is Optimist Youth Appreciation Week and the annual Youth Appreciation Week Banquet' would be held Thursday No vember Il at 8:30 pm in ellowship Hall of the United Church of Christ in Tell City CHAIRMAN Charles Ram sey declared plans were com le tffTsstbl Eye Bank in Perry County and that a final organizational meeting was planned for Tues day night at the home of club president Ed Dooley Larry Johnson was program chairman at last 'Thursday's meeting and provided a talk on 1y the promotional and publicity activities of the Tell tity Chair 5 Company during the local' IWth anniversary several tunes jthis week to be with Wajlace Yales who had major surgery'on 1 The shooting' match at Bert Mrs Vcrta Walker and Gus i Reed visited Mr and Mrs i of 1 Clarence Rmeiiem at Suipbur 1 and Mrs Clarence of Evansville father Sunday Kanzler was a Daughters Oj Isabella Tntnon Tzih 4 rrtA ehMIl dVtVIl) 4 Il'H'KtJ Jilt gizKvv I will' be held at Roberts Muni announce the birth a daugh cipal Sthdium Saturdav and ter born on Wednesday Nov 5undav Nov 20 21 On 8atur ember 13 at the Jasper Mem day the doors will open at 2 I orlal hospdal She was given I 6L nnme rst W'kX V'lillinO Jinfl pm and the show will con 1 tinue until 9 o'clock Sunday I it win commence at 12:10 pm and continue until 9 pm Mrs Kattman will demonstrate the art of making holiday arrangements and dec orations and will feature table arrangements The demonstra tions will be at 3:00 and 7:30 pm and ail arrangements be offered for sale to the public 'f The Horticulture Division will' include 1o3 various class es among them will be berried branches holly broadleaf needled evergreens African violets vines trading: plants and house pl ant There vviHbe 25 competitive classes in now er arrange I ments exhibited in niches ele cant formal and informal table DERBY By Bertha Harten Nov Mrs Ellen laok hardt of Washington Lml is sp nding the week with her sister Mrs Nellie Ramsev Mr and Mrs Curtis Hard esty visited Miss La Venn Mathis of Dubois Wednesday night' Mrs Mary Betty Wilson of Caruthersville Mo and Mr and Mrs George Wilson of Steele Mo were here to at tend the funeral of their sis ter and aunt Mrs Clara Dam in Miss Geneva Heath of Tell City was acting postmistress for Mrs Dorothy Hull on Sat urday KM Word was received here' of the death of Russeli Burton of Richmond Ind on Tuesday He left Perry County when he was a young boy but he often visited here Mrs Harold Little Mrs Curtis Hardesty and Mrs Ramsey visited Mrs Les ter Wilber at Perry County Memorial hospital on Thurs day Mrs Wilber is recovering rfijlJ nlio la dJUnlj Heck and Miss Mabel Damm of St John's church Cannelton) Miss 'Carolyn Ramsey and were in Lbhisville Tuesday and' Wednesday They were attend 1 Jr Byrd and Mr and Airs in'gf the biannual meeting of the Women of the Indiana Ken Wayne Ramsey of Rome were tucky Conference held this week at Zion United Church of tin ft Wayne over the week VI Li Illi Mi'll Jidlliacy Wttb 111 A Jiua tu visit Mrs rcida Bolin who is in ihn hnsoital Kir and MrC 1 LnnPrfrt Jinn nett of Evansville were week end guests of her mother Mrs Ollie Hardesty Mr and Mrs Irvin Hall spent Sunday with their son' James and family of "Deer creek Mr and Mrs Roscoe Hall visited her sister Mr? and Mrs Archie Mallory of Branch on Afiss Judy Hardin Indi anapolis was a weekend guest ofAs iss Anna Alary Hall Mrand Mrsf Ernest Bad ger and Air Mrs Wallace Badger were Picnicking at Penitentiary Rocks near Oriole Sunday afternoon Air and Airs Leonard Hall and Harry Cunningham spent Sunday in Chenault Ky also visited Mrs Virginia Meadows I of Cloverport She was the for mer Virginia Cummings daughter of the late Walter Cummings The Home Demonstration Club meeting sat Airs Al art ha I llAAn'r ir Ii aII iiiUndii 3 aa nil amiiuuu Manford Harten made a bus iness trip 10 leu vuy on rues day Mr and Mrs William Hall and daughters and Air ii' fear Dick Smith of Indiana iiinv nf i ntitQvilin Sun 1 lv I Hr I I 1 nr txzr I I niliic fha 1 nzl live S'rii'fnH nvn niniuu an umn W1U1 incu INOUU'N UiS in feeble health and it was lorence Perrot their first i il here in sever Mrs Edward Clutinaer and son Nicky and her sister Miss Donna Ray Knight were at New Albany on business Tues day Sunday night visitors of Mr and Mrs Clutinger and 1 sons were her mother Mrs Elsie Knight and daughters Donna Ray Pam and Patty and Dennis Riddle Mrs Eddie children and Brown vi ited Mr and Mrs end vi)tmg Corlas Ramsey and family' Mrs' Ronnie Sandagewpn Perry County McmoriaMhos pita! recovering from measles? Air and Mrs Robert Earl Schraner visited Mr and Mrs? Tommy Jo Ramsey and: daughter Carol Lynn on riN day night Air and Airs John Coultas and Mr and Russell Bad ll regulations from Mrs A ger have been in VI: Motgomery 2324 Chand i ler Evansville Ind: Phone 476 7892 The upper concourse of the Stadium Will feature booths exhibiting choice merchandise 1 from stores in Evansville and for the first time a side walk cafe The proceeds from the show 1 will bemused to support many civic projects sponsored by the jCounciPof Garden lubs DISTRICT DPUTY TO VISIT ORDER EASTERN STAR NOVEMBER 17 The Order of the Eastern Star will meet Nov '17 at the Masonic Temple in Tell City i are being made to web I come Opal Mae Dceg of Rich land who is serving as district deputy of District One this year The degrees of the Order will be conferred by the officers Mrs Hazel Billingsley will be initiated The Worthy Matron invites all Eastern Star members to attend i Mt Pleasant Home The wedding of Mrs Lura Orentz 848 Thirteenth street Tell City and Charlie Mc innes Mt Pleasant: was quietly solemnized Saturday Nov '6 at wjym at the Ev angelical United Church of Christ The Rev" Henry Lippert thii '(Inutile ring': ceremony be 1 ner Hubert Ramsey and daughters and Mr and Airs BilLVoige man and family Mr and Mrs Rufus Ellis of Grntrvvilte were Sunday after son Charles of' Birdseye Bob Lnooir visitors wf Mrs Blanche noon ihy spi'ni Mr 'TliphnTfl' Dikr npnt thp hnnm hors wirkend with Mr and Mrs Mr and MrsJ Gibson! Doug Burton and asonj? in were in English riday 1 Owensboro Mr Dike was a Sunday dinner guest Sunday dinner guests 1 I Mrs annie Richard were Mr and Mrs Randall crgu i son and daughter Randa Lisa and Mr and Airs Deay Roos Supper were Mr and Mrs Keith Roos and son David A Charles Scherzinger and JqhnJIeld left Monday for Jacksons South Carolina for six inonUistraining with the United States' JN a i 0 a Guards Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Ta klAm on zif Cmilh Ilnmi tnzinr I uivinan vui 'wuiii uviiu several days the past week with Mr and Mrs red rey Mr and Mrs Carl Kennedy of Elberfeld visited Air and Airs GD Bell Sunday Dr and Mrs Arthur Stine of New Castle and Dr and Airs John Vogel of Mt Ver non visited Air and Airs Kennedy and Mr and Mrs Ralph Kennedy Sunday Sunday dinner guests of Air and I Mr and Mrs Jesse Riggle' daughters of Tell City visited Mr and Airs Lawrence Con 1 1 ran a win muh uuujjic nug cei uv Thu ixfogntm will be mfr of special' projects cn fore a group of close friends Safetv and relatives of the couple Pjans have 'been completed for the annual benefit1 card The traditional we in party to be given Thursday evening at (Ike Knights ot oium bqs Home Refresihinents will be served and prizes awarded 'she 'public is invited to attend Mrs Delia Baer president' will preside at the short ses sion MISS RIGA entertained classmates Thurs day evening for a pizza party in the home ofper parents Mr and Mis George Wanhamen The party was to honor AIiss Marian Baker who with her parents Mr and Mrs Bak er and familv North Twelfth street are moving to Louis ville Ky Guests were Atisses Carolyn Cole Angela Mulzcr Cathy McGee Sara Hummel Marilyn Roland Becky Schneid er Shirley Lottes and 'lheda iranzihan ON THURSDAY ATERNOON (today) Mrs Gknn' Engel brecht and Mrs Mildred Roesch will serve as hostesses for a coffee social at the Evangelical United Ciiurih of Christ in ellowship Hall from 2 to 4 pm The public is invited to attend THE MRS JAYCEES will meet Tuesday November 18 at 1 7:30 in the Blue lame Room at the Ohio Valley Gas Company Mrs Bill Goffmct president has announced that after the White Elephant sale that was scheduled for this month the ftion was held from 1 to 3 pm: members Will sack Christmas candy for the Jaycees out at the annual Christmas parade MISS SHARON MLLZER senior at Valparaiso sity Valparaiso and Kenneth Stephens Dayton i Mrs Bill Riddle of Louisville will undergo surgery this ri day morning at St Mary's and Elizabeth hospital Mrs Lloyd James and Janie I at Doolittle Mills Sunday af rakcs of here have employ lernoon mens al at Teil City Mr and Mrs Jasper aulk Miss Louise Busam 2 the was elected' sen ctarj treasur er i Retiring officers are' Atrk Majiel I'aulm Tell City Mrs Anor aiee St ephe son WR 0 me and Mrs Dons Suvlri I' Tobin I A irpyiu UJ IDV Ul'lUHipUMI ments of the association dur 1 Activit ieS Provide ing nie pasi vein whs given The nest meeting of the group has been scheduled for January were Aites Anna the host and hostess Additional guests were Mr and Mrs Clarence Louis Mr and Mrs Warren Dykemin and Carolyn Mrs Clara McCal Jum Airs: Price James Seibert Air and Mrs Walter i Tabelman Kobcil Louts and Miss Nancy Jones of Daytqn Ohio 1 SWEENEY and her aunt Miss rieda Marti left Monday for an extended visit in Palm Beach lor ida MR AND MRS RALPH WERNER were in Greencastle over the veekind where Mr Werner was guest Of his daugh ter Anne a freshman at DePauw University With his daugh icr he attended the Dads' Day activities on than '800 father attended the annual program luncheon of De 1 Pauw University's Assoc ia lionAlfred Stokcly press 'dent and chief operating officer ofStokely Van Gamp Inc India napolis was elected president of the association AIR AND MRS AI RED CLEMENS of Owensboro for merly of Cannehon left the last of October for their home in Phoenix Arizona where they will spend the remainder of the winter and early spring months boro A MRS STANTEY BRUNER rsf ihn TJhltpfl and Mrs Lloyd Engelbrecht vice president Miss Elma Iconics i Set Safely Program rpllE BUSINESS AND PROESSIONAL Women's 1 q(ib will hold its dim nulio is ui 7 th rinr oln Trail cMotel' dining room Christ in Louisville They boarded a chartered bus at Dale carrying 38 women' representing Hie Lincolnia nd Association of Sondiern Indiana A vj1'1 MISS BARBARA BASHAM and Miss Ardrila Mad of Ur bana Ohio spent last Saturday in Tell City visiting Mis Bas partntSj'Mr and Mrs Earl Ress Both girls are seniors at Evansville College MR ANT)' MRS RED ECHTMAN ySouthpoit Ind weie guest of Ms and Mrs Grady Swadlcy last weekend The were here to attend the burning cere monies at EmmanueDIaithcran churclnhcld last Sunday The echimans while liv ingcint Tc Ilf were members of the I ulheran church Mr echtman is' business manager of the Perry Township schools in Marion county MISS CAROLYN DYKEMAN and Miss Donna Taylor cn rand Stephenson's on Satur terfnined at thu home of Miss Dykeman with a kitchen show day was well attended sirs Hunort uamsov er hist Saturday 'aturn nn honoring anss i nyuis spicvi whose marriage to Dennis 1 1 alter wist ne an event or ixovem ko oa ni Ct rhtm The shower gifts and party appointments were carried out in the bride's chosen colors for her wedding pink and white The hostesses were assisted by Mrs Warren Dykeman Miss Dykeman is student at Indiana State University Terre Haute and was spending the weekend at home Mtss Taylor a student at Business College Evansville was also at home for a weekend visit MISSES GLADYS SCHRANER Elaine Adam Nclda Law rence and Evelyn' Gengclbach attended the show Sound of Music in Evansville Sunday afternoon They were entertained with a hoon luncheon by Mrs DL Lashley and son Don the WORLD WAR I auxiliary will meet Monday Novem bcr 15 at 730 pm in the VW Home There will I a social meeting after the regular meeting with the barracks serving doughnuts and coffee MRS MARJORIE ENGLAND Huntingburg District De puty President District No 34 will visit Rebekah Lodges officially in this area She will visit Ohio Rebekah Lodge Cannelton next Tuesday evening November 16 On Satur day November 27 she wul attend the Branchville Lodge last official visit intlic district will be Tuesday Decem ber 7 at Martha Rebekah Lodge Newtonvillc Mrs England began her official visits in the district October 26 at Columbia Rebekah Lodge Tell City ORIOLE By Elsie Kiddle Nov 9 Mr Johnnie Crook and Indianapolis spent oml ivilinif ItiLi nafphf Mr and Mrs John Crookjand son I Mr and Mis Guy Macky and fajpily xif Baoli A isifi them Sunday Mis Ella rakes spent Sun day afternoon visiting her 'sis ter Mrs rank aulkenburg at Branchville Mr and Mis and family: of Temple spent Sunday with his parents Mr and 'Mrs Sam Sturgeon Stanley rakes of Ijiuisville visited his mother Mrs Ella rakes and Mr and Mrs Charles Johnson and daughter on Thursday Severn! from around here attended the funeral of Mrs I Rosie Sturgeon of English Mr and Mrs Sam Sturgeon visited Mr and Mrs Russell Kmeriem and sons Wednesday night at Depauw 8 Mrs lora Smitlcy and Elsie rRiddle were in English riday morning ret a Mrs Ti1 Whitson nf vanbviile spent the uceKeiin visiting her parents Air and Harold Riddle and son Gary Riddle and Ronnie Knicr iein of Alton were Saturday supper4 guests of the Riddles Mr and Mrs Hill Riddle and daughters of Ixnusvdle spent the weekend visiting their par ted uie 4 lay 1 uni OVINI UI cuts Here I 1 tiv1l Saturdav nicht I' 4iinl ittos nfvlfr and Mrs orv a v1 a and son I Schriefer underwent surgery wertf Mr and Mrs Bill Riddle' at tne iicaconess nnspnaiy 111 a Evansville on Wednesday 01 last week We wish her a I speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Dcnni Pen inngKHi neu du uuu Darrell Pennington and fam ily at Evansville Sunday aftcr CLURS Mrs Ralph Zocrcher Mrs uornon Anaerson ana mrs James Campbell won prizes Wednesday evening when Mrs I 1 AlnUnmnil ha pori ylih I To Install Mrs Walter Wittmer will be installed as Regent of the Na tivity Circle Daughters of Isa bella during ceremonies No vember 16 at she Knights Of Coluiiibus Home Aho jo be installed aie the uffueis who will serve with for the coining year They'a'C Mr George Mat tnH iv vice regent Mrs" Dav id Mahoney ecording secre tary Mis' I'arl Etiejtne ii nanCial seeretary AMrs Wil ham Iloffmun treasuier leroy Wil ham monitor Mrs Wilbur Park'r setibe? Others are Mr1 dward Rie ver trustee Ahss Sandra Kes sans chancellor: Mis Her man Peters first guide Mrs Wilma Buntm second guide Mrs August Kames outer guard Mrs Vincent Harpen au inner guard Mrs Clar ence Cronin banner bearer Mrs loyolis Ilodde organist and Mrs Lucille Day custod ian Miss Agnes Goffmct will be U16 installing officer A covered dish supper will be served at 630 in MissAlarv Margaret Pono is chairman of the entertainment committee Serving with her 1 are Mrs nuocn uauuy airs mniz Carl Stuehrk Mrs Thomas O' WtOl sUKK Connor Mrs John Sabellaus a I oi rs 1 om Ls in Mrs njoinas 14Grange and Mrs Andrew Etienne Nov 10 Mrs Paul Engle A practice session for offic 1 man is at the Harrison Colin ers wul be held at 7 pm Mon ty hospital at Corydon a few 1 days for rays and treatment of a back and shoulder inent that has bothered for some time Mrs Raymond Smith stained a broken leg in a in town Sunday morning was taken to Hie doctor at Corydon where her leg was put in a cast airs tvuwarti uuunger Misses Ann Carol Trusty and RitaMIrown ettend wMrstiMogan'w hoiiUMtwas ed the wedding of Miss Wanda and Arthur Kemp at (St John Catholic' church near I Apalona on Saturday morning I Mr and Mrs Clutinger and Bub bturfcon KTnLv I Sunday with her brother Mr and Airs Jimmy Knight at loyd Knobs Jimmy hasn't been very well Mr and Mrs Jimmy New ton and granddaughter Doris of Salem visited Mr and Mrs 1 Tom Lavin Monday morning Ind Professional ch '7 i '44T "a 4 4 I ha a MME I wt A Snqaaccl I.

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The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 5421

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.